unix-like reverse engineering framework and cli tools
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 // SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 RizinOrg <info@rizin.re>
2 // SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 deroad <wargio@libero.it>
3 // SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-only
60 #include <rz_diff.h>
61 #include <rz_util.h>
63 #include <ht_pp.h>
64 #include <ht_uu.h>
66 #define NUM2PTR(x) ((void *)(intptr_t)(x))
67 #define PTR2NUM(x) ((intptr_t)(void *)(x))
69 RZ_LIB_VERSION(rz_diff);
71 typedef struct block_t {
78 typedef void (*RzDiffMethodFree)(const void *array);
80 typedef struct methods_internal_t {
89 struct rz_diff_t {
90  const void *a;
91  const void *b;
94  HtPP *b_hits;
96 };
104  ut32 h = 5381;
105  if (!buffer || !size) {
106  return h;
107  }
108  for (ut32 i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
109  h = (h + (h << 5)) ^ buffer[i];
110  }
111  return h;
112 }
114 static ut32 default_ksize(const void *a) {
115  return sizeof(ut32);
116 }
118 static bool fake_ignore(const void *value) {
119  return false;
120 }
122 #include "bytes_diff.c"
123 #include "lines_diff.c"
124 #include "unified_diff.c"
126 static bool set_a(RzDiff *diff, const void *a, ut32 a_size) {
127  rz_return_val_if_fail(a, false);
129  diff->a = a;
130  diff->a_size = a_size;
131  return true;
132 }
134 static void free_hits(HtPPKv *kv) {
135  rz_list_free(kv->value);
136 }
138 static bool set_b(RzDiff *diff, const void *b, ut32 b_size) {
139  rz_return_val_if_fail(b && diff->methods.elem_at && diff->methods.elem_hash && diff->methods.compare && diff->methods.ignore, false);
141  diff->b = b;
142  diff->b_size = b_size;
144  RzList *list = NULL;
145  RzDiffMethodElemAt elem_at = diff->methods.elem_at;
146  RzDiffMethodIgnore ignore = diff->methods.ignore;
148  /* we need to generate the hits list for B */
149  ht_pp_free(diff->b_hits);
150  diff->b_hits = ht_pp_new(NULL, free_hits, NULL);
151  diff->b_hits->opt.cmp /* */ = diff->methods.compare;
152  diff->b_hits->opt.calcsizeK = default_ksize;
153  diff->b_hits->opt.dupkey /* */ = NULL; // avoid to duplicate key
154  diff->b_hits->opt.hashfn /* */ = diff->methods.elem_hash;
156  for (ut64 i = 0; i < diff->b_size; ++i) {
157  const void *elem = elem_at(diff->b, i);
158  if (ignore && ignore(elem)) {
159  continue;
160  }
162  list = ht_pp_find(diff->b_hits, elem, NULL);
163  if (!list) {
165  if (!list) {
166  RZ_LOG_ERROR("rz_diff_set_b: cannot allocate list\n");
167  return false;
168  }
169  ht_pp_insert(diff->b_hits, elem, list);
170  }
172  if (!rz_list_append(list, NUM2PTR(i))) {
173  RZ_LOG_ERROR("rz_diff_set_b: cannot append index to list\n");
174  return false;
175  }
176  }
178  return true;
179 }
191  RzDiff *diff = RZ_NEW0(RzDiff);
192  if (!diff) {
193  return NULL;
194  }
196  diff->methods = methods_bytes;
197  if (ignore) {
198  diff->methods.ignore = (RzDiffMethodIgnore)ignore;
199  }
201  if (!set_a(diff, a, a_size)) {
202  rz_diff_free(diff);
203  return NULL;
204  }
205  if (!set_b(diff, b, b_size)) {
206  rz_diff_free(diff);
207  return NULL;
208  }
209  return diff;
210 }
222  RzDiff *diff = RZ_NEW0(RzDiff);
223  if (!diff) {
224  return NULL;
225  }
227  RzList *a_lines = tokenize_lines(a);
228  RzList *b_lines = tokenize_lines(b);
229  if (!a_lines || !b_lines) {
230  rz_list_free(a_lines);
231  rz_list_free(b_lines);
232  free(diff);
233  return NULL;
234  }
236  diff->methods = methods_lines;
238  if (ignore) {
239  diff->methods.ignore = (RzDiffMethodIgnore)ignore;
240  }
242  if (!set_a(diff, a_lines, rz_list_length(a_lines))) {
243  rz_diff_free(diff);
244  return NULL;
245  }
246  if (!set_b(diff, b_lines, rz_list_length(b_lines))) {
247  rz_diff_free(diff);
248  return NULL;
249  }
250  return diff;
251 }
259 RZ_API RZ_OWN RzDiff *rz_diff_generic_new(RZ_BORROW const void *a, ut32 a_size, RZ_BORROW const void *b, ut32 b_size, RZ_NONNULL RzDiffMethods *methods) {
260  rz_return_val_if_fail(a && b && methods && methods->elem_at && methods->elem_hash && methods->compare && methods->stringify, NULL);
262  RzDiff *diff = RZ_NEW0(RzDiff);
263  if (!diff) {
264  return NULL;
265  }
267  diff->methods.free = NULL;
268  diff->methods.elem_at = methods->elem_at;
269  diff->methods.elem_hash = methods->elem_hash;
270  diff->methods.compare = methods->compare;
271  diff->methods.stringify = methods->stringify;
273  if (methods->ignore) {
274  diff->methods.ignore = methods->ignore;
275  } else {
276  diff->methods.ignore = fake_ignore;
277  }
279  if (!set_a(diff, a, a_size)) {
280  rz_diff_free(diff);
281  return NULL;
282  }
283  if (!set_b(diff, b, b_size)) {
284  rz_diff_free(diff);
285  return NULL;
286  }
287  return diff;
288 }
296  if (!diff) {
297  return;
298  }
299  if (diff->methods.free) {
300  diff->methods.free(diff->a);
301  diff->methods.free(diff->b);
302  }
303  ht_pp_free(diff->b_hits);
304  free(diff);
305 }
314  return diff->a;
315 }
324  return diff->b;
325 }
327 static inline bool stack_append_block(RzList *stack, ut32 a_low, ut32 a_hi, ut32 b_low, ut32 b_hi) {
328  Block *block = RZ_NEW0(Block);
329  if (!block) {
330  return false;
331  }
333  block->a_low = a_low;
334  block->a_hi = a_hi;
335  block->b_low = b_low;
336  block->b_hi = b_hi;
337  if (!rz_list_append(stack, block)) {
338  free(block);
339  return false;
340  }
341  return true;
342 }
346  if (!match) {
347  return NULL;
348  }
350  match->a = a;
351  match->b = b;
352  match->size = size;
353  return match;
354 }
356 static RzDiffMatch *find_longest_match(RzDiff *diff, Block *block) {
357  rz_return_val_if_fail(diff && diff->methods.elem_at && diff->methods.compare && diff->methods.ignore, false);
358  RzList *list = NULL;
359  RzListIter *it = NULL;
361  HtUU *tmp = NULL;
362  HtUU *len_map = NULL;
363  void *pnum = NULL;
364  const ut8 *a = diff->a;
365  const ut8 *b = diff->b;
366  const void *elem_a = NULL;
367  const void *elem_b = NULL;
368  RzDiffMethodIgnore ignore = diff->methods.ignore;
369  RzDiffMethodElemAt elem_at = diff->methods.elem_at;
372  ut32 a_low = block->a_low;
373  ut32 a_hi = block->a_hi;
374  ut32 b_low = block->b_low;
375  ut32 b_hi = block->b_hi;
377  ut32 hit_a = a_low;
378  ut32 hit_b = b_low;
379  ut32 hit_size = 0;
381  len_map = ht_uu_new0();
382  if (!len_map) {
383  RZ_LOG_ERROR("find_longest_match: cannot allocate len_map\n");
384  goto find_longest_match_fail;
385  }
387  for (ut32 a_pos = a_low; a_pos < a_hi; ++a_pos) {
388  elem_a = elem_at(a, a_pos);
389  tmp = ht_uu_new0();
390  if (!tmp) {
391  RZ_LOG_ERROR("find_longest_match: cannot allocate tmp\n");
392  goto find_longest_match_fail;
393  }
395  list = ht_pp_find(diff->b_hits, elem_a, NULL);
396  rz_list_foreach (list, it, pnum) {
397  ut64 b_pos = PTR2NUM(pnum);
398  if (b_pos < b_low) {
399  continue;
400  } else if (b_pos >= b_hi) {
401  break;
402  }
403  ut32 len = ht_uu_find(len_map, b_pos - 1, NULL) + 1;
404  ht_uu_insert(tmp, b_pos, len);
405  if (len > hit_size) {
406  hit_a = a_pos - len + 1;
407  hit_b = b_pos - len + 1;
408  hit_size = len;
409  }
410  }
412  ht_uu_free(len_map);
413  len_map = tmp;
414  tmp = NULL;
415  }
417  // Now let's handle the without the ignored chars.
418  while (hit_a > a_low && hit_b > b_low) {
419  elem_a = elem_at(a, hit_a - 1);
420  elem_b = elem_at(b, hit_b - 1);
421  if (ignore(elem_b) || compare(elem_a, elem_b)) {
422  break;
423  }
424  hit_a--;
425  hit_b--;
426  hit_size++;
427  }
429  while (hit_a + hit_size < a_hi && hit_b + hit_size < b_hi) {
430  elem_a = elem_at(a, hit_a + hit_size);
431  elem_b = elem_at(b, hit_b + hit_size);
432  if (ignore(elem_b) || compare(elem_a, elem_b)) {
433  break;
434  }
435  hit_size++;
436  }
438  // Now let's handle the ignored chars.
439  while (hit_a > a_low && hit_b > b_low) {
440  elem_a = elem_at(a, hit_a - 1);
441  elem_b = elem_at(b, hit_b - 1);
442  if (!ignore(elem_b) || compare(elem_a, elem_b)) {
443  break;
444  }
445  hit_a--;
446  hit_b--;
447  hit_size++;
448  }
450  while (hit_a + hit_size < a_hi && hit_b + hit_size < b_hi) {
451  elem_a = elem_at(a, hit_a + hit_size);
452  elem_b = elem_at(b, hit_b + hit_size);
453  if (!ignore(elem_b) || compare(elem_a, elem_b)) {
454  break;
455  }
456  hit_size++;
457  }
459  match = match_new(hit_a, hit_b, hit_size);
460  if (!match) {
461  RZ_LOG_ERROR("find_longest_match: cannot allocate RzDiffMatch\n");
462  goto find_longest_match_fail;
463  }
465  ht_uu_free(len_map);
466  return match;
468 find_longest_match_fail:
469  ht_uu_free(tmp);
470  ht_uu_free(len_map);
471  return NULL;
472 }
474 static int cmp_matches(RzDiffMatch *m0, RzDiffMatch *m1) {
475  if (m0->a > m1->a) {
476  return 1;
477  } else if (m0->a < m1->a) {
478  return -1;
479  } else if (m0->b > m1->b) {
480  return 1;
481  } else if (m0->b < m1->b) {
482  return -1;
483  } else if (m0->size > m1->size) {
484  return 1;
485  } else if (m0->size < m1->size) {
486  return -1;
487  }
488  return 0;
489 }
499  RzList *stack = NULL;
500  RzList *matches = NULL;
501  RzList *non_adjacent = NULL;
502  RzListIter *it = NULL;
503  Block *block = NULL;
505  ut32 adj_a = 0, adj_b = 0, adj_size = 0;
507  matches = rz_list_newf((RzListFree)free);
508  if (!matches) {
509  RZ_LOG_ERROR("rz_diff_matches_new: cannot allocate matches\n");
510  goto rz_diff_matches_new_fail;
511  }
512  non_adjacent = rz_list_newf((RzListFree)free);
513  if (!matches) {
514  RZ_LOG_ERROR("rz_diff_matches_new: cannot allocate non_adjacent\n");
515  goto rz_diff_matches_new_fail;
516  }
519  if (!stack) {
520  RZ_LOG_ERROR("rz_diff_matches_new: cannot allocate stack\n");
521  goto rz_diff_matches_new_fail;
522  }
524  if (!stack_append_block(stack, 0, diff->a_size, 0, diff->b_size)) {
525  RZ_LOG_ERROR("rz_diff_matches_new: cannot append initial block "
526  "into stack\n");
527  goto rz_diff_matches_new_fail;
528  }
530  while (rz_list_length(stack) > 0) {
531  block = (Block *)rz_list_pop(stack);
532  match = find_longest_match(diff, block);
533  if (!match) {
534  continue;
535  }
537  if (match->size > 0) {
538  if (!rz_list_append(matches, match)) {
539  RZ_LOG_ERROR("rz_diff_matches_new: cannot append match into matches\n");
540  free(match);
541  goto rz_diff_matches_new_fail;
542  }
543  if (block->a_low < match->a && block->b_low < match->b) {
544  if (!stack_append_block(stack, block->a_low, match->a, block->b_low, match->b)) {
545  RZ_LOG_ERROR("rz_diff_matches_new: cannot append low block into stack\n");
546  goto rz_diff_matches_new_fail;
547  }
548  }
549  if (match->a + match->size < block->a_hi && match->b + match->size < block->b_hi) {
550  if (!stack_append_block(stack, match->a + match->size, block->a_hi, match->b + match->size, block->b_hi)) {
551  RZ_LOG_ERROR("rz_diff_matches_new: cannot append high block into stack\n");
552  goto rz_diff_matches_new_fail;
553  }
554  }
555  } else {
556  free(match);
557  }
558  free(block);
559  }
562  adj_a = 0;
563  adj_b = 0;
564  adj_size = 0;
565  rz_list_foreach (matches, it, match) {
566  if ((adj_a + adj_size) == match->a && (adj_b + adj_size) == match->b) {
567  adj_size += match->size;
568  } else {
569  RzDiffMatch *m = adj_size ? match_new(adj_a, adj_b, adj_size) : NULL;
570  if (adj_size && (!m || !rz_list_append(non_adjacent, m))) {
571  RZ_LOG_ERROR("rz_diff_matches_new: cannot append match into non_adjacent\n");
572  free(m);
573  goto rz_diff_matches_new_fail;
574  }
575  adj_a = match->a;
576  adj_b = match->b;
577  adj_size = match->size;
578  }
579  }
580  match = adj_size ? match_new(adj_a, adj_b, adj_size) : NULL;
581  if (adj_size && (!match || !rz_list_append(non_adjacent, match))) {
582  RZ_LOG_ERROR("rz_diff_matches_new: cannot append match into non_adjacent\n");
583  free(match);
584  goto rz_diff_matches_new_fail;
585  }
587  match = match_new(diff->a_size, diff->b_size, 0);
588  if (!match || !rz_list_append(non_adjacent, match)) {
589  RZ_LOG_ERROR("rz_diff_matches_new: cannot append match into non_adjacent\n");
590  free(match);
591  goto rz_diff_matches_new_fail;
592  }
594  rz_list_free(matches);
596  return non_adjacent;
598 rz_diff_matches_new_fail:
599  rz_list_free(non_adjacent);
600  rz_list_free(matches);
602  return NULL;
603 }
605 static RzDiffOp *opcode_new(RzDiffOpType type, st32 a_beg, st32 a_end, st32 b_beg, st32 b_end) {
607  if (!op) {
608  return NULL;
609  }
610  op->type = type;
611  op->a_beg = a_beg;
612  op->a_end = a_end;
613  op->b_beg = b_beg;
614  op->b_end = b_end;
615  return op;
616 }
618 static void opcode_set(RzDiffOp *op, RzDiffOpType type, st32 a_beg, st32 a_end, st32 b_beg, st32 b_end) {
619  op->type = type;
620  op->a_beg = a_beg;
621  op->a_end = a_end;
622  op->b_beg = b_beg;
623  op->b_end = b_end;
624 }
633  ut32 a = 0, b = 0;
635  RzDiffOp *op = NULL;
637  RzListIter *it = NULL;
638  RzList *matches = NULL;
639  RzList *opcodes = NULL;
641  matches = rz_diff_matches_new(diff);
642  if (!matches) {
643  goto rz_diff_opcodes_new_fail;
644  }
647  if (!opcodes) {
648  RZ_LOG_ERROR("rz_diff_opcodes_new: cannot allocate opcodes\n");
649  goto rz_diff_opcodes_new_fail;
650  }
652  a = 0;
653  b = 0;
654  rz_list_foreach (matches, it, match) {
657  if (a < match->a && b < match->b) {
659  } else if (a < match->a) {
661  } else if (b < match->b) {
663  }
665  if (type != RZ_DIFF_OP_INVALID) {
666  op = opcode_new(type, a, match->a, b, match->b);
667  if (!op) {
668  RZ_LOG_ERROR("rz_diff_opcodes_new: cannot allocate op\n");
669  goto rz_diff_opcodes_new_fail;
670  } else if (!rz_list_append(opcodes, op)) {
671  RZ_LOG_ERROR("rz_diff_opcodes_new: cannot append op into opcodes\n");
672  free(op);
673  goto rz_diff_opcodes_new_fail;
674  }
675  }
676  a = match->a + match->size;
677  b = match->b + match->size;
679  if (match->size > 0) {
680  op = opcode_new(RZ_DIFF_OP_EQUAL, match->a, a, match->b, b);
681  if (!op) {
682  RZ_LOG_ERROR("rz_diff_opcodes_new: cannot allocate op\n");
683  goto rz_diff_opcodes_new_fail;
684  } else if (!rz_list_append(opcodes, op)) {
685  RZ_LOG_ERROR("rz_diff_opcodes_new: cannot append op into opcodes\n");
686  free(op);
687  goto rz_diff_opcodes_new_fail;
688  }
689  }
690  }
692  rz_list_free(matches);
693  return opcodes;
695 rz_diff_opcodes_new_fail:
696  rz_list_free(matches);
698  return NULL;
699 }
701 static void group_op_free(RzList *ops) {
702  rz_list_free(ops);
703 }
712 RZ_API RZ_OWN RzList /*<RzList<RzDiffOp *> *>*/ *rz_diff_opcodes_grouped_new(RZ_NONNULL RzDiff *diff, ut32 n_groups) {
713  rz_return_val_if_fail(diff && n_groups > 1, NULL);
714  RzDiffOp *op = NULL;
715  RzListIter *it = NULL;
716  RzList *group = NULL;
717  RzList *groups = NULL;
718  RzList *opcodes = NULL;
719  st32 a_beg = 0, b_beg = 0, max_groups = 0;
721  max_groups = n_groups << 1;
724  if (!groups) {
725  RZ_LOG_ERROR("rz_diff_opcodes_grouped_new: cannot allocate groups\n");
726  goto rz_diff_opcodes_grouped_new_fail;
727  }
730  if (!opcodes) {
731  goto rz_diff_opcodes_grouped_new_fail;
732  }
734  if (rz_list_length(opcodes) < 1) {
735  op = opcode_new(RZ_DIFF_OP_EQUAL, 0, 1, 0, 1);
736  if (!op) {
737  RZ_LOG_ERROR("rz_diff_opcodes_grouped_new: cannot allocate op for opcodes\n");
738  goto rz_diff_opcodes_grouped_new_fail;
739  } else if (!rz_list_append(opcodes, op)) {
740  RZ_LOG_ERROR("rz_diff_opcodes_grouped_new: cannot append op into opcodes\n");
741  free(op);
742  goto rz_diff_opcodes_grouped_new_fail;
743  }
744  }
747  if (op->type == RZ_DIFF_OP_EQUAL) {
748  opcode_set(op, op->type, RZ_MAX(op->a_beg, op->a_end - n_groups), op->a_end, RZ_MAX(op->b_beg, op->b_end - n_groups), op->b_end);
749  }
752  if (op->type == RZ_DIFF_OP_EQUAL) {
753  opcode_set(op, op->type, op->a_beg, RZ_MIN(op->a_end, op->a_beg + n_groups), op->b_beg, RZ_MIN(op->b_end, op->b_beg + n_groups));
754  }
756  group = rz_list_newf((RzListFree)free);
757  if (!group) {
758  RZ_LOG_ERROR("rz_diff_opcodes_grouped_new: cannot allocate group\n");
759  goto rz_diff_opcodes_grouped_new_fail;
760  }
762  rz_list_foreach (opcodes, it, op) {
763  a_beg = op->a_beg;
764  b_beg = op->b_beg;
766  if (op->type == RZ_DIFF_OP_EQUAL && (op->a_end - a_beg) > max_groups) {
767  // append the last op of the group, append group to groups and create a new group.
768  RzDiffOp *op2 = opcode_new(RZ_DIFF_OP_EQUAL, a_beg, RZ_MIN(op->a_end, a_beg + n_groups), b_beg, RZ_MIN(op->b_end, b_beg + n_groups));
769  if (!op2) {
770  RZ_LOG_ERROR("rz_diff_opcodes_grouped_new: cannot allocate op for group\n");
771  goto rz_diff_opcodes_grouped_new_fail;
772  } else if (!rz_list_append(group, op2)) {
773  RZ_LOG_ERROR("rz_diff_opcodes_grouped_new: cannot append op into group\n");
774  free(op2);
775  goto rz_diff_opcodes_grouped_new_fail;
776  } else if (!rz_list_append(groups, group)) {
777  RZ_LOG_ERROR("rz_diff_opcodes_grouped_new: cannot append group into groups\n");
778  rz_list_free(group);
779  goto rz_diff_opcodes_grouped_new_fail;
780  }
782  group = rz_list_newf((RzListFree)free);
783  if (!group) {
784  RZ_LOG_ERROR("rz_diff_opcodes_grouped_new: cannot allocate new group\n");
785  goto rz_diff_opcodes_grouped_new_fail;
786  }
787  a_beg = RZ_MAX(a_beg, op->a_end - n_groups);
788  b_beg = RZ_MAX(b_beg, op->b_end - n_groups);
789  }
791  op = opcode_new(op->type, a_beg, op->a_end, b_beg, op->b_end);
792  if (!op) {
793  rz_list_free(group);
794  RZ_LOG_ERROR("rz_diff_opcodes_grouped_new: cannot allocate op for group\n");
795  goto rz_diff_opcodes_grouped_new_fail;
796  } else if (!rz_list_append(group, op)) {
797  RZ_LOG_ERROR("rz_diff_opcodes_grouped_new: cannot append op into group\n");
798  free(op);
799  rz_list_free(group);
800  goto rz_diff_opcodes_grouped_new_fail;
801  }
802  }
805  if (!(rz_list_length(opcodes) == 1 && op->type == RZ_DIFF_OP_EQUAL)) {
806  if (!rz_list_append(groups, group)) {
807  RZ_LOG_ERROR("rz_diff_opcodes_grouped_new: cannot append group into groups\n");
808  rz_list_free(group);
809  goto rz_diff_opcodes_grouped_new_fail;
810  }
811  } else {
812  rz_list_free(group);
813  }
816  return groups;
818 rz_diff_opcodes_grouped_new_fail:
821  return NULL;
822 }
831 RZ_API bool rz_diff_ratio(RZ_NONNULL RzDiff *diff, RZ_NONNULL double *result) {
832  rz_return_val_if_fail(diff && result, false);
833  RzList *matches = NULL;
835  RzListIter *it = NULL;
836  ut32 hits = 0;
838  matches = rz_diff_matches_new(diff);
839  if (!matches) {
840  return false;
841  }
842  rz_list_foreach (matches, it, match) {
843  hits += match->size;
844  }
845  rz_list_free(matches);
847  /* simple cast to avoid math issues */
848  double d_hits = hits;
849  double d_size = diff->a_size + diff->b_size;
850  if (d_size > 0.0) {
851  *result = (2.0 * d_hits) / d_size;
852  } else {
853  *result = 1.0;
854  }
855  return true;
856 }
866  rz_return_val_if_fail(diff && result, false);
868  /* simple cast to avoid math issues */
869  double d_hits = RZ_MIN(diff->a_size, diff->b_size);
870  double d_size = diff->a_size + diff->b_size;
871  if (d_size > 0.0) {
872  *result = (2.0 * d_hits) / d_size;
873  } else {
874  *result = 1.0;
875  }
876  return true;
877 }
size_t len
Definition: 6502dis.c:15
static struct @29 ops[]
ut8 op
Definition: 6502dis.c:13
lzma_index ** i
Definition: index.h:629
OPCODE_DESC opcodes[]
Definition: avr_esil.c:1270
static const MethodsInternal methods_bytes
Definition: bytes_diff.c:24
static int value
Definition: cmd_api.c:93
#define RZ_API
#define NULL
Definition: cris-opc.c:27
uint32_t ut32
static int cmp_matches(RzDiffMatch *m0, RzDiffMatch *m1)
Definition: diff.c:474
static bool set_b(RzDiff *diff, const void *b, ut32 b_size)
Definition: diff.c:138
static void opcode_set(RzDiffOp *op, RzDiffOpType type, st32 a_beg, st32 a_end, st32 b_beg, st32 b_end)
Definition: diff.c:618
RZ_API RZ_OWN RzDiff * rz_diff_generic_new(RZ_BORROW const void *a, ut32 a_size, RZ_BORROW const void *b, ut32 b_size, RZ_NONNULL RzDiffMethods *methods)
Returns the structure needed to diff arrays of user defined types.
Definition: diff.c:259
RZ_API RZ_BORROW const void * rz_diff_get_b(RZ_NONNULL RzDiff *diff)
returns the pointer of the B array that passed to rz_diff_XXX_new()
Definition: diff.c:322
#define NUM2PTR(x)
Definition: diff.c:66
RZ_API RZ_OWN RzList * rz_diff_opcodes_new(RZ_NONNULL RzDiff *diff)
Generates a list of steps needed to go from A to B.
Definition: diff.c:631
static RzDiffMatch * match_new(ut32 a, ut32 b, ut32 size)
Definition: diff.c:344
RZ_API ut32 rz_diff_hash_data(RZ_NULLABLE const ut8 *buffer, ut32 size)
Calculates the hash of any given data.
Definition: diff.c:103
RZ_API RZ_BORROW const void * rz_diff_get_a(RZ_NONNULL RzDiff *diff)
returns the pointer of the A array that passed to rz_diff_XXX_new()
Definition: diff.c:312
static bool stack_append_block(RzList *stack, ut32 a_low, ut32 a_hi, ut32 b_low, ut32 b_hi)
Definition: diff.c:327
static void group_op_free(RzList *ops)
Definition: diff.c:701
RZ_API RZ_OWN RzList * rz_diff_matches_new(RZ_NONNULL RzDiff *diff)
generates a list of matching blocks
Definition: diff.c:497
#define PTR2NUM(x)
Definition: diff.c:67
static ut32 default_ksize(const void *a)
Definition: diff.c:114
static bool fake_ignore(const void *value)
Definition: diff.c:118
struct methods_internal_t MethodsInternal
RZ_API bool rz_diff_sizes_ratio(RZ_NONNULL RzDiff *diff, RZ_NONNULL double *result)
Calculates the size ratio between A and B.
Definition: diff.c:865
static RzDiffMatch * find_longest_match(RzDiff *diff, Block *block)
Definition: diff.c:356
struct block_t Block
void(* RzDiffMethodFree)(const void *array)
Definition: diff.c:78
RZ_API bool rz_diff_ratio(RZ_NONNULL RzDiff *diff, RZ_NONNULL double *result)
Calculates the similarity ratio between A and B.
Definition: diff.c:831
RZ_API RZ_OWN RzDiff * rz_diff_lines_new(RZ_BORROW const char *a, RZ_BORROW const char *b, RZ_NULLABLE RzDiffIgnoreLine ignore)
Returns the structure needed to diff lines.
Definition: diff.c:219
static RzDiffOp * opcode_new(RzDiffOpType type, st32 a_beg, st32 a_end, st32 b_beg, st32 b_end)
Definition: diff.c:605
RZ_API RZ_OWN RzDiff * rz_diff_bytes_new(RZ_BORROW const ut8 *a, ut32 a_size, RZ_BORROW const ut8 *b, ut32 b_size, RZ_NULLABLE RzDiffIgnoreByte ignore)
Returns the structure needed to diff buffers of ut8.
Definition: diff.c:188
static void free_hits(HtPPKv *kv)
Definition: diff.c:134
RZ_API RZ_OWN RzList * rz_diff_opcodes_grouped_new(RZ_NONNULL RzDiff *diff, ut32 n_groups)
Generates groups of opcodes needed to go from A to B.
Definition: diff.c:712
static bool set_a(RzDiff *diff, const void *a, ut32 a_size)
Definition: diff.c:126
RZ_API void rz_diff_free(RZ_NULLABLE RzDiff *diff)
frees the diff structure
Definition: diff.c:295
unsigned char match[65280+2]
Definition: gun.c:165
RZ_API void Ht_() free(HtName_(Ht) *ht)
Definition: ht_inc.c:130
voidpf void uLong size
Definition: ioapi.h:138
uint8_t ut8
Definition: lh5801.h:11
static int compare(const char *s1, const char *s2, int l1, int l2)
Definition: chmd.c:864
static void list(RzEgg *egg)
Definition: rz-gg.c:52
RZ_API RZ_OWN RzList * rz_list_newf(RzListFree f)
Returns a new initialized RzList pointer and sets the free method.
Definition: list.c:248
RZ_API RZ_OWN void * rz_list_pop(RZ_NONNULL RzList *list)
Removes and returns the last element of the list.
Definition: list.c:376
RZ_API void rz_list_sort(RZ_NONNULL RzList *list, RZ_NONNULL RzListComparator cmp)
Sorts via merge sort or via insertion sort a list.
Definition: list.c:743
RZ_API RZ_BORROW void * rz_list_first(RZ_NONNULL const RzList *list)
Returns the first element of the list.
Definition: list.c:77
RZ_API RZ_BORROW void * rz_list_last(RZ_NONNULL const RzList *list)
Returns the last element of the list.
Definition: list.c:86
RZ_API ut32 rz_list_length(RZ_NONNULL const RzList *list)
Returns the length of the list.
Definition: list.c:109
RZ_API RZ_BORROW RzListIter * rz_list_append(RZ_NONNULL RzList *list, void *data)
Appends at the end of the list a new element.
Definition: list.c:288
RZ_API void rz_list_free(RZ_NONNULL RzList *list)
Empties the list and frees the list pointer.
Definition: list.c:137
static const MethodsInternal methods_lines
Definition: lines_diff.c:70
static RzList * tokenize_lines(const char *string)
Definition: lines_diff.c:8
int type
Definition: mipsasm.c:17
#define rz_return_val_if_fail(expr, val)
Definition: rz_assert.h:108
const void *(* RzDiffMethodElemAt)(RZ_BORROW const void *array, ut32 index)
Definition: rz_diff.h:36
ut32(* RzDiffMethodElemHash)(RZ_BORROW const void *elem)
Definition: rz_diff.h:37
Definition: rz_diff.h:20
Definition: rz_diff.h:24
Definition: rz_diff.h:21
Definition: rz_diff.h:22
Definition: rz_diff.h:23
bool(* RzDiffMethodIgnore)(RZ_BORROW const void *elem)
Definition: rz_diff.h:39
bool(* RzDiffIgnoreLine)(RZ_BORROW const char *line)
Definition: rz_diff.h:68
void(* RzDiffMethodStringify)(RZ_BORROW const void *elem, RZ_BORROW RzStrBuf *sb)
Definition: rz_diff.h:40
int(* RzDiffMethodCompare)(RZ_BORROW const void *a_elem, RZ_BORROW const void *b_elem)
Definition: rz_diff.h:38
bool(* RzDiffIgnoreByte)(const ut64 byte)
Definition: rz_diff.h:67
enum rz_diff_op_type_t RzDiffOpType
void(* RzListFree)(void *ptr)
Definition: rz_list.h:11
int(* RzListComparator)(const void *value, const void *list_data)
Definition: rz_list.h:33
#define RZ_LOG_ERROR(fmtstr,...)
Definition: rz_log.h:58
Definition: rz_types.h:65
#define RZ_OWN
Definition: rz_types.h:62
#define RZ_NEW0(x)
Definition: rz_types.h:284
#define RZ_NONNULL
Definition: rz_types.h:64
#define RZ_BORROW
Definition: rz_types.h:63
#define RZ_MIN(x, y)
#define RZ_MAX(x, y)
#define st32
Definition: rz_types_base.h:12
#define b(i)
Definition: sha256.c:42
#define a(i)
Definition: sha256.c:41
#define h(i)
Definition: sha256.c:48
Definition: diff.c:71
ut32 b_low
Definition: diff.c:74
ut32 b_hi
Definition: diff.c:75
ut32 a_low
Definition: diff.c:72
ut32 a_hi
Definition: diff.c:73
Definition: buffer.h:15
ut32 b
Definition: rz_diff.h:63
ut32 size
Definition: rz_diff.h:64
ut32 a
Definition: rz_diff.h:62
Definition: engine.c:71
RzDiffMethodIgnore ignore
Definition: diff.c:84
RzDiffMethodElemAt elem_at
Definition: diff.c:81
RzDiffMethodStringify stringify
Definition: diff.c:85
RzDiffMethodElemHash elem_hash
Definition: diff.c:82
RzDiffMethodFree free
Definition: diff.c:86
RzDiffMethodCompare compare
Definition: diff.c:83
Definition: diff.c:89
MethodsInternal methods
Definition: diff.c:95
HtPP * b_hits
Definition: diff.c:94
ut32 b_size
Definition: diff.c:93
const void * a
Definition: diff.c:90
ut32 a_size
Definition: diff.c:92
const void * b
Definition: diff.c:91
Definition: z80asm.h:140
Definition: dis.c:32
ut64(WINAPI *w32_GetEnabledXStateFeatures)()