unix-like reverse engineering framework and cli tools
os390.c File Reference
#include "internal.h"
#include <sys/ioctl.h>
#include <net/if.h>
#include <utmpx.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/ps.h>
#include <builtins.h>
#include <termios.h>
#include <sys/msg.h>
#include "//'SYS1.SAMPLIB(CSRSIC)'"

Go to the source code of this file.


union  data_area_ptr


#define CVT_PTR   0x10
#define PSA_PTR   0x00
#define CSD_OFFSET   0x294
#define RCTLACS_OFFSET   0xC4
#define CVTOPCTP_OFFSET   0x25C
#define RMCTRCT_OFFSET   0xE4
#define CVTRCEP_OFFSET   0x490
#define RCEPOOL_OFFSET   0x004
#define RCEAFC_OFFSET   0x088
#define CPCMODEL_LENGTH   16
#define PSAAOLD   0x224
#define ASCBRSME   0x16C
#define RAXFMCT   0x2C
#define PGTH_CURRENT   1
#define PGTH_LEN   26
#define PGTHAPATH   0x20
#define TOD_RES   4.096
#define MAX(a, b)   (((a)>(b))?(a):(b))
#define ADDR_SIZE(p)   MAX((p).sa_len, sizeof(p))


typedef unsigned data_area_ptr_assign_type


void uv_loadavg (double avg[3])
int uv__platform_loop_init (uv_loop_t *loop)
void uv__platform_loop_delete (uv_loop_t *loop)
uint64_t uv__hrtime (uv_clocktype_t type)
static int getexe (const int pid, char *buf, size_t len)
int uv_exepath (char *buffer, size_t *size)
uint64_t uv_get_free_memory (void)
uint64_t uv_get_total_memory (void)
uint64_t uv_get_constrained_memory (void)
int uv_resident_set_memory (size_t *rss)
int uv_uptime (double *uptime)
int uv_cpu_info (uv_cpu_info_t **cpu_infos, int *count)
static int uv__interface_addresses_v6 (uv_interface_address_t **addresses, int *count)
int uv_interface_addresses (uv_interface_address_t **addresses, int *count)
void uv_free_interface_addresses (uv_interface_address_t *addresses, int count)
void uv__platform_invalidate_fd (uv_loop_t *loop, int fd)
int uv__io_check_fd (uv_loop_t *loop, int fd)
void uv__fs_event_close (uv_fs_event_t *handle)
int uv_fs_event_init (uv_loop_t *loop, uv_fs_event_t *handle)
int uv_fs_event_start (uv_fs_event_t *handle, uv_fs_event_cb cb, const char *filename, unsigned int flags)
int uv_fs_event_stop (uv_fs_event_t *handle)
static int os390_message_queue_handler (uv__os390_epoll *ep)
void uv__io_poll (uv_loop_t *loop, int timeout)
void uv__set_process_title (const char *title)
int uv__io_fork (uv_loop_t *loop)

Macro Definition Documentation


#define ADDR_SIZE (   p)    MAX((p).sa_len, sizeof(p))


#define ASCBRSME   0x16C

Definition at line 80 of file os390.c.


#define CPCMODEL_LENGTH   16

Definition at line 74 of file os390.c.



Definition at line 53 of file os390.c.


#define CSD_OFFSET   0x294

Definition at line 39 of file os390.c.


#define CVT_PTR   0x10

Definition at line 37 of file os390.c.


#define CVTOPCTP_OFFSET   0x25C

Definition at line 56 of file os390.c.


#define CVTRCEP_OFFSET   0x490

Definition at line 62 of file os390.c.


#define MAX (   a,
)    (((a)>(b))?(a):(b))


#define PGTH_CURRENT   1

Definition at line 89 of file os390.c.


#define PGTH_LEN   26

Definition at line 90 of file os390.c.


#define PGTHAPATH   0x20

Definition at line 91 of file os390.c.


#define PSA_PTR   0x00

Definition at line 38 of file os390.c.


#define PSAAOLD   0x224

Definition at line 77 of file os390.c.


#define RAXFMCT   0x2C

Definition at line 86 of file os390.c.


#define RCEAFC_OFFSET   0x088

Definition at line 71 of file os390.c.


#define RCEPOOL_OFFSET   0x004

Definition at line 68 of file os390.c.


#define RCTLACS_OFFSET   0xC4

Definition at line 50 of file os390.c.


#define RMCTRCT_OFFSET   0xE4

Definition at line 59 of file os390.c.


#define TOD_RES   4.096

Definition at line 96 of file os390.c.

Typedef Documentation

◆ data_area_ptr_assign_type

Definition at line 98 of file os390.c.

Function Documentation

◆ getexe()

static int getexe ( const int  pid,
char *  buf,
size_t  len 

Definition at line 151 of file os390.c.

151  {
152  struct {
153  int pid;
154  int thid[2];
155  char accesspid;
156  char accessthid;
157  char asid[2];
158  char loginname[8];
159  char flag;
160  char len;
161  } Input_data;
163  union {
164  struct {
165  char gthb[4];
166  int pid;
167  int thid[2];
168  char accesspid;
169  char accessthid[3];
170  int lenused;
171  int offsetProcess;
172  int offsetConTTY;
173  int offsetPath;
174  int offsetCommand;
175  int offsetFileData;
176  int offsetThread;
177  } Output_data;
178  char buf[2048];
179  } Output_buf;
181  struct Output_path_type {
182  char gthe[4];
183  short int len;
184  char path[1024];
185  };
187  int Input_length;
188  int Output_length;
189  void* Input_address;
190  void* Output_address;
191  struct Output_path_type* Output_path;
192  int rv;
193  int rc;
194  int rsn;
196  Input_length = PGTH_LEN;
197  Output_length = sizeof(Output_buf);
198  Output_address = &Output_buf;
199  Input_address = &Input_data;
200  memset(&Input_data, 0, sizeof Input_data);
201  Input_data.flag |= PGTHAPATH;
202  Input_data.pid = pid;
203  Input_data.accesspid = PGTH_CURRENT;
205 #ifdef _LP64
206  BPX4GTH(&Input_length,
207  &Input_address,
208  &Output_length,
209  &Output_address,
210  &rv,
211  &rc,
212  &rsn);
213 #else
214  BPX1GTH(&Input_length,
215  &Input_address,
216  &Output_length,
217  &Output_address,
218  &rv,
219  &rc,
220  &rsn);
221 #endif
223  if (rv == -1) {
224  errno = rc;
225  return -1;
226  }
228  /* Check highest byte to ensure data availability */
229  assert(((Output_buf.Output_data.offsetPath >>24) & 0xFF) == 'A');
231  /* Get the offset from the lowest 3 bytes */
232  Output_path = (struct Output_path_type*) ((char*) (&Output_buf) +
233  (Output_buf.Output_data.offsetPath & 0x00FFFFFF));
235  if (Output_path->len >= len) {
236  errno = ENOBUFS;
237  return -1;
238  }
240  uv__strscpy(buf, Output_path->path, len);
242  return 0;
243 }
size_t len
Definition: 6502dis.c:15
static static fork const void static count static fd const char const char static newpath const char static path const char path
Definition: sflib.h:35
voidpf void * buf
Definition: ioapi.h:138
return memset(p, 0, total)
static static fork const void static count static fd const char const char static newpath char char char static envp time_t static t const char static mode static whence const char static dir time_t static t unsigned static seconds const char struct utimbuf static buf static inc pid
Definition: sflib.h:64
#define PGTH_LEN
Definition: os390.c:90
Definition: os390.c:91
Definition: os390.c:89
#define ENOBUFS
Definition: sftypes.h:165
ssize_t uv__strscpy(char *d, const char *s, size_t n)
Definition: strscpy.c:25

References assert(), ENOBUFS, len, memset(), path, PGTH_CURRENT, PGTH_LEN, PGTHAPATH, pid, and uv__strscpy().

Referenced by uv_exepath().

◆ os390_message_queue_handler()

static int os390_message_queue_handler ( uv__os390_epoll ep)

Definition at line 710 of file os390.c.

710  {
712  int msglen;
713  int events;
714  _RFIM msg;
716  if (ep->msg_queue == -1)
717  return 0;
719  msglen = msgrcv(ep->msg_queue, &msg, sizeof(msg), 0, IPC_NOWAIT);
721  if (msglen == -1 && errno == ENOMSG)
722  return 0;
724  if (msglen == -1)
725  abort();
727  events = 0;
728  if (msg.__rfim_event == _RFIM_ATTR || msg.__rfim_event == _RFIM_WRITE)
729  events = UV_CHANGE;
730  else if (msg.__rfim_event == _RFIM_RENAME)
731  events = UV_RENAME;
732  else
733  /* Some event that we are not interested in. */
734  return 0;
736  handle = *(uv_fs_event_t**)(msg.__rfim_utok);
737  handle->cb(handle, uv__basename_r(handle->path), events, 0);
738  return 1;
739 }
static mcore_handle handle
Definition: asm_mcore.c:8
static struct sockaddr static addrlen static backlog const void msg
Definition: sfsocketcall.h:119
Definition: uv.h:1542
Definition: uv.h:1541

References handle, msg, uv__os390_epoll::msg_queue, UV_CHANGE, and UV_RENAME.

Referenced by uv__io_poll().

◆ uv__fs_event_close()

void uv__fs_event_close ( uv_fs_event_t handle)

Definition at line 631 of file os390.c.

631  {
633 }
int uv_fs_event_stop(uv_fs_event_t *handle)
Definition: os390.c:678

References handle, and uv_fs_event_stop().

◆ uv__hrtime()

uint64_t uv__hrtime ( uv_clocktype_t  type)

Definition at line 139 of file os390.c.

139  {
140  unsigned long long timestamp;
141  __stckf(&timestamp);
142  /* Convert to nanoseconds */
143  return timestamp / TOD_RES;
144 }
#define TOD_RES
Definition: os390.c:96

References TOD_RES.

◆ uv__interface_addresses_v6()

static int uv__interface_addresses_v6 ( uv_interface_address_t **  addresses,
int count 

Definition at line 372 of file os390.c.

373  {
374  uv_interface_address_t* address;
375  int sockfd;
376  int maxsize;
377  __net_ifconf6header_t ifc;
378  __net_ifconf6entry_t* ifr;
379  __net_ifconf6entry_t* p;
380  __net_ifconf6entry_t flg;
382  *count = 0;
383  /* Assume maximum buffer size allowable */
384  maxsize = 16384;
386  if (0 > (sockfd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, IPPROTO_IP)))
387  return UV__ERR(errno);
389  ifc.__nif6h_version = 1;
390  ifc.__nif6h_buflen = maxsize;
391  ifc.__nif6h_buffer = uv__calloc(1, maxsize);;
393  if (ioctl(sockfd, SIOCGIFCONF6, &ifc) == -1) {
394  uv__close(sockfd);
395  return UV__ERR(errno);
396  }
399  *count = 0;
400  ifr = (__net_ifconf6entry_t*)(ifc.__nif6h_buffer);
401  while ((char*)ifr < (char*)ifc.__nif6h_buffer + ifc.__nif6h_buflen) {
402  p = ifr;
403  ifr = (__net_ifconf6entry_t*)((char*)ifr + ifc.__nif6h_entrylen);
405  if (!(p->__nif6e_addr.sin6_family == AF_INET6 ||
406  p->__nif6e_addr.sin6_family == AF_INET))
407  continue;
409  if (!(p->__nif6e_flags & _NIF6E_FLAGS_ON_LINK_ACTIVE))
410  continue;
412  ++(*count);
413  }
415  /* Alloc the return interface structs */
416  *addresses = uv__malloc(*count * sizeof(uv_interface_address_t));
417  if (!(*addresses)) {
418  uv__close(sockfd);
419  return UV_ENOMEM;
420  }
421  address = *addresses;
423  ifr = (__net_ifconf6entry_t*)(ifc.__nif6h_buffer);
424  while ((char*)ifr < (char*)ifc.__nif6h_buffer + ifc.__nif6h_buflen) {
425  p = ifr;
426  ifr = (__net_ifconf6entry_t*)((char*)ifr + ifc.__nif6h_entrylen);
428  if (!(p->__nif6e_addr.sin6_family == AF_INET6 ||
429  p->__nif6e_addr.sin6_family == AF_INET))
430  continue;
432  if (!(p->__nif6e_flags & _NIF6E_FLAGS_ON_LINK_ACTIVE))
433  continue;
435  /* All conditions above must match count loop */
437  address->name = uv__strdup(p->__nif6e_name);
439  if (p->__nif6e_addr.sin6_family == AF_INET6)
440  address->address.address6 = *((struct sockaddr_in6*) &p->__nif6e_addr);
441  else
442  address->address.address4 = *((struct sockaddr_in*) &p->__nif6e_addr);
444  /* TODO: Retrieve netmask using SIOCGIFNETMASK ioctl */
446  address->is_internal = flg.__nif6e_flags & _NIF6E_FLAGS_LOOPBACK ? 1 : 0;
447  memset(address->phys_addr, 0, sizeof(address->phys_addr));
448  address++;
449  }
451  uv__close(sockfd);
452  return 0;
453 }
static static sync static getppid static getegid const char static filename char static len const char char static bufsiz static mask static vfork const void static prot static getpgrp const char static swapflags static arg static fd static protocol static who struct sockaddr static addrlen static backlog struct timeval struct timezone static tz const struct iovec static count static mode const void const struct sockaddr static tolen const char static pathname void count
Definition: sflib.h:98
static static sync static getppid static getegid const char static filename char static len const char char static bufsiz static mask static vfork const void static prot static getpgrp const char static swapflags static arg static fd socket
Definition: sflib.h:79
static static sync static getppid static getegid const char static filename ioctl
Definition: sflib.h:62
#define UV__ERR(x)
Definition: errno.h:29
void * p
Definition: libc.cpp:67
static sockfd
Definition: sfsocketcall.h:114
Definition: sftypes.h:227
#define AF_INET
Definition: sftypes.h:287
#define AF_INET6
Definition: sftypes.h:295
struct sockaddr_in6 address6
Definition: uv.h:1102
union uv_interface_address_s::@398 address
struct sockaddr_in address4
Definition: uv.h:1101
char phys_addr[6]
Definition: uv.h:1098
int uv__close(int fd)
Definition: core.c:569
char * uv__strdup(const char *s)
Definition: uv-common.c:55
void * uv__malloc(size_t size)
Definition: uv-common.c:75
void * uv__calloc(size_t count, size_t size)
Definition: uv-common.c:92

References uv_interface_address_s::address, uv_interface_address_s::address4, uv_interface_address_s::address6, AF_INET, AF_INET6, count, ioctl, uv_interface_address_s::is_internal, memset(), uv_interface_address_s::name, p, uv_interface_address_s::phys_addr, SOCK_DGRAM, socket, sockfd, uv__calloc(), uv__close(), UV__ERR, uv__malloc(), and uv__strdup().

Referenced by uv_interface_addresses().

◆ uv__io_check_fd()

int uv__io_check_fd ( uv_loop_t loop,
int  fd 

Definition at line 610 of file os390.c.

610  {
611  struct pollfd p[1];
612  int rv;
614  p[0].fd = fd;
615  p[0].events = POLLIN;
617  do
618  rv = poll(p, 1, 0);
619  while (rv == -1 && errno == EINTR);
621  if (rv == -1)
622  abort();
624  if (p[0].revents & POLLNVAL)
625  return -1;
627  return 0;
628 }
static const char struct stat static buf struct stat static buf static vhangup int struct rusage static rusage struct sysinfo static info unsigned static __unused struct utsname static buf const char static size const char static name static pid unsigned static persona static fsgid const void static flags const struct iovec static count static fd const void static len static munlockall struct sched_param static p static sched_yield static policy const struct timespec struct timespec static rem uid_t uid_t uid_t static suid poll
Definition: sflib.h:196
#define EINTR
Definition: sftypes.h:114
Definition: sftypes.h:75
static const z80_opcode fd[]
Definition: z80_tab.h:997

References EINTR, fd, p, and poll.

◆ uv__io_fork()

int uv__io_fork ( uv_loop_t loop)

Definition at line 966 of file os390.c.

966  {
967  /*
968  Nullify the msg queue but don't close it because
969  it is still being used by the parent.
970  */
971  loop->ep = NULL;
975 }
#define NULL
Definition: cris-opc.c:27
int uv__platform_loop_init(uv_loop_t *loop)
Definition: os390.c:119
void uv__platform_loop_delete(uv_loop_t *loop)
Definition: os390.c:131
uv_loop_t * loop
Definition: main.c:7

References loop, NULL, uv__platform_loop_delete(), and uv__platform_loop_init().

◆ uv__io_poll()

void uv__io_poll ( uv_loop_t loop,
int  timeout 

Definition at line 742 of file os390.c.

742  {
743  static const int max_safe_timeout = 1789569;
744  struct epoll_event events[1024];
745  struct epoll_event* pe;
746  struct epoll_event e;
747  uv__os390_epoll* ep;
748  int real_timeout;
749  QUEUE* q;
750  uv__io_t* w;
751  uint64_t base;
752  int count;
753  int nfds;
754  int fd;
755  int op;
756  int i;
757  int user_timeout;
758  int reset_timeout;
760  if (loop->nfds == 0) {
761  assert(QUEUE_EMPTY(&loop->watcher_queue));
762  return;
763  }
765  while (!QUEUE_EMPTY(&loop->watcher_queue)) {
768  q = QUEUE_HEAD(&loop->watcher_queue);
770  QUEUE_INIT(q);
771  w = QUEUE_DATA(q, uv__io_t, watcher_queue);
773  assert(w->pevents != 0);
774  assert(w->fd >= 0);
776  stream= container_of(w, uv_stream_t, io_watcher);
778  assert(w->fd < (int) loop->nwatchers);
780  e.events = w->pevents;
781  e.fd = w->fd;
783  if (w->events == 0)
784  op = EPOLL_CTL_ADD;
785  else
786  op = EPOLL_CTL_MOD;
788  /* XXX Future optimization: do EPOLL_CTL_MOD lazily if we stop watching
789  * events, skip the syscall and squelch the events after epoll_wait().
790  */
791  if (epoll_ctl(loop->ep, op, w->fd, &e)) {
792  if (errno != EEXIST)
793  abort();
795  assert(op == EPOLL_CTL_ADD);
797  /* We've reactivated a file descriptor that's been watched before. */
798  if (epoll_ctl(loop->ep, EPOLL_CTL_MOD, w->fd, &e))
799  abort();
800  }
802  w->events = w->pevents;
803  }
805  assert(timeout >= -1);
806  base = loop->time;
807  count = 48; /* Benchmarks suggest this gives the best throughput. */
808  real_timeout = timeout;
809  int nevents = 0;
812  reset_timeout = 1;
813  user_timeout = timeout;
814  timeout = 0;
815  } else {
816  reset_timeout = 0;
817  }
819  nfds = 0;
820  for (;;) {
821  /* Only need to set the provider_entry_time if timeout != 0. The function
822  * will return early if the loop isn't configured with UV_METRICS_IDLE_TIME.
823  */
824  if (timeout != 0)
827  if (sizeof(int32_t) == sizeof(long) && timeout >= max_safe_timeout)
828  timeout = max_safe_timeout;
830  nfds = epoll_wait(loop->ep, events,
833  /* Update loop->time unconditionally. It's tempting to skip the update when
834  * timeout == 0 (i.e. non-blocking poll) but there is no guarantee that the
835  * operating system didn't reschedule our process while in the syscall.
836  */
837  base = loop->time;
838  SAVE_ERRNO(uv__update_time(loop));
839  if (nfds == 0) {
840  assert(timeout != -1);
842  if (reset_timeout != 0) {
843  timeout = user_timeout;
844  reset_timeout = 0;
845  }
847  if (timeout == -1)
848  continue;
850  if (timeout == 0)
851  return;
853  /* We may have been inside the system call for longer than |timeout|
854  * milliseconds so we need to update the timestamp to avoid drift.
855  */
856  goto update_timeout;
857  }
859  if (nfds == -1) {
861  if (errno != EINTR)
862  abort();
864  if (reset_timeout != 0) {
865  timeout = user_timeout;
866  reset_timeout = 0;
867  }
869  if (timeout == -1)
870  continue;
872  if (timeout == 0)
873  return;
875  /* Interrupted by a signal. Update timeout and poll again. */
876  goto update_timeout;
877  }
880  assert(loop->watchers != NULL);
881  loop->watchers[loop->nwatchers] = (void*) events;
882  loop->watchers[loop->nwatchers + 1] = (void*) (uintptr_t) nfds;
883  for (i = 0; i < nfds; i++) {
884  pe = events + i;
885  fd = pe->fd;
887  /* Skip invalidated events, see uv__platform_invalidate_fd */
888  if (fd == -1)
889  continue;
891  ep = loop->ep;
892  if (pe->is_msg) {
894  continue;
895  }
897  assert(fd >= 0);
898  assert((unsigned) fd < loop->nwatchers);
900  w = loop->watchers[fd];
902  if (w == NULL) {
903  /* File descriptor that we've stopped watching, disarm it.
904  *
905  * Ignore all errors because we may be racing with another thread
906  * when the file descriptor is closed.
907  */
908  epoll_ctl(loop->ep, EPOLL_CTL_DEL, fd, pe);
909  continue;
910  }
912  /* Give users only events they're interested in. Prevents spurious
913  * callbacks when previous callback invocation in this loop has stopped
914  * the current watcher. Also, filters out events that users has not
915  * requested us to watch.
916  */
917  pe->events &= w->pevents | POLLERR | POLLHUP;
919  if (pe->events == POLLERR || pe->events == POLLHUP)
920  pe->events |= w->pevents & (POLLIN | POLLOUT);
922  if (pe->events != 0) {
924  w->cb(loop, w, pe->events);
925  nevents++;
926  }
927  }
928  loop->watchers[loop->nwatchers] = NULL;
929  loop->watchers[loop->nwatchers + 1] = NULL;
931  if (reset_timeout != 0) {
932  timeout = user_timeout;
933  reset_timeout = 0;
934  }
936  if (nevents != 0) {
937  if (nfds == ARRAY_SIZE(events) && --count != 0) {
938  /* Poll for more events but don't block this time. */
939  timeout = 0;
940  continue;
941  }
942  return;
943  }
945  if (timeout == 0)
946  return;
948  if (timeout == -1)
949  continue;
951 update_timeout:
952  assert(timeout > 0);
954  real_timeout -= (loop->time - base);
955  if (real_timeout <= 0)
956  return;
958  timeout = real_timeout;
959  }
960 }
ut8 op
Definition: 6502dis.c:13
#define e(frag)
#define ARRAY_SIZE(a)
lzma_index ** i
Definition: index.h:629
#define w
Definition: crypto_rc6.c:13
voidpf stream
Definition: ioapi.h:138
static const char struct stat static buf struct stat static buf static vhangup int struct rusage static rusage struct sysinfo static info unsigned static __unused struct utsname static buf const char static size const char static name static pid unsigned static persona static fsgid const void static flags const struct iovec static count static fd const void static len static munlockall struct sched_param static p static sched_yield static policy const struct timespec struct timespec static rem uid_t uid_t uid_t static suid struct pollfd unsigned nfds
Definition: sflib.h:196
int epoll_wait(uv__os390_epoll *lst, struct epoll_event *events, int maxevents, int timeout)
int epoll_ctl(uv__os390_epoll *lst, int op, int fd, struct epoll_event *event)
static int os390_message_queue_handler(uv__os390_epoll *ep)
Definition: os390.c:710
#define QUEUE_DATA(ptr, type, field)
Definition: queue.h:30
#define QUEUE_EMPTY(q)
Definition: queue.h:39
#define QUEUE_HEAD(q)
Definition: queue.h:42
#define QUEUE_INIT(q)
Definition: queue.h:45
void * QUEUE[2]
Definition: queue.h:21
#define QUEUE_REMOVE(q)
Definition: queue.h:101
#define container_of(ptr, type, member)
Definition: rz_types.h:650
static struct sockaddr static addrlen static backlog const void static flags void flags
Definition: sfsocketcall.h:123
#define EEXIST
Definition: sftypes.h:127
int int32_t
Definition: sftypes.h:33
unsigned long uint64_t
Definition: sftypes.h:28
_W64 unsigned int uintptr_t
Definition: unix.h:96
uv_timer_t timeout
Definition: main.c:9
#define SAVE_ERRNO(block)
Definition: internal.h:92
Definition: dis.c:32
void uv__metrics_update_idle_time(uv_loop_t *loop)
Definition: uv-common.c:872
void uv__metrics_set_provider_entry_time(uv_loop_t *loop)
Definition: uv-common.c:899
#define uv__get_internal_fields(loop)
Definition: uv-common.h:336
Definition: uv.h:251

References ARRAY_SIZE, assert(), container_of, count, e, EEXIST, EINTR, epoll_ctl(), EPOLL_CTL_ADD, EPOLL_CTL_DEL, EPOLL_CTL_MOD, epoll_wait(), epoll_event::events, fd, epoll_event::fd, flags, i, epoll_event::is_msg, loop, nfds, NULL, op, os390_message_queue_handler(), QUEUE_DATA, QUEUE_EMPTY, QUEUE_HEAD, QUEUE_INIT, QUEUE_REMOVE, SAVE_ERRNO, timeout, uv__get_internal_fields, uv__metrics_set_provider_entry_time(), uv__metrics_update_idle_time(), UV_METRICS_IDLE_TIME, and w.

◆ uv__platform_invalidate_fd()

void uv__platform_invalidate_fd ( uv_loop_t loop,
int  fd 

Definition at line 587 of file os390.c.

587  {
588  struct epoll_event* events;
589  struct epoll_event dummy;
590  uintptr_t i;
591  uintptr_t nfds;
593  assert(loop->watchers != NULL);
594  assert(fd >= 0);
596  events = (struct epoll_event*) loop->watchers[loop->nwatchers];
597  nfds = (uintptr_t) loop->watchers[loop->nwatchers + 1];
598  if (events != NULL)
599  /* Invalidate events with same file descriptor */
600  for (i = 0; i < nfds; i++)
601  if ((int) events[i].fd == fd)
602  events[i].fd = -1;
604  /* Remove the file descriptor from the epoll. */
605  if (loop->ep != NULL)
606  epoll_ctl(loop->ep, EPOLL_CTL_DEL, fd, &dummy);
607 }

References assert(), epoll_ctl(), EPOLL_CTL_DEL, epoll_event::events, fd, i, loop, nfds, and NULL.

◆ uv__platform_loop_delete()

void uv__platform_loop_delete ( uv_loop_t loop)

Definition at line 131 of file os390.c.

131  {
132  if (loop->ep != NULL) {
133  epoll_queue_close(loop->ep);
134  loop->ep = NULL;
135  }
136 }
void epoll_queue_close(uv__os390_epoll *lst)

References epoll_queue_close(), loop, and NULL.

Referenced by uv__io_fork().

◆ uv__platform_loop_init()

int uv__platform_loop_init ( uv_loop_t loop)

Definition at line 119 of file os390.c.

119  {
120  uv__os390_epoll* ep;
122  ep = epoll_create1(0);
123  loop->ep = ep;
124  if (ep == NULL)
125  return UV__ERR(errno);
127  return 0;
128 }
uv__os390_epoll * epoll_create1(int flags)

References epoll_create1(), loop, NULL, and UV__ERR.

Referenced by uv__io_fork().

◆ uv__set_process_title()

void uv__set_process_title ( const char *  title)

Definition at line 962 of file os390.c.

962  {
963  /* do nothing */
964 }

◆ uv_cpu_info()

int uv_cpu_info ( uv_cpu_info_t **  cpu_infos,
int count 

Definition at line 328 of file os390.c.

328  {
329  uv_cpu_info_t* cpu_info;
330  int idx;
331  siv1v2 info;
332  data_area_ptr cvt = {0};
333  data_area_ptr csd = {0};
334  data_area_ptr rmctrct = {0};
335  data_area_ptr cvtopctp = {0};
336  int cpu_usage_avg;
340  csd.assign = *((data_area_ptr_assign_type *) (cvt.deref + CSD_OFFSET));
341  cvtopctp.assign = *((data_area_ptr_assign_type *) (cvt.deref + CVTOPCTP_OFFSET));
342  rmctrct.assign = *((data_area_ptr_assign_type *) (cvtopctp.deref + RMCTRCT_OFFSET));
344  *count = *((int*) (csd.deref + CSD_NUMBER_ONLINE_CPUS));
345  cpu_usage_avg = *((unsigned short int*) (rmctrct.deref + RCTLACS_OFFSET));
347  *cpu_infos = uv__malloc(*count * sizeof(uv_cpu_info_t));
348  if (!*cpu_infos)
349  return UV_ENOMEM;
351  cpu_info = *cpu_infos;
352  idx = 0;
353  while (idx < *count) {
354  cpu_info->speed = *(int*)(info.siv1v2si22v1.si22v1cpucapability);
355  cpu_info->model = uv__malloc(CPCMODEL_LENGTH + 1);
356  memset(cpu_info->model, '\0', CPCMODEL_LENGTH + 1);
357  memcpy(cpu_info->model, info.siv1v2si11v1.si11v1cpcmodel, CPCMODEL_LENGTH);
358  cpu_info->cpu_times.user = cpu_usage_avg;
359  /* TODO: implement the following */
360  cpu_info->cpu_times.sys = 0;
361  cpu_info->cpu_times.idle = 0;
362  cpu_info->cpu_times.irq = 0;
363  cpu_info->cpu_times.nice = 0;
364  ++cpu_info;
365  ++idx;
366  }
368  return 0;
369 }
RzBinInfo * info(RzBinFile *bf)
Definition: bin_ne.c:86
memcpy(mem, inblock.get(), min(CONTAINING_RECORD(inblock.get(), MEMBLOCK, data) ->size, size))
int idx
Definition: setup.py:197
unsigned data_area_ptr_assign_type
Definition: os390.c:98
Definition: os390.c:56
Definition: os390.c:74
Definition: os390.c:53
Definition: os390.c:50
#define CVT_PTR
Definition: os390.c:37
Definition: os390.c:59
#define CSD_OFFSET
Definition: os390.c:39
struct uv_cpu_times_s cpu_times
Definition: uv.h:1093
char * model
Definition: uv.h:1091
int speed
Definition: uv.h:1092
uint64_t nice
Definition: uv.h:1084
uint64_t sys
Definition: uv.h:1085
uint64_t idle
Definition: uv.h:1086
uint64_t user
Definition: uv.h:1083
uint64_t irq
Definition: uv.h:1087
char * deref
Definition: os390.c:107
data_area_ptr_assign_type assign
Definition: os390.c:105

References data_area_ptr::assign, count, CPCMODEL_LENGTH, uv_cpu_info_s::cpu_times, CSD_NUMBER_ONLINE_CPUS, CSD_OFFSET, CVT_PTR, CVTOPCTP_OFFSET, data_area_ptr::deref, uv_cpu_times_s::idle, setup::idx, info(), uv_cpu_times_s::irq, memcpy(), memset(), uv_cpu_info_s::model, uv_cpu_times_s::nice, RCTLACS_OFFSET, RMCTRCT_OFFSET, uv_cpu_info_s::speed, uv_cpu_times_s::sys, uv_cpu_times_s::user, and uv__malloc().

◆ uv_exepath()

int uv_exepath ( char *  buffer,
size_t size 

Definition at line 254 of file os390.c.

254  {
255  int res;
256  char args[PATH_MAX];
257  int pid;
259  if (buffer == NULL || size == NULL || *size == 0)
260  return UV_EINVAL;
262  pid = getpid();
263  res = getexe(pid, args, sizeof(args));
264  if (res < 0)
265  return UV_EINVAL;
267  return uv__search_path(args, buffer, size);
268 }
voidpf void uLong size
Definition: ioapi.h:138
int args
Definition: mipsasm.c:18
static int getexe(const int pid, char *buf, size_t len)
Definition: os390.c:151
Definition: buffer.h:15
int uv__search_path(const char *prog, char *buf, size_t *buflen)
Definition: core.c:1540

References args, getexe(), NULL, pid, and uv__search_path().

◆ uv_free_interface_addresses()

void uv_free_interface_addresses ( uv_interface_address_t addresses,
int  count 

Definition at line 578 of file os390.c.

579  {
580  int i;
581  for (i = 0; i < count; ++i)
582  uv__free(addresses[i].name);
583  uv__free(addresses);
584 }
Definition: z80asm.h:102
void uv__free(void *ptr)
Definition: uv-common.c:81

References count, i, and uv__free().

◆ uv_fs_event_init()

int uv_fs_event_init ( uv_loop_t loop,
uv_fs_event_t handle 

Definition at line 636 of file os390.c.

636  {
637  uv__handle_init(loop, (uv_handle_t*)handle, UV_FS_EVENT);
638  return 0;
639 }
#define uv__handle_init(loop_, h, type_)
Definition: uv-common.h:301

References handle, loop, and uv__handle_init.

◆ uv_fs_event_start()

int uv_fs_event_start ( uv_fs_event_t handle,
uv_fs_event_cb  cb,
const char *  filename,
unsigned int  flags 

Definition at line 642 of file os390.c.

643  {
644  uv__os390_epoll* ep;
645  _RFIS reg_struct;
646  char* path;
647  int rc;
649  if (uv__is_active(handle))
650  return UV_EINVAL;
652  ep = handle->loop->ep;
653  assert(ep->msg_queue != -1);
655  reg_struct.__rfis_cmd = _RFIS_REG;
656  reg_struct.__rfis_qid = ep->msg_queue;
657  reg_struct.__rfis_type = 1;
658  memcpy(reg_struct.__rfis_utok, &handle, sizeof(handle));
661  if (path == NULL)
662  return UV_ENOMEM;
664  rc = __w_pioctl(path, _IOCC_REGFILEINT, sizeof(reg_struct), &reg_struct);
665  if (rc != 0)
666  return UV__ERR(errno);
669  handle->path = path;
670  handle->cb = cb;
671  memcpy(handle->rfis_rftok, reg_struct.__rfis_rftok,
672  sizeof(handle->rfis_rftok));
674  return 0;
675 }
const char * filename
Definition: ioapi.h:137
#define uv__is_active(h)
Definition: uv-common.h:252
#define uv__handle_start(h)
Definition: uv-common.h:258
static const char * cb[]
Definition: z80_tab.h:176

References assert(), cb, handle, memcpy(), uv__os390_epoll::msg_queue, NULL, path, UV__ERR, uv__handle_start, uv__is_active, and uv__strdup().

◆ uv_fs_event_stop()

int uv_fs_event_stop ( uv_fs_event_t handle)

Definition at line 678 of file os390.c.

678  {
679  uv__os390_epoll* ep;
680  _RFIS reg_struct;
681  int rc;
683  if (!uv__is_active(handle))
684  return 0;
686  ep = handle->loop->ep;
687  assert(ep->msg_queue != -1);
689  reg_struct.__rfis_cmd = _RFIS_UNREG;
690  reg_struct.__rfis_qid = ep->msg_queue;
691  reg_struct.__rfis_type = 1;
692  memcpy(reg_struct.__rfis_rftok, handle->rfis_rftok,
693  sizeof(handle->rfis_rftok));
695  /*
696  * This call will take "/" as the path argument in case we
697  * don't care to supply the correct path. The system will simply
698  * ignore it.
699  */
700  rc = __w_pioctl("/", _IOCC_REGFILEINT, sizeof(reg_struct), &reg_struct);
701  if (rc != 0 && errno != EALREADY && errno != ENOENT)
702  abort();
706  return 0;
707 }
#define ENOENT
Definition: sftypes.h:112
#define EALREADY
Definition: sftypes.h:174
#define uv__handle_stop(h)
Definition: uv-common.h:266

References assert(), EALREADY, ENOENT, handle, memcpy(), uv__os390_epoll::msg_queue, uv__handle_stop, and uv__is_active.

Referenced by uv__fs_event_close().

◆ uv_get_constrained_memory()

uint64_t uv_get_constrained_memory ( void  )

Definition at line 295 of file os390.c.

295  {
296  return 0; /* Memory constraints are unknown. */
297 }

◆ uv_get_free_memory()

uint64_t uv_get_free_memory ( void  )

Definition at line 271 of file os390.c.

271  {
272  uint64_t freeram;
274  data_area_ptr cvt = {0};
275  data_area_ptr rcep = {0};
278  freeram = *((uint64_t*)(rcep.deref + RCEAFC_OFFSET)) * 4;
279  return freeram;
280 }
Definition: os390.c:62
Definition: os390.c:71

References data_area_ptr::assign, CVT_PTR, CVTRCEP_OFFSET, data_area_ptr::deref, and RCEAFC_OFFSET.

◆ uv_get_total_memory()

uint64_t uv_get_total_memory ( void  )

Definition at line 283 of file os390.c.

283  {
284  uint64_t totalram;
286  data_area_ptr cvt = {0};
287  data_area_ptr rcep = {0};
290  totalram = *((uint64_t*)(rcep.deref + RCEPOOL_OFFSET)) * 4;
291  return totalram;
292 }
Definition: os390.c:68

References data_area_ptr::assign, CVT_PTR, CVTRCEP_OFFSET, data_area_ptr::deref, and RCEPOOL_OFFSET.

◆ uv_interface_addresses()

int uv_interface_addresses ( uv_interface_address_t **  addresses,
int count 

Definition at line 456 of file os390.c.

456  {
457  uv_interface_address_t* address;
458  int sockfd;
459  int maxsize;
460  struct ifconf ifc;
461  struct ifreq flg;
462  struct ifreq* ifr;
463  struct ifreq* p;
464  int count_v6;
466  *count = 0;
467  *addresses = NULL;
469  /* get the ipv6 addresses first */
470  uv_interface_address_t* addresses_v6;
471  uv__interface_addresses_v6(&addresses_v6, &count_v6);
473  /* now get the ipv4 addresses */
475  /* Assume maximum buffer size allowable */
476  maxsize = 16384;
478  sockfd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, IPPROTO_IP);
479  if (0 > sockfd)
480  return UV__ERR(errno);
482  ifc.ifc_req = uv__calloc(1, maxsize);
483  ifc.ifc_len = maxsize;
484  if (ioctl(sockfd, SIOCGIFCONF, &ifc) == -1) {
485  uv__close(sockfd);
486  return UV__ERR(errno);
487  }
489 #define MAX(a,b) (((a)>(b))?(a):(b))
490 #define ADDR_SIZE(p) MAX((p).sa_len, sizeof(p))
492  /* Count all up and running ipv4/ipv6 addresses */
493  ifr = ifc.ifc_req;
494  while ((char*)ifr < (char*)ifc.ifc_req + ifc.ifc_len) {
495  p = ifr;
496  ifr = (struct ifreq*)
497  ((char*)ifr + sizeof(ifr->ifr_name) + ADDR_SIZE(ifr->ifr_addr));
499  if (!(p->ifr_addr.sa_family == AF_INET6 ||
500  p->ifr_addr.sa_family == AF_INET))
501  continue;
503  memcpy(flg.ifr_name, p->ifr_name, sizeof(flg.ifr_name));
504  if (ioctl(sockfd, SIOCGIFFLAGS, &flg) == -1) {
505  uv__close(sockfd);
506  return UV__ERR(errno);
507  }
509  if (!(flg.ifr_flags & IFF_UP && flg.ifr_flags & IFF_RUNNING))
510  continue;
512  (*count)++;
513  }
515  if (*count == 0) {
516  uv__close(sockfd);
517  return 0;
518  }
520  /* Alloc the return interface structs */
521  *addresses = uv__malloc((*count + count_v6) *
522  sizeof(uv_interface_address_t));
524  if (!(*addresses)) {
525  uv__close(sockfd);
526  return UV_ENOMEM;
527  }
528  address = *addresses;
530  /* copy over the ipv6 addresses */
531  memcpy(address, addresses_v6, count_v6 * sizeof(uv_interface_address_t));
532  address += count_v6;
533  *count += count_v6;
534  uv__free(addresses_v6);
536  ifr = ifc.ifc_req;
537  while ((char*)ifr < (char*)ifc.ifc_req + ifc.ifc_len) {
538  p = ifr;
539  ifr = (struct ifreq*)
540  ((char*)ifr + sizeof(ifr->ifr_name) + ADDR_SIZE(ifr->ifr_addr));
542  if (!(p->ifr_addr.sa_family == AF_INET6 ||
543  p->ifr_addr.sa_family == AF_INET))
544  continue;
546  memcpy(flg.ifr_name, p->ifr_name, sizeof(flg.ifr_name));
547  if (ioctl(sockfd, SIOCGIFFLAGS, &flg) == -1) {
548  uv__close(sockfd);
549  return UV_ENOSYS;
550  }
552  if (!(flg.ifr_flags & IFF_UP && flg.ifr_flags & IFF_RUNNING))
553  continue;
555  /* All conditions above must match count loop */
557  address->name = uv__strdup(p->ifr_name);
559  if (p->ifr_addr.sa_family == AF_INET6) {
560  address->address.address6 = *((struct sockaddr_in6*) &p->ifr_addr);
561  } else {
562  address->address.address4 = *((struct sockaddr_in*) &p->ifr_addr);
563  }
565  address->is_internal = flg.ifr_flags & IFF_LOOPBACK ? 1 : 0;
566  memset(address->phys_addr, 0, sizeof(address->phys_addr));
567  address++;
568  }
570 #undef ADDR_SIZE
571 #undef MAX
573  uv__close(sockfd);
574  return 0;
575 }
#define ADDR_SIZE(p)
static int uv__interface_addresses_v6(uv_interface_address_t **addresses, int *count)
Definition: os390.c:372

References ADDR_SIZE, uv_interface_address_s::address, uv_interface_address_s::address4, uv_interface_address_s::address6, AF_INET, AF_INET6, count, ioctl, uv_interface_address_s::is_internal, memcpy(), memset(), uv_interface_address_s::name, NULL, p, uv_interface_address_s::phys_addr, SOCK_DGRAM, socket, sockfd, uv__calloc(), uv__close(), UV__ERR, uv__free(), uv__interface_addresses_v6(), uv__malloc(), and uv__strdup().

◆ uv_loadavg()

void uv_loadavg ( double  avg[3])

Definition at line 111 of file os390.c.

111  {
112  /* TODO: implement the following */
113  avg[0] = 0;
114  avg[1] = 0;
115  avg[2] = 0;
116 }

◆ uv_resident_set_memory()

int uv_resident_set_memory ( size_t rss)

Definition at line 300 of file os390.c.

300  {
301  char* ascb;
302  char* rax;
303  size_t nframes;
305  ascb = *(char* __ptr32 *)(PSA_PTR + PSAAOLD);
306  rax = *(char* __ptr32 *)(ascb + ASCBRSME);
307  nframes = *(unsigned int*)(rax + RAXFMCT);
309  *rss = nframes * sysconf(_SC_PAGESIZE);
310  return 0;
311 }
#define PSA_PTR
Definition: os390.c:38
#define RAXFMCT
Definition: os390.c:86
#define PSAAOLD
Definition: os390.c:77
#define ASCBRSME
Definition: os390.c:80


◆ uv_uptime()

int uv_uptime ( double *  uptime)

Definition at line 314 of file os390.c.

314  {
315  struct utmpx u ;
316  struct utmpx *v;
317  time64_t t;
319  u.ut_type = BOOT_TIME;
320  v = getutxid(&u);
321  if (v == NULL)
322  return -1;
323  *uptime = difftime64(time64(&t), v->ut_tv.tv_sec);
324  return 0;
325 }
const char * v
Definition: dsignal.c:12

References NULL, and v.