4 #ifndef RZ_BIN_PRIVATE_H_
5 #define RZ_BIN_PRIVATE_H_
int bits(struct state *s, int need)
RZ_IPI void rz_bin_class_add_field(RzBinFile *binfile, const char *classname, const char *name)
RZ_IPI RzBinPlugin * rz_bin_get_binplugin_any(RzBin *bin)
RZ_IPI RzBinFile * rz_bin_file_new_from_buffer(RzBin *bin, const char *file, RzBuffer *buf, RzBinObjectLoadOptions *opts, int fd, const char *pluginname)
RZ_IPI RzBinFile * rz_bin_file_find_by_object_id(RzBin *bin, ut32 binobj_id)
RZ_IPI bool rz_bin_file_set_obj(RzBin *bin, RzBinFile *bf, RzBinObject *obj)
RZ_IPI RzBinFile * rz_bin_file_xtr_load_bytes(RzBin *bin, RzBinXtrPlugin *xtr, const char *filename, const ut8 *bytes, ut64 sz, ut64 file_sz, ut64 baseaddr, ut64 loadaddr, int idx, int fd)
RZ_IPI ut64 rz_bin_object_get_baddr(RzBinObject *o)
RZ_IPI RzBinPlugin * rz_bin_get_binplugin_by_name(RzBin *bin, const char *name)
RZ_IPI RzBinPlugin * rz_bin_get_binplugin_by_filename(RzBin *bin)
RZ_IPI void rz_bin_class_free(RzBinClass *c)
RZ_IPI RzBinObject * rz_bin_object_get_cur(RzBin *bin)
RZ_IPI RzBinObject * rz_bin_object_new(RzBinFile *binfile, RzBinPlugin *plugin, RzBinObjectLoadOptions *opts, ut64 offset, ut64 sz)
RZ_IPI RzBinSymbol * rz_bin_class_add_method(RzBinFile *binfile, const char *classname, const char *name, int nargs)
RZ_IPI RzBinFile * rz_bin_file_new(RzBin *bin, const char *file, ut64 file_sz, int fd, const char *xtrname, bool steal_ptr)
RZ_IPI RZ_OWN char * rz_bin_file_golang_compiler(RZ_NONNULL RzBinFile *binfile)
Returns the golang compiler info if buildinfo struct is found.
RZ_IPI void rz_bin_object_free(RzBinObject *o)
RZ_IPI RzBinFile * rz_bin_file_xtr_load_buffer(RzBin *bin, RzBinXtrPlugin *xtr, const char *filename, RzBuffer *buf, RzBinObjectLoadOptions *obj_opts, int idx, int fd)
RZ_IPI RzBinObject * rz_bin_file_object_find_by_id(RzBinFile *binfile, ut32 binobj_id)
RZ_IPI bool rz_bin_file_set_bytes(RzBinFile *binfile, const ut8 *bytes, ut64 sz, bool steal_ptr)
RZ_IPI RzBinXtrPlugin * rz_bin_get_xtrplugin_by_name(RzBin *bin, const char *name)
RZ_IPI RzBinObject * rz_bin_object_find_by_arch_bits(RzBinFile *binfile, const char *arch, int bits, const char *name)
XX curplugin == o->plugin.
RzList * list
Contains all the strings in list form.
HtUP * virt
Contains all the strings but mapped by virtual address.
HtUP * phys
Contains all the strings but mapped by physical address.
ut64(WINAPI *w32_GetEnabledXStateFeatures)()
static const z80_opcode fd[]