unix-like reverse engineering framework and cli tools
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1 #!/usr/bin/env python3
2 """Test LZ4 interoperability between versions"""
4 #
5 # Copyright (C) 2011-present, Takayuki Matsuoka
6 # All rights reserved.
7 # GPL v2 License
8 #
10 import glob
11 import subprocess
12 import filecmp
13 import os
14 import shutil
15 import sys
16 import hashlib
18 repo_url = 'https://github.com/lz4/lz4.git'
19 tmp_dir_name = 'tests/versionsTest'
20 make_cmd = 'make'
21 git_cmd = 'git'
22 test_dat_src = 'README.md'
23 test_dat = 'test_dat'
24 head = 'v999'
26 def proc(cmd_args, pipe=True, dummy=False):
27  if dummy:
28  return
29  if pipe:
30  subproc = subprocess.Popen(cmd_args,
31  stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
32  stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
33  else:
34  subproc = subprocess.Popen(cmd_args)
35  return subproc.communicate()
37 def make(args, pipe=True):
38  return proc([make_cmd] + args, pipe)
40 def git(args, pipe=True):
41  return proc([git_cmd] + args, pipe)
44  stdout, stderr = git(['tag', '-l', 'r[0-9][0-9][0-9]'])
45  tags = stdout.decode('utf-8').split()
46  stdout, stderr = git(['tag', '-l', 'v[1-9].[0-9].[0-9]'])
47  tags += stdout.decode('utf-8').split()
48  return tags
50 # https://stackoverflow.com/a/19711609/2132223
51 def sha1_of_file(filepath):
52  with open(filepath, 'rb') as f:
53  return hashlib.sha1(f.read()).hexdigest()
55 if __name__ == '__main__':
56  error_code = 0
57  base_dir = os.getcwd() + '/..' # /path/to/lz4
58  tmp_dir = base_dir + '/' + tmp_dir_name # /path/to/lz4/tests/versionsTest
59  clone_dir = tmp_dir + '/' + 'lz4' # /path/to/lz4/tests/versionsTest/lz4
60  programs_dir = base_dir + '/programs' # /path/to/lz4/programs
61  os.makedirs(tmp_dir, exist_ok=True)
63  # since Travis clones limited depth, we should clone full repository
64  if not os.path.isdir(clone_dir):
65  git(['clone', repo_url, clone_dir])
67  shutil.copy2(base_dir + '/' + test_dat_src, tmp_dir + '/' + test_dat)
69  # Retrieve all release tags
70  print('Retrieve all release tags :')
71  os.chdir(clone_dir)
72  tags = [head] + get_git_tags()
73  print(tags);
75  # Build all release lz4c and lz4c32
76  for tag in tags:
77  os.chdir(base_dir)
78  dst_lz4c = '{}/lz4c.{}' .format(tmp_dir, tag) # /path/to/lz4/test/lz4test/lz4c.<TAG>
79  dst_lz4c32 = '{}/lz4c32.{}'.format(tmp_dir, tag) # /path/to/lz4/test/lz4test/lz4c32.<TAG>
80  if not os.path.isfile(dst_lz4c) or not os.path.isfile(dst_lz4c32) or tag == head:
81  if tag != head:
82  r_dir = '{}/{}'.format(tmp_dir, tag) # /path/to/lz4/test/lz4test/<TAG>
83  os.makedirs(r_dir, exist_ok=True)
84  os.chdir(clone_dir)
85  git(['--work-tree=' + r_dir, 'checkout', tag, '--', '.'], False)
86  os.chdir(r_dir + '/programs') # /path/to/lz4/lz4test/<TAG>/programs
87  else:
88  os.chdir(programs_dir)
89  make(['clean', 'lz4c'], False)
90  shutil.copy2('lz4c', dst_lz4c)
91  make(['clean', 'lz4c32'], False)
92  shutil.copy2('lz4c32', dst_lz4c32)
94  # Compress test.dat by all released lz4c and lz4c32
95  print('Compress test.dat by all released lz4c and lz4c32')
96  os.chdir(tmp_dir)
97  for lz4 in glob.glob("*.lz4"):
98  os.remove(lz4)
99  for tag in tags:
100  proc(['./lz4c.' + tag, '-1fz', test_dat, test_dat + '_1_64_' + tag + '.lz4'])
101  proc(['./lz4c.' + tag, '-9fz', test_dat, test_dat + '_9_64_' + tag + '.lz4'])
102  proc(['./lz4c32.' + tag, '-1fz', test_dat, test_dat + '_1_32_' + tag + '.lz4'])
103  proc(['./lz4c32.' + tag, '-9fz', test_dat, test_dat + '_9_32_' + tag + '.lz4'])
105  print('Full list of compressed files')
106  lz4s = sorted(glob.glob('*.lz4'))
107  for lz4 in lz4s:
108  print(lz4 + ' : ' + repr(os.path.getsize(lz4)))
110  # Remove duplicated .lz4 files
111  print('')
112  print('Duplicated files')
113  lz4s = sorted(glob.glob('*.lz4'))
114  for i, lz4 in enumerate(lz4s):
115  if not os.path.isfile(lz4):
116  continue
117  for j in range(i+1, len(lz4s)):
118  lz4t = lz4s[j]
119  if not os.path.isfile(lz4t):
120  continue
121  if filecmp.cmp(lz4, lz4t):
122  os.remove(lz4t)
123  print('{} == {}'.format(lz4, lz4t))
125  print('Enumerate only different compressed files')
126  lz4s = sorted(glob.glob('*.lz4'))
127  for lz4 in lz4s:
128  print(lz4 + ' : ' + repr(os.path.getsize(lz4)) + ', ' + sha1_of_file(lz4))
130  # Decompress remained .lz4 files by all released lz4c and lz4c32
131  print('Decompression tests and verifications')
132  lz4s = sorted(glob.glob('*.lz4'))
133  for dec in glob.glob("*.dec"):
134  os.remove(dec)
135  for lz4 in lz4s:
136  print(lz4, end=" ")
137  for tag in tags:
138  print(tag, end=" ")
139  proc(['./lz4c.' + tag, '-df', lz4, lz4 + '_d64_' + tag + '.dec'])
140  proc(['./lz4c32.' + tag, '-df', lz4, lz4 + '_d32_' + tag + '.dec'])
141  print(' OK') # well, here, decompression has worked; but file is not yet verified
143  # Compare all '.dec' files with test_dat
144  decs = glob.glob('*.dec')
145  for dec in decs:
146  if not filecmp.cmp(dec, test_dat):
147  print('ERR : ' + dec)
148  error_code = 1
149  else:
150  print('OK : ' + dec)
151  os.remove(dec)
153  if error_code != 0:
154  print('ERROR')
156  sys.exit(error_code)
size_t len
Definition: 6502dis.c:15
def make(args, pipe=True)
def sha1_of_file(filepath)
def git(args, pipe=True)
def proc(cmd_args, pipe=True, dummy=False)