unix-like reverse engineering framework and cli tools
asn1.c File Reference
#include <rz_util.h>
#include <rz_cons.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

Go to the source code of this file.


RZ_API void asn1_setformat (int fmt)
static ut32 asn1_ber_indefinite (const ut8 *buffer, ut32 length)
static RASN1Objectasn1_parse_header (const ut8 *buffer, ut32 length, const ut8 *start_pointer)
static ut32 rz_asn1_count_objects (const ut8 *buffer, ut32 length)
RZ_API RASN1Objectrz_asn1_create_object (const ut8 *buffer, ut32 length, const ut8 *start_pointer)
RZ_API RASN1Binaryrz_asn1_create_binary (const ut8 *buffer, ut32 length)
RZ_API void rz_asn1_print_hex (RASN1Object *object, char *buffer, ut32 size, ut32 depth)
static void rz_asn1_print_padded (RzStrBuf *sb, RASN1Object *object, int depth, const char *k, const char *v)
static RASN1Stringrz_asn1_print_hexdump_padded (RASN1Object *object, ut32 depth)
RZ_API char * rz_asn1_to_string (RASN1Object *object, ut32 depth, RzStrBuf *sb)
RZ_API void rz_asn1_free_object (RASN1Object *object)
RZ_API void rz_asn1_free_binary (RASN1Binary *bin)


static int ASN1_STD_FORMAT = 1

Function Documentation

◆ asn1_ber_indefinite()

static ut32 asn1_ber_indefinite ( const ut8 buffer,
ut32  length 

Definition at line 16 of file asn1.c.

16  {
17  if (!buffer || length < 3) {
18  return 0;
19  }
20  const ut8 *next = buffer + 2;
21  const ut8 *end = buffer + (length - 3);
22  while (next < end) {
23  if (!next[0] && !next[1]) {
24  break;
25  }
26  if (next[0] == 0x80 && (next[-1] & ASN1_FORM) == FORM_CONSTRUCTED) {
27  next--;
28  int sz = asn1_ber_indefinite(next, end - next);
29  if (sz < 1) {
30  break;
31  }
32  next += sz;
33  }
34  next++;
35  }
36  return (next - buffer) + 2;
37 }
static ut32 asn1_ber_indefinite(const ut8 *buffer, ut32 length)
Definition: asn1.c:16
static static sync static getppid static getegid const char static filename char static len const char char static bufsiz static mask static vfork const void static prot static getpgrp const char static swapflags static arg static fd static protocol static who struct sockaddr static addrlen static backlog struct timeval struct timezone static tz const struct iovec static count static mode const void const struct sockaddr static tolen const char static pathname void static offset struct stat static buf void long static basep static whence static length const void static len static semflg const void static shmflg const struct timespec struct timespec static rem const char static group const void length
Definition: sflib.h:133
uint8_t ut8
Definition: lh5801.h:11
#define ASN1_FORM
Definition: rz_asn1.h:19
Definition: rz_asn1.h:32
Definition: buffer.h:15

References ASN1_FORM, test_evm::end, FORM_CONSTRUCTED, and length.

Referenced by asn1_parse_header().

◆ asn1_parse_header()

static RASN1Object* asn1_parse_header ( const ut8 buffer,
ut32  length,
const ut8 start_pointer 

Definition at line 39 of file asn1.c.

39  {
40  ut8 head, length8, byte;
41  ut64 length64;
42  if (!buffer || length < 2) {
43  return NULL;
44  }
46  RASN1Object *object = RZ_NEW0(RASN1Object);
47  if (!object) {
48  return NULL;
49  }
50  head = buffer[0];
51  object->offset = start_pointer ? (buffer - start_pointer) : 0;
52  object->klass = head & ASN1_CLASS;
53  object->form = head & ASN1_FORM;
54  object->tag = head & ASN1_TAG;
55  length8 = buffer[1];
56  if (length8 & ASN1_LENLONG) {
57  length64 = 0;
58  length8 &= ASN1_LENSHORT;
59  object->sector = buffer + 2;
60  if (length8 && length8 < length - 2) {
61  ut8 i8;
62  // can overflow.
63  for (i8 = 0; i8 < length8; i8++) {
64  byte = buffer[2 + i8];
65  length64 <<= 8;
66  length64 |= byte;
67  if (length64 > length) {
68  goto out_error;
69  }
70  }
71  object->sector += length8;
72  } else {
73  length64 = asn1_ber_indefinite(object->sector, length - 2);
74  }
75  object->length = (ut32)length64;
76  } else {
77  object->length = (ut32)length8;
78  object->sector = buffer + 2;
79  }
81  if (object->tag == TAG_BITSTRING && object->sector[0] == 0) {
82  if (object->length > 0) {
83  object->sector++; // real sector starts + 1
84  object->length--;
85  }
86  }
87  if (object->length > length) {
88  // Malformed object - overflow from data ptr
89  goto out_error;
90  }
91  return object;
92 out_error:
93  free(object);
94  return NULL;
95 }
#define NULL
Definition: cris-opc.c:27
uint32_t ut32
RZ_API void Ht_() free(HtName_(Ht) *ht)
Definition: ht_inc.c:130
Definition: rz_asn1.h:38
Definition: rz_asn1.h:22
#define ASN1_TAG
Definition: rz_asn1.h:20
#define ASN1_CLASS
Definition: rz_asn1.h:18
#define ASN1_LENLONG
Definition: rz_asn1.h:21
#define RZ_NEW0(x)
Definition: rz_types.h:284
zip_uint64_t offset
const ut8 * sector
Definition: rz_asn1.h:83
ut64(WINAPI *w32_GetEnabledXStateFeatures)()

References asn1_ber_indefinite(), ASN1_CLASS, ASN1_FORM, ASN1_LENLONG, ASN1_LENSHORT, ASN1_TAG, free(), test-lz4-versions::head, rz_asn1_object_t::length, length, NULL, buffer::offset, RZ_NEW0, rz_asn1_object_t::sector, rz_asn1_object_t::tag, TAG_BITSTRING, and ut64().

Referenced by rz_asn1_count_objects(), and rz_asn1_create_object().

◆ asn1_setformat()

RZ_API void asn1_setformat ( int  fmt)

Definition at line 12 of file asn1.c.

12  {
13  ASN1_STD_FORMAT = fmt;
14 }
static int ASN1_STD_FORMAT
Definition: asn1.c:10

References ASN1_STD_FORMAT.

Referenced by cmd_print_fromage().

◆ rz_asn1_count_objects()

static ut32 rz_asn1_count_objects ( const ut8 buffer,
ut32  length 

Definition at line 97 of file asn1.c.

97  {
98  if (!buffer || !length) {
99  return 0;
100  }
101  ut32 counter = 0;
102  RASN1Object *object = NULL;
103  const ut8 *next = buffer;
104  const ut8 *end = buffer + length;
105  while (next >= buffer && next < end) {
106  // i do not care about the offset now.
107  object = asn1_parse_header(next, end - next, 0);
108  if (!object || next == object->sector) {
109  RZ_FREE(object);
110  break;
111  }
112  next = object->sector + object->length;
113  counter++;
114  RZ_FREE(object);
115  }
116  RZ_FREE(object);
117  return counter;
118 }
static RASN1Object * asn1_parse_header(const ut8 *buffer, ut32 length, const ut8 *start_pointer)
Definition: asn1.c:39
struct buffer buffer
#define RZ_FREE(x)
Definition: rz_types.h:369
int64_t counter
Definition: main.c:4

References asn1_parse_header(), counter, test_evm::end, length, NULL, RZ_FREE, and rz_asn1_object_t::sector.

Referenced by rz_asn1_create_object().

◆ rz_asn1_create_binary()

RZ_API RASN1Binary* rz_asn1_create_binary ( const ut8 buffer,
ut32  length 

Definition at line 152 of file asn1.c.

152  {
153  if (!buffer || !length) {
154  return NULL;
155  }
156  ut8 *buf = (ut8 *)calloc(sizeof(*buf), length);
157  if (!buf) {
158  return NULL;
159  }
161  if (!bin) {
162  free(buf);
163  return NULL;
164  }
165  memcpy(buf, buffer, length);
166  bin->binary = buf;
167  bin->length = length;
168  return bin;
169 }
voidpf void * buf
Definition: ioapi.h:138
memcpy(mem, inblock.get(), min(CONTAINING_RECORD(inblock.get(), MEMBLOCK, data) ->size, size))
void * calloc(size_t number, size_t size)
Definition: malloc.c:102
Definition: malloc.c:26

References calloc(), free(), length, memcpy(), NULL, and RZ_NEW0.

Referenced by rz_pkcs7_parse_attribute(), rz_pkcs7_parse_contentinfo(), rz_pkcs7_parse_issuerandserialnumber(), rz_pkcs7_parse_signerinfo(), rz_pkcs7_parse_spcdata(), rz_pkcs7_parse_spcmessagedigest(), rz_x509_parse_certificate(), rz_x509_parse_crlentry(), rz_x509_parse_extension(), rz_x509_parse_subjectpublickeyinfo(), and rz_x509_parse_tbscertificate().

◆ rz_asn1_create_object()

RZ_API RASN1Object* rz_asn1_create_object ( const ut8 buffer,
ut32  length,
const ut8 start_pointer 

Definition at line 120 of file asn1.c.

120  {
121  RASN1Object *object = asn1_parse_header(buffer, length, start_pointer);
122  if (object && (object->form == FORM_CONSTRUCTED || object->tag == TAG_BITSTRING || object->tag == TAG_OCTETSTRING)) {
123  const ut8 *next = object->sector;
124  const ut8 *end = next + object->length;
125  if (end > buffer + length) {
126  free(object);
127  return NULL;
128  }
129  ut32 count = rz_asn1_count_objects(object->sector, object->length);
130  if (count > 0) {
131  object->list.length = count;
132  object->list.objects = RZ_NEWS0(RASN1Object *, count);
133  if (!object->list.objects) {
134  rz_asn1_free_object(object);
135  return NULL;
136  }
137  ut32 i;
138  for (i = 0; next >= buffer && next < end && i < count; i++) {
139  RASN1Object *inner = rz_asn1_create_object(next, end - next, start_pointer);
140  if (!inner || next == inner->sector) {
141  rz_asn1_free_object(inner);
142  break;
143  }
144  next = inner->sector + inner->length;
145  object->list.objects[i] = inner;
146  }
147  }
148  }
149  return object;
150 }
lzma_index ** i
Definition: index.h:629
RZ_API void rz_asn1_free_object(RASN1Object *object)
Definition: asn1.c:445
static ut32 rz_asn1_count_objects(const ut8 *buffer, ut32 length)
Definition: asn1.c:97
RZ_API RASN1Object * rz_asn1_create_object(const ut8 *buffer, ut32 length, const ut8 *start_pointer)
Definition: asn1.c:120
static static sync static getppid static getegid const char static filename char static len const char char static bufsiz static mask static vfork const void static prot static getpgrp const char static swapflags static arg static fd static protocol static who struct sockaddr static addrlen static backlog struct timeval struct timezone static tz const struct iovec static count static mode const void const struct sockaddr static tolen const char static pathname void count
Definition: sflib.h:98
Definition: rz_asn1.h:39
#define RZ_NEWS0(x, y)
Definition: rz_types.h:282
struct rz_asn1_object_t ** objects
Definition: rz_asn1.h:71
ASN1List list
Definition: rz_asn1.h:86

References asn1_parse_header(), count, test_evm::end, rz_asn1_object_t::form, FORM_CONSTRUCTED, free(), i, rz_asn1_object_t::length, length, rz_asn1_object_t::list, NULL, rz_asn1_list_t::objects, rz_asn1_count_objects(), rz_asn1_create_object(), rz_asn1_free_object(), RZ_NEWS0, rz_asn1_object_t::sector, rz_asn1_object_t::tag, TAG_BITSTRING, and TAG_OCTETSTRING.

Referenced by cmd_print_fromage(), rz_asn1_create_object(), rz_pkcs7_parse_cms(), rz_pkcs7_parse_spcinfo(), and rz_x509_parse_certificate2().

◆ rz_asn1_free_binary()

◆ rz_asn1_free_object()

RZ_API void rz_asn1_free_object ( RASN1Object object)

Definition at line 445 of file asn1.c.

445  {
446  ut32 i;
447  if (!object) {
448  return;
449  }
450  // This shall not be freed. it's a pointer into the buffer.
451  object->sector = NULL;
452  if (object->list.objects) {
453  for (i = 0; i < object->list.length; i++) {
454  rz_asn1_free_object(object->list.objects[i]);
455  }
456  RZ_FREE(object->list.objects);
457  }
458  object->list.objects = NULL;
459  object->list.length = 0;
460  free(object);
461 }

References free(), i, rz_asn1_object_t::list, NULL, rz_asn1_list_t::objects, rz_asn1_free_object(), and RZ_FREE.

Referenced by cmd_print_fromage(), rz_asn1_create_object(), rz_asn1_free_object(), rz_pkcs7_parse_cms(), rz_pkcs7_parse_spcinfo(), and rz_x509_parse_certificate().

◆ rz_asn1_print_hex()

RZ_API void rz_asn1_print_hex ( RASN1Object object,
char *  buffer,
ut32  size,
ut32  depth 

Definition at line 171 of file asn1.c.

171  {
172  ut32 i;
173  if (!object || !object->sector) {
174  return;
175  }
176  char *p = buffer;
177  char *end = buffer + size;
178  if (depth > 0 && !ASN1_STD_FORMAT) {
179  const char *pad = rz_str_pad(' ', (depth * 2) - 2);
180  snprintf(p, end - p, "%s", pad);
181  p += strlen(pad);
182  }
183  for (i = 0; i < object->length && p < end; i++) {
184  snprintf(p, end - p, "%02x", object->sector[i]);
185  p += 2;
186  }
187  if (p >= end) {
188  p -= 4;
189  snprintf(p, end - p, "...");
190  }
191 }
voidpf void uLong size
Definition: ioapi.h:138
Definition: kernel.h:364
void * p
Definition: libc.cpp:67
static void pad(RzStrBuf *sb, ut32 count)
Definition: protobuf.c:36
RZ_API const char * rz_str_pad(const char ch, int len)
Definition: str.c:3236

References ASN1_STD_FORMAT, test_evm::end, i, p, pad(), rz_str_pad(), rz_asn1_object_t::sector, and snprintf.

Referenced by rz_asn1_to_string().

◆ rz_asn1_print_hexdump_padded()

static RASN1String* rz_asn1_print_hexdump_padded ( RASN1Object object,
ut32  depth 

Definition at line 219 of file asn1.c.

219  {
220  const char *pad;
221  ut32 i, j;
222  char readable[20] = { 0 };
223  if (!object || !object->sector || object->length < 1) {
224  return NULL;
225  }
226  RzStrBuf *sb = rz_strbuf_new("");
227  if (ASN1_STD_FORMAT) {
228  pad = " : ";
229  } else {
230  pad = rz_str_pad(' ', depth * 2);
231  rz_strbuf_appendf(sb, " ");
232  }
234  for (i = 0, j = 0; i < object->length; i++, j++) {
235  ut8 c = object->sector[i];
236  if (i > 0 && (i % 16) == 0) {
237  rz_strbuf_appendf(sb, "|%-16s|\n%s", readable, pad);
238  memset(readable, 0, sizeof(readable));
239  j = 0;
240  }
241  rz_strbuf_appendf(sb, "%02x ", c);
242  readable[j] = IS_PRINTABLE(c) ? c : '.';
243  }
245  while ((i % 16) != 0) {
246  rz_strbuf_appendf(sb, " ");
247  i++;
248  }
249  rz_strbuf_appendf(sb, "|%-16s|", readable);
250  char *text = rz_strbuf_drain(sb);
251  RASN1String *asn1str = rz_asn1_create_string(text, true, strlen(text) + 1);
252  if (!asn1str) {
253  /* no memory left.. */
254  free(text);
255  }
256  return asn1str;
257 }
static SblHeader sb
Definition: bin_mbn.c:26
return memset(p, 0, total)
RZ_API RASN1String * rz_asn1_create_string(const char *string, bool allocated, ut32 length)
Definition: astr.c:10
#define IS_PRINTABLE(x)
Definition: rz_str_util.h:10
RZ_API RZ_OWN char * rz_strbuf_drain(RzStrBuf *sb)
Definition: strbuf.c:342
RZ_API RzStrBuf * rz_strbuf_new(const char *s)
Definition: strbuf.c:8
RZ_API bool rz_strbuf_appendf(RzStrBuf *sb, const char *fmt,...) RZ_PRINTF_CHECK(2
#define c(i)
Definition: sha256.c:43

References ASN1_STD_FORMAT, c, free(), i, IS_PRINTABLE, rz_asn1_object_t::length, memset(), NULL, pad(), rz_asn1_create_string(), rz_str_pad(), rz_strbuf_appendf(), rz_strbuf_drain(), rz_strbuf_new(), sb, rz_asn1_object_t::sector, and create_tags_rz::text.

Referenced by rz_asn1_to_string().

◆ rz_asn1_print_padded()

static void rz_asn1_print_padded ( RzStrBuf sb,
RASN1Object object,
int  depth,
const char *  k,
const char *  v 

Definition at line 194 of file asn1.c.

194  {
195  const char *pad = rz_str_pad(' ', (depth * 2) - 2);
196  if (object->form && !*v) {
197  return;
198  }
199  switch (object->tag) {
200  case TAG_NULL:
201  case TAG_EOC:
202  break;
203  case TAG_INTEGER:
204  case TAG_REAL:
205  if (*rz_str_trim_head_ro(v)) {
206  rz_strbuf_appendf(sb, "%s%s\n%s%s\n", pad, k, pad, v);
207  }
208  break;
209  case TAG_BITSTRING:
210  default:
211  if (*rz_str_trim_head_ro(v)) {
212  rz_strbuf_appendf(sb, "%s%s\n", pad, v);
213  }
214  break;
215  }
216 }
const char * k
Definition: dsignal.c:11
const char * v
Definition: dsignal.c:12
#define TAG_EOC
Definition: rz_asn1.h:35
Definition: rz_asn1.h:37
#define TAG_NULL
Definition: rz_asn1.h:40
#define TAG_REAL
Definition: rz_asn1.h:44
RZ_API const char * rz_str_trim_head_ro(const char *str)
Definition: str_trim.c:86

References rz_asn1_object_t::form, k, pad(), rz_str_pad(), rz_str_trim_head_ro(), rz_strbuf_appendf(), sb, rz_asn1_object_t::tag, TAG_BITSTRING, TAG_EOC, TAG_INTEGER, TAG_NULL, TAG_REAL, and v.

Referenced by rz_asn1_to_string().

◆ rz_asn1_to_string()

RZ_API char* rz_asn1_to_string ( RASN1Object object,
ut32  depth,
RzStrBuf sb 

Definition at line 259 of file asn1.c.

259  {
260  ut32 i;
261  bool root = false;
262  if (!object) {
263  return NULL;
264  }
265  if (!sb) {
266  sb = rz_strbuf_new("");
267  root = true;
268  }
269  // this shall not be freed. it's a pointer into the buffer.
270  RASN1String *asn1str = NULL;
271  static char temp_name[4096] = { 0 };
272  const char *name = "";
273  const char *string = "";
275  switch (object->klass) {
276  case CLASS_UNIVERSAL: // universal
277  switch (object->tag) {
278  case TAG_EOC:
279  name = "EOC";
280  break;
281  case TAG_BOOLEAN:
282  name = "BOOLEAN";
283  if (object->sector) {
284  string = (object->sector[0] != 0) ? "true" : "false";
285  }
286  break;
287  case TAG_INTEGER:
288  name = "INTEGER";
289  if (object->length < 16) {
290  rz_asn1_print_hex(object, temp_name, sizeof(temp_name), depth);
291  string = temp_name;
292  } else {
293  asn1str = rz_asn1_print_hexdump_padded(object, depth);
294  }
295  break;
296  case TAG_BITSTRING:
297  name = "BIT_STRING";
298  if (!object->list.objects) {
299  if (object->length < 16) {
300  rz_asn1_print_hex(object, temp_name, sizeof(temp_name), depth);
301  string = temp_name;
302  } else {
303  asn1str = rz_asn1_print_hexdump_padded(object, depth);
304  }
305  }
306  break;
308  name = "OCTET_STRING";
309  if (rz_str_is_printable_limited((const char *)object->sector, object->length)) {
310  asn1str = rz_asn1_stringify_string(object->sector, object->length);
311  } else if (!object->list.objects) {
312  if (object->length < 16) {
313  rz_asn1_print_hex(object, temp_name, sizeof(temp_name), depth);
314  string = temp_name;
315  } else {
316  asn1str = rz_asn1_print_hexdump_padded(object, depth);
317  }
318  }
319  break;
320  case TAG_NULL:
321  name = "NULL";
322  break;
323  case TAG_OID:
324  name = "OBJECT_IDENTIFIER";
325  asn1str = rz_asn1_stringify_oid(object->sector, object->length);
326  break;
328  name = "OBJECT_DESCRIPTOR";
329  break;
330  case TAG_EXTERNAL:
331  name = "EXTERNAL";
332  break;
333  case TAG_REAL:
334  name = "REAL";
335  asn1str = rz_asn1_print_hexdump_padded(object, depth);
336  break;
338  name = "ENUMERATED";
339  break;
341  name = "EMBEDDED_PDV";
342  break;
343  case TAG_UTF8STRING:
344  name = "UTF8String";
345  asn1str = rz_asn1_stringify_string(object->sector, object->length);
346  break;
347  case TAG_SEQUENCE:
348  name = "SEQUENCE";
349  break;
350  case TAG_SET:
351  name = "SET";
352  break;
354  name = "NumericString";
355  asn1str = rz_asn1_stringify_string(object->sector, object->length);
356  break;
358  name = "PrintableString"; // ASCII subset
359  asn1str = rz_asn1_stringify_string(object->sector, object->length);
360  break;
361  case TAG_T61STRING:
362  name = "TeletexString"; // aka T61String
363  asn1str = rz_asn1_stringify_string(object->sector, object->length);
364  break;
366  name = "VideotexString";
367  asn1str = rz_asn1_stringify_string(object->sector, object->length);
368  break;
369  case TAG_IA5STRING:
370  name = "IA5String"; // ASCII
371  asn1str = rz_asn1_stringify_string(object->sector, object->length);
372  break;
373  case TAG_UTCTIME:
374  name = "UTCTime";
375  asn1str = rz_asn1_stringify_utctime(object->sector, object->length);
376  break;
378  name = "GeneralizedTime";
379  asn1str = rz_asn1_stringify_time(object->sector, object->length);
380  break;
382  name = "GraphicString";
383  asn1str = rz_asn1_stringify_string(object->sector, object->length);
384  break;
386  name = "VisibleString"; // ASCII subset
387  asn1str = rz_asn1_stringify_string(object->sector, object->length);
388  break;
390  name = "GeneralString";
391  break;
393  name = "UniversalString";
394  asn1str = rz_asn1_stringify_string(object->sector, object->length);
395  break;
396  case TAG_BMPSTRING:
397  name = "BMPString";
398  asn1str = rz_asn1_stringify_string(object->sector, object->length);
399  break;
400  default:
401  snprintf(temp_name, sizeof(temp_name), "Universal_%u", object->tag);
402  name = temp_name;
403  break;
404  }
405  break;
407  snprintf(temp_name, sizeof(temp_name), "Application_%u", object->tag);
408  name = temp_name;
409  break;
410  case CLASS_CONTEXT:
411  snprintf(temp_name, sizeof(temp_name), "Context [%u]", object->tag); // Context
412  name = temp_name;
413  break;
414  case CLASS_PRIVATE:
415  snprintf(temp_name, sizeof(temp_name), "Private_%u", object->tag);
416  name = temp_name;
417  break;
418  }
419  if (asn1str) {
420  string = asn1str->string;
421  }
422  if (ASN1_STD_FORMAT) {
423  rz_strbuf_appendf(sb, "%4" PFMT64d " ", object->offset);
424  rz_strbuf_appendf(sb, "%4u:%2d: %s %-20s: %s\n", object->length,
425  depth, object->form ? "cons" : "prim", name, string);
426  rz_asn1_free_string(asn1str);
427  if (object->list.objects) {
428  for (i = 0; i < object->list.length; i++) {
429  rz_asn1_to_string(object->list.objects[i], depth + 1, sb);
430  }
431  }
432  } else {
433  rz_asn1_print_padded(sb, object, depth, name, string);
434  rz_asn1_free_string(asn1str);
435  if (object->list.objects) {
436  for (i = 0; i < object->list.length; i++) {
437  RASN1Object *obj = object->list.objects[i];
438  rz_asn1_to_string(obj, depth + 1, sb);
439  }
440  }
441  }
442  return root ? rz_strbuf_drain(sb) : NULL;
443 }
RZ_API char * rz_asn1_to_string(RASN1Object *object, ut32 depth, RzStrBuf *sb)
Definition: asn1.c:259
static RASN1String * rz_asn1_print_hexdump_padded(RASN1Object *object, ut32 depth)
Definition: asn1.c:219
static void rz_asn1_print_padded(RzStrBuf *sb, RASN1Object *object, int depth, const char *k, const char *v)
Definition: asn1.c:194
RZ_API void rz_asn1_print_hex(RASN1Object *object, char *buffer, ut32 size, ut32 depth)
Definition: asn1.c:171
int root
Definition: enough.c:226
Definition: rz_asn1.h:45
Definition: rz_asn1.h:25
Definition: rz_asn1.h:57
RZ_API void rz_asn1_free_string(RASN1String *string)
Definition: astr.c:313
Definition: rz_asn1.h:46
Definition: rz_asn1.h:36
RZ_API RASN1String * rz_asn1_stringify_time(const ut8 *buffer, ut32 length)
Definition: astr.c:108
#define TAG_OID
Definition: rz_asn1.h:41
Definition: rz_asn1.h:56
Definition: rz_asn1.h:59
#define TAG_T61STRING
Definition: rz_asn1.h:52
#define TAG_SET
Definition: rz_asn1.h:49
Definition: rz_asn1.h:28
Definition: rz_asn1.h:54
Definition: rz_asn1.h:60
RZ_API RASN1String * rz_asn1_stringify_utctime(const ut8 *buffer, ut32 length)
Definition: astr.c:67
Definition: rz_asn1.h:43
Definition: rz_asn1.h:42
RZ_API RASN1String * rz_asn1_stringify_oid(const ut8 *buffer, ut32 length)
Definition: astr.c:249
Definition: rz_asn1.h:51
Definition: rz_asn1.h:58
Definition: rz_asn1.h:27
RZ_API RASN1String * rz_asn1_stringify_string(const ut8 *buffer, ut32 length)
Definition: astr.c:55
Definition: rz_asn1.h:61
Definition: rz_asn1.h:26
Definition: rz_asn1.h:50
Definition: rz_asn1.h:47
Definition: rz_asn1.h:48
Definition: rz_asn1.h:53
Definition: rz_asn1.h:55
RZ_API bool rz_str_is_printable_limited(const char *str, int size)
Definition: str.c:2053
#define PFMT64d
Definition: rz_types.h:394
Definition: z80asm.h:102
const char * string
Definition: rz_asn1.h:65

References ASN1_STD_FORMAT, CLASS_APPLICATION, CLASS_CONTEXT, CLASS_PRIVATE, CLASS_UNIVERSAL, rz_asn1_object_t::form, i, rz_asn1_object_t::klass, rz_asn1_object_t::length, rz_asn1_object_t::list, NULL, rz_asn1_list_t::objects, rz_asn1_object_t::offset, PFMT64d, root, rz_asn1_free_string(), rz_asn1_print_hex(), rz_asn1_print_hexdump_padded(), rz_asn1_print_padded(), rz_asn1_stringify_oid(), rz_asn1_stringify_string(), rz_asn1_stringify_time(), rz_asn1_stringify_utctime(), rz_asn1_to_string(), rz_str_is_printable_limited(), rz_strbuf_appendf(), rz_strbuf_drain(), rz_strbuf_new(), sb, rz_asn1_object_t::sector, snprintf, rz_asn1_string_t::string, rz_asn1_object_t::tag, TAG_BITSTRING, TAG_BMPSTRING, TAG_BOOLEAN, TAG_EMBEDDED_PDV, TAG_ENUMERATED, TAG_EOC, TAG_EXTERNAL, TAG_GENERALIZEDTIME, TAG_GENERALSTRING, TAG_GRAPHICSTRING, TAG_IA5STRING, TAG_INTEGER, TAG_NULL, TAG_NUMERICSTRING, TAG_OBJDESCRIPTOR, TAG_OCTETSTRING, TAG_OID, TAG_PRINTABLESTRING, TAG_REAL, TAG_SEQUENCE, TAG_SET, TAG_T61STRING, TAG_UNIVERSALSTRING, TAG_UTCTIME, TAG_UTF8STRING, TAG_VIDEOTEXSTRING, and TAG_VISIBLESTRING.

Referenced by cmd_print_fromage(), and rz_asn1_to_string().

Variable Documentation

