unix-like reverse engineering framework and cli tools
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
2  LZ4 HC - High Compression Mode of LZ4
3  Copyright (C) 2011-2017, Yann Collet.
5  BSD 2-Clause License (http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php)
7  Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
8  modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
9  met:
11  * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
12  notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
13  * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
14  copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer
15  in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
16  distribution.
30  You can contact the author at :
31  - LZ4 source repository : https://github.com/lz4/lz4
32  - LZ4 public forum : https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/lz4c
33 */
34 /* note : lz4hc is not an independent module, it requires lz4.h/lz4.c for proper compilation */
37 /* *************************************
38 * Tuning Parameter
39 ***************************************/
46 #ifndef LZ4HC_HEAPMODE
47 # define LZ4HC_HEAPMODE 1
48 #endif
51 /*=== Dependency ===*/
53 #include "lz4hc.h"
56 /*=== Common definitions ===*/
57 #if defined(__GNUC__)
58 # pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-function"
59 #endif
60 #if defined (__clang__)
61 # pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-function"
62 #endif
65 #ifndef LZ4_SRC_INCLUDED
66 #include "lz4.c" /* LZ4_count, constants, mem */
67 #endif
70 /*=== Enums ===*/
74 /*=== Constants ===*/
75 #define OPTIMAL_ML (int)((ML_MASK-1)+MINMATCH)
76 #define LZ4_OPT_NUM (1<<12)
79 /*=== Macros ===*/
80 #define MIN(a,b) ( (a) < (b) ? (a) : (b) )
81 #define MAX(a,b) ( (a) > (b) ? (a) : (b) )
82 #define HASH_FUNCTION(i) (((i) * 2654435761U) >> ((MINMATCH*8)-LZ4HC_HASH_LOG))
83 #define DELTANEXTMAXD(p) chainTable[(p) & LZ4HC_MAXD_MASK] /* flexible, LZ4HC_MAXD dependent */
84 #define DELTANEXTU16(table, pos) table[(U16)(pos)] /* faster */
85 /* Make fields passed to, and updated by LZ4HC_encodeSequence explicit */
86 #define UPDATABLE(ip, op, anchor) &ip, &op, &anchor
88 static U32 LZ4HC_hashPtr(const void* ptr) { return HASH_FUNCTION(LZ4_read32(ptr)); }
91 /**************************************
92 * HC Compression
93 **************************************/
95 {
96  MEM_INIT(hc4->hashTable, 0, sizeof(hc4->hashTable));
97  MEM_INIT(hc4->chainTable, 0xFF, sizeof(hc4->chainTable));
98 }
101 {
102  uptrval startingOffset = (uptrval)(hc4->end - hc4->base);
103  if (startingOffset > 1 GB) {
104  LZ4HC_clearTables(hc4);
105  startingOffset = 0;
106  }
107  startingOffset += 64 KB;
108  hc4->nextToUpdate = (U32) startingOffset;
109  hc4->base = start - startingOffset;
110  hc4->end = start;
111  hc4->dictBase = start - startingOffset;
112  hc4->dictLimit = (U32) startingOffset;
113  hc4->lowLimit = (U32) startingOffset;
114 }
117 /* Update chains up to ip (excluded) */
119 {
120  U16* const chainTable = hc4->chainTable;
121  U32* const hashTable = hc4->hashTable;
122  const BYTE* const base = hc4->base;
123  U32 const target = (U32)(ip - base);
124  U32 idx = hc4->nextToUpdate;
126  while (idx < target) {
127  U32 const h = LZ4HC_hashPtr(base+idx);
128  size_t delta = idx - hashTable[h];
129  if (delta>LZ4_DISTANCE_MAX) delta = LZ4_DISTANCE_MAX;
130  DELTANEXTU16(chainTable, idx) = (U16)delta;
131  hashTable[h] = idx;
132  idx++;
133  }
135  hc4->nextToUpdate = target;
136 }
141 int LZ4HC_countBack(const BYTE* const ip, const BYTE* const match,
142  const BYTE* const iMin, const BYTE* const mMin)
143 {
144  int back = 0;
145  int const min = (int)MAX(iMin - ip, mMin - match);
146  assert(min <= 0);
147  assert(ip >= iMin); assert((size_t)(ip-iMin) < (1U<<31));
148  assert(match >= mMin); assert((size_t)(match - mMin) < (1U<<31));
149  while ( (back > min)
150  && (ip[back-1] == match[back-1]) )
151  back--;
152  return back;
153 }
155 #if defined(_MSC_VER)
156 # define LZ4HC_rotl32(x,r) _rotl(x,r)
157 #else
158 # define LZ4HC_rotl32(x,r) ((x << r) | (x >> (32 - r)))
159 #endif
162 static U32 LZ4HC_rotatePattern(size_t const rotate, U32 const pattern)
163 {
164  size_t const bitsToRotate = (rotate & (sizeof(pattern) - 1)) << 3;
165  if (bitsToRotate == 0) return pattern;
166  return LZ4HC_rotl32(pattern, (int)bitsToRotate);
167 }
169 /* LZ4HC_countPattern() :
170  * pattern32 must be a sample of repetitive pattern of length 1, 2 or 4 (but not 3!) */
171 static unsigned
172 LZ4HC_countPattern(const BYTE* ip, const BYTE* const iEnd, U32 const pattern32)
173 {
174  const BYTE* const iStart = ip;
175  reg_t const pattern = (sizeof(pattern)==8) ?
176  (reg_t)pattern32 + (((reg_t)pattern32) << (sizeof(pattern)*4)) : pattern32;
178  while (likely(ip < iEnd-(sizeof(pattern)-1))) {
179  reg_t const diff = LZ4_read_ARCH(ip) ^ pattern;
180  if (!diff) { ip+=sizeof(pattern); continue; }
181  ip += LZ4_NbCommonBytes(diff);
182  return (unsigned)(ip - iStart);
183  }
185  if (LZ4_isLittleEndian()) {
186  reg_t patternByte = pattern;
187  while ((ip<iEnd) && (*ip == (BYTE)patternByte)) {
188  ip++; patternByte >>= 8;
189  }
190  } else { /* big endian */
191  U32 bitOffset = (sizeof(pattern)*8) - 8;
192  while (ip < iEnd) {
193  BYTE const byte = (BYTE)(pattern >> bitOffset);
194  if (*ip != byte) break;
195  ip ++; bitOffset -= 8;
196  }
197  }
199  return (unsigned)(ip - iStart);
200 }
202 /* LZ4HC_reverseCountPattern() :
203  * pattern must be a sample of repetitive pattern of length 1, 2 or 4 (but not 3!)
204  * read using natural platform endianess */
205 static unsigned
206 LZ4HC_reverseCountPattern(const BYTE* ip, const BYTE* const iLow, U32 pattern)
207 {
208  const BYTE* const iStart = ip;
210  while (likely(ip >= iLow+4)) {
211  if (LZ4_read32(ip-4) != pattern) break;
212  ip -= 4;
213  }
214  { const BYTE* bytePtr = (const BYTE*)(&pattern) + 3; /* works for any endianess */
215  while (likely(ip>iLow)) {
216  if (ip[-1] != *bytePtr) break;
217  ip--; bytePtr--;
218  } }
219  return (unsigned)(iStart - ip);
220 }
222 /* LZ4HC_protectDictEnd() :
223  * Checks if the match is in the last 3 bytes of the dictionary, so reading the
224  * 4 byte MINMATCH would overflow.
225  * @returns true if the match index is okay.
226  */
227 static int LZ4HC_protectDictEnd(U32 const dictLimit, U32 const matchIndex)
228 {
229  return ((U32)((dictLimit - 1) - matchIndex) >= 3);
230 }
237  LZ4HC_CCtx_internal* hc4,
238  const BYTE* const ip,
239  const BYTE* const iLowLimit,
240  const BYTE* const iHighLimit,
241  int longest,
242  const BYTE** matchpos,
243  const BYTE** startpos,
244  const int maxNbAttempts,
245  const int patternAnalysis,
246  const int chainSwap,
247  const dictCtx_directive dict,
248  const HCfavor_e favorDecSpeed)
249 {
250  U16* const chainTable = hc4->chainTable;
251  U32* const HashTable = hc4->hashTable;
252  const LZ4HC_CCtx_internal * const dictCtx = hc4->dictCtx;
253  const BYTE* const base = hc4->base;
254  const U32 dictLimit = hc4->dictLimit;
255  const BYTE* const lowPrefixPtr = base + dictLimit;
256  const U32 ipIndex = (U32)(ip - base);
257  const U32 lowestMatchIndex = (hc4->lowLimit + (LZ4_DISTANCE_MAX + 1) > ipIndex) ? hc4->lowLimit : ipIndex - LZ4_DISTANCE_MAX;
258  const BYTE* const dictBase = hc4->dictBase;
259  int const lookBackLength = (int)(ip-iLowLimit);
260  int nbAttempts = maxNbAttempts;
261  U32 matchChainPos = 0;
262  U32 const pattern = LZ4_read32(ip);
263  U32 matchIndex;
265  size_t srcPatternLength = 0;
267  DEBUGLOG(7, "LZ4HC_InsertAndGetWiderMatch");
268  /* First Match */
269  LZ4HC_Insert(hc4, ip);
270  matchIndex = HashTable[LZ4HC_hashPtr(ip)];
271  DEBUGLOG(7, "First match at index %u / %u (lowestMatchIndex)",
272  matchIndex, lowestMatchIndex);
274  while ((matchIndex>=lowestMatchIndex) && (nbAttempts>0)) {
275  int matchLength=0;
276  nbAttempts--;
277  assert(matchIndex < ipIndex);
278  if (favorDecSpeed && (ipIndex - matchIndex < 8)) {
279  /* do nothing */
280  } else if (matchIndex >= dictLimit) { /* within current Prefix */
281  const BYTE* const matchPtr = base + matchIndex;
282  assert(matchPtr >= lowPrefixPtr);
283  assert(matchPtr < ip);
284  assert(longest >= 1);
285  if (LZ4_read16(iLowLimit + longest - 1) == LZ4_read16(matchPtr - lookBackLength + longest - 1)) {
286  if (LZ4_read32(matchPtr) == pattern) {
287  int const back = lookBackLength ? LZ4HC_countBack(ip, matchPtr, iLowLimit, lowPrefixPtr) : 0;
288  matchLength = MINMATCH + (int)LZ4_count(ip+MINMATCH, matchPtr+MINMATCH, iHighLimit);
289  matchLength -= back;
290  if (matchLength > longest) {
291  longest = matchLength;
292  *matchpos = matchPtr + back;
293  *startpos = ip + back;
294  } } }
295  } else { /* lowestMatchIndex <= matchIndex < dictLimit */
296  const BYTE* const matchPtr = dictBase + matchIndex;
297  if (LZ4_read32(matchPtr) == pattern) {
298  const BYTE* const dictStart = dictBase + hc4->lowLimit;
299  int back = 0;
300  const BYTE* vLimit = ip + (dictLimit - matchIndex);
301  if (vLimit > iHighLimit) vLimit = iHighLimit;
302  matchLength = (int)LZ4_count(ip+MINMATCH, matchPtr+MINMATCH, vLimit) + MINMATCH;
303  if ((ip+matchLength == vLimit) && (vLimit < iHighLimit))
304  matchLength += LZ4_count(ip+matchLength, lowPrefixPtr, iHighLimit);
305  back = lookBackLength ? LZ4HC_countBack(ip, matchPtr, iLowLimit, dictStart) : 0;
306  matchLength -= back;
307  if (matchLength > longest) {
308  longest = matchLength;
309  *matchpos = base + matchIndex + back; /* virtual pos, relative to ip, to retrieve offset */
310  *startpos = ip + back;
311  } } }
313  if (chainSwap && matchLength==longest) { /* better match => select a better chain */
314  assert(lookBackLength==0); /* search forward only */
315  if (matchIndex + (U32)longest <= ipIndex) {
316  int const kTrigger = 4;
317  U32 distanceToNextMatch = 1;
318  int const end = longest - MINMATCH + 1;
319  int step = 1;
320  int accel = 1 << kTrigger;
321  int pos;
322  for (pos = 0; pos < end; pos += step) {
323  U32 const candidateDist = DELTANEXTU16(chainTable, matchIndex + (U32)pos);
324  step = (accel++ >> kTrigger);
325  if (candidateDist > distanceToNextMatch) {
326  distanceToNextMatch = candidateDist;
327  matchChainPos = (U32)pos;
328  accel = 1 << kTrigger;
329  }
330  }
331  if (distanceToNextMatch > 1) {
332  if (distanceToNextMatch > matchIndex) break; /* avoid overflow */
333  matchIndex -= distanceToNextMatch;
334  continue;
335  } } }
337  { U32 const distNextMatch = DELTANEXTU16(chainTable, matchIndex);
338  if (patternAnalysis && distNextMatch==1 && matchChainPos==0) {
339  U32 const matchCandidateIdx = matchIndex-1;
340  /* may be a repeated pattern */
341  if (repeat == rep_untested) {
342  if ( ((pattern & 0xFFFF) == (pattern >> 16))
343  & ((pattern & 0xFF) == (pattern >> 24)) ) {
345  srcPatternLength = LZ4HC_countPattern(ip+sizeof(pattern), iHighLimit, pattern) + sizeof(pattern);
346  } else {
347  repeat = rep_not;
348  } }
349  if ( (repeat == rep_confirmed) && (matchCandidateIdx >= lowestMatchIndex)
350  && LZ4HC_protectDictEnd(dictLimit, matchCandidateIdx) ) {
351  const int extDict = matchCandidateIdx < dictLimit;
352  const BYTE* const matchPtr = (extDict ? dictBase : base) + matchCandidateIdx;
353  if (LZ4_read32(matchPtr) == pattern) { /* good candidate */
354  const BYTE* const dictStart = dictBase + hc4->lowLimit;
355  const BYTE* const iLimit = extDict ? dictBase + dictLimit : iHighLimit;
356  size_t forwardPatternLength = LZ4HC_countPattern(matchPtr+sizeof(pattern), iLimit, pattern) + sizeof(pattern);
357  if (extDict && matchPtr + forwardPatternLength == iLimit) {
358  U32 const rotatedPattern = LZ4HC_rotatePattern(forwardPatternLength, pattern);
359  forwardPatternLength += LZ4HC_countPattern(lowPrefixPtr, iHighLimit, rotatedPattern);
360  }
361  { const BYTE* const lowestMatchPtr = extDict ? dictStart : lowPrefixPtr;
362  size_t backLength = LZ4HC_reverseCountPattern(matchPtr, lowestMatchPtr, pattern);
363  size_t currentSegmentLength;
364  if (!extDict && matchPtr - backLength == lowPrefixPtr && hc4->lowLimit < dictLimit) {
365  U32 const rotatedPattern = LZ4HC_rotatePattern((U32)(-(int)backLength), pattern);
366  backLength += LZ4HC_reverseCountPattern(dictBase + dictLimit, dictStart, rotatedPattern);
367  }
368  /* Limit backLength not go further than lowestMatchIndex */
369  backLength = matchCandidateIdx - MAX(matchCandidateIdx - (U32)backLength, lowestMatchIndex);
370  assert(matchCandidateIdx - backLength >= lowestMatchIndex);
371  currentSegmentLength = backLength + forwardPatternLength;
372  /* Adjust to end of pattern if the source pattern fits, otherwise the beginning of the pattern */
373  if ( (currentSegmentLength >= srcPatternLength) /* current pattern segment large enough to contain full srcPatternLength */
374  && (forwardPatternLength <= srcPatternLength) ) { /* haven't reached this position yet */
375  U32 const newMatchIndex = matchCandidateIdx + (U32)forwardPatternLength - (U32)srcPatternLength; /* best position, full pattern, might be followed by more match */
376  if (LZ4HC_protectDictEnd(dictLimit, newMatchIndex))
377  matchIndex = newMatchIndex;
378  else {
379  /* Can only happen if started in the prefix */
380  assert(newMatchIndex >= dictLimit - 3 && newMatchIndex < dictLimit && !extDict);
381  matchIndex = dictLimit;
382  }
383  } else {
384  U32 const newMatchIndex = matchCandidateIdx - (U32)backLength; /* farthest position in current segment, will find a match of length currentSegmentLength + maybe some back */
385  if (!LZ4HC_protectDictEnd(dictLimit, newMatchIndex)) {
386  assert(newMatchIndex >= dictLimit - 3 && newMatchIndex < dictLimit && !extDict);
387  matchIndex = dictLimit;
388  } else {
389  matchIndex = newMatchIndex;
390  if (lookBackLength==0) { /* no back possible */
391  size_t const maxML = MIN(currentSegmentLength, srcPatternLength);
392  if ((size_t)longest < maxML) {
393  assert(base + matchIndex != ip);
394  if ((size_t)(ip - base) - matchIndex > LZ4_DISTANCE_MAX) break;
395  assert(maxML < 2 GB);
396  longest = (int)maxML;
397  *matchpos = base + matchIndex; /* virtual pos, relative to ip, to retrieve offset */
398  *startpos = ip;
399  }
400  { U32 const distToNextPattern = DELTANEXTU16(chainTable, matchIndex);
401  if (distToNextPattern > matchIndex) break; /* avoid overflow */
402  matchIndex -= distToNextPattern;
403  } } } } }
404  continue;
405  } }
406  } } /* PA optimization */
408  /* follow current chain */
409  matchIndex -= DELTANEXTU16(chainTable, matchIndex + matchChainPos);
411  } /* while ((matchIndex>=lowestMatchIndex) && (nbAttempts)) */
413  if ( dict == usingDictCtxHc
414  && nbAttempts > 0
415  && ipIndex - lowestMatchIndex < LZ4_DISTANCE_MAX) {
416  size_t const dictEndOffset = (size_t)(dictCtx->end - dictCtx->base);
417  U32 dictMatchIndex = dictCtx->hashTable[LZ4HC_hashPtr(ip)];
418  assert(dictEndOffset <= 1 GB);
419  matchIndex = dictMatchIndex + lowestMatchIndex - (U32)dictEndOffset;
420  while (ipIndex - matchIndex <= LZ4_DISTANCE_MAX && nbAttempts--) {
421  const BYTE* const matchPtr = dictCtx->base + dictMatchIndex;
423  if (LZ4_read32(matchPtr) == pattern) {
424  int mlt;
425  int back = 0;
426  const BYTE* vLimit = ip + (dictEndOffset - dictMatchIndex);
427  if (vLimit > iHighLimit) vLimit = iHighLimit;
428  mlt = (int)LZ4_count(ip+MINMATCH, matchPtr+MINMATCH, vLimit) + MINMATCH;
429  back = lookBackLength ? LZ4HC_countBack(ip, matchPtr, iLowLimit, dictCtx->base + dictCtx->dictLimit) : 0;
430  mlt -= back;
431  if (mlt > longest) {
432  longest = mlt;
433  *matchpos = base + matchIndex + back;
434  *startpos = ip + back;
435  } }
437  { U32 const nextOffset = DELTANEXTU16(dictCtx->chainTable, dictMatchIndex);
438  dictMatchIndex -= nextOffset;
439  matchIndex -= nextOffset;
440  } } }
442  return longest;
443 }
446 int LZ4HC_InsertAndFindBestMatch(LZ4HC_CCtx_internal* const hc4, /* Index table will be updated */
447  const BYTE* const ip, const BYTE* const iLimit,
448  const BYTE** matchpos,
449  const int maxNbAttempts,
450  const int patternAnalysis,
451  const dictCtx_directive dict)
452 {
453  const BYTE* uselessPtr = ip;
454  /* note : LZ4HC_InsertAndGetWiderMatch() is able to modify the starting position of a match (*startpos),
455  * but this won't be the case here, as we define iLowLimit==ip,
456  * so LZ4HC_InsertAndGetWiderMatch() won't be allowed to search past ip */
457  return LZ4HC_InsertAndGetWiderMatch(hc4, ip, ip, iLimit, MINMATCH-1, matchpos, &uselessPtr, maxNbAttempts, patternAnalysis, 0 /*chainSwap*/, dict, favorCompressionRatio);
458 }
460 /* LZ4HC_encodeSequence() :
461  * @return : 0 if ok,
462  * 1 if buffer issue detected */
464  const BYTE** _ip,
465  BYTE** _op,
466  const BYTE** _anchor,
467  int matchLength,
468  const BYTE* const match,
470  BYTE* oend)
471 {
472 #define ip (*_ip)
473 #define op (*_op)
474 #define anchor (*_anchor)
476  size_t length;
477  BYTE* const token = op++;
479 #if defined(LZ4_DEBUG) && (LZ4_DEBUG >= 6)
480  static const BYTE* start = NULL;
481  static U32 totalCost = 0;
482  U32 const pos = (start==NULL) ? 0 : (U32)(anchor - start);
483  U32 const ll = (U32)(ip - anchor);
484  U32 const llAdd = (ll>=15) ? ((ll-15) / 255) + 1 : 0;
485  U32 const mlAdd = (matchLength>=19) ? ((matchLength-19) / 255) + 1 : 0;
486  U32 const cost = 1 + llAdd + ll + 2 + mlAdd;
487  if (start==NULL) start = anchor; /* only works for single segment */
488  /* g_debuglog_enable = (pos >= 2228) & (pos <= 2262); */
489  DEBUGLOG(6, "pos:%7u -- literals:%4u, match:%4i, offset:%5u, cost:%4u + %5u",
490  pos,
491  (U32)(ip - anchor), matchLength, (U32)(ip-match),
492  cost, totalCost);
493  totalCost += cost;
494 #endif
496  /* Encode Literal length */
497  length = (size_t)(ip - anchor);
499  /* Check output limit */
500  if (limit && ((op + (length / 255) + length + (2 + 1 + LASTLITERALS)) > oend)) {
501  DEBUGLOG(6, "Not enough room to write %i literals (%i bytes remaining)",
502  (int)length, (int)(oend - op));
503  return 1;
504  }
505  if (length >= RUN_MASK) {
506  size_t len = length - RUN_MASK;
507  *token = (RUN_MASK << ML_BITS);
508  for(; len >= 255 ; len -= 255) *op++ = 255;
509  *op++ = (BYTE)len;
510  } else {
511  *token = (BYTE)(length << ML_BITS);
512  }
514  /* Copy Literals */
516  op += length;
518  /* Encode Offset */
519  assert( (ip - match) <= LZ4_DISTANCE_MAX ); /* note : consider providing offset as a value, rather than as a pointer difference */
520  LZ4_writeLE16(op, (U16)(ip - match)); op += 2;
522  /* Encode MatchLength */
523  assert(matchLength >= MINMATCH);
524  length = (size_t)matchLength - MINMATCH;
525  if (limit && (op + (length / 255) + (1 + LASTLITERALS) > oend)) {
526  DEBUGLOG(6, "Not enough room to write match length");
527  return 1; /* Check output limit */
528  }
529  if (length >= ML_MASK) {
530  *token += ML_MASK;
531  length -= ML_MASK;
532  for(; length >= 510 ; length -= 510) { *op++ = 255; *op++ = 255; }
533  if (length >= 255) { length -= 255; *op++ = 255; }
534  *op++ = (BYTE)length;
535  } else {
536  *token += (BYTE)(length);
537  }
539  /* Prepare next loop */
540  ip += matchLength;
541  anchor = ip;
543  return 0;
544 }
545 #undef ip
546 #undef op
547 #undef anchor
550  LZ4HC_CCtx_internal* const ctx,
551  const char* const source,
552  char* const dest,
553  int* srcSizePtr,
554  int const maxOutputSize,
555  int maxNbAttempts,
557  const dictCtx_directive dict
558  )
559 {
560  const int inputSize = *srcSizePtr;
561  const int patternAnalysis = (maxNbAttempts > 128); /* levels 9+ */
563  const BYTE* ip = (const BYTE*) source;
564  const BYTE* anchor = ip;
565  const BYTE* const iend = ip + inputSize;
566  const BYTE* const mflimit = iend - MFLIMIT;
567  const BYTE* const matchlimit = (iend - LASTLITERALS);
569  BYTE* optr = (BYTE*) dest;
570  BYTE* op = (BYTE*) dest;
571  BYTE* oend = op + maxOutputSize;
573  int ml0, ml, ml2, ml3;
574  const BYTE* start0;
575  const BYTE* ref0;
576  const BYTE* ref = NULL;
577  const BYTE* start2 = NULL;
578  const BYTE* ref2 = NULL;
579  const BYTE* start3 = NULL;
580  const BYTE* ref3 = NULL;
582  /* init */
583  *srcSizePtr = 0;
584  if (limit == fillOutput) oend -= LASTLITERALS; /* Hack for support LZ4 format restriction */
585  if (inputSize < LZ4_minLength) goto _last_literals; /* Input too small, no compression (all literals) */
587  /* Main Loop */
588  while (ip <= mflimit) {
589  ml = LZ4HC_InsertAndFindBestMatch(ctx, ip, matchlimit, &ref, maxNbAttempts, patternAnalysis, dict);
590  if (ml<MINMATCH) { ip++; continue; }
592  /* saved, in case we would skip too much */
593  start0 = ip; ref0 = ref; ml0 = ml;
595 _Search2:
596  if (ip+ml <= mflimit) {
598  ip + ml - 2, ip + 0, matchlimit, ml, &ref2, &start2,
599  maxNbAttempts, patternAnalysis, 0, dict, favorCompressionRatio);
600  } else {
601  ml2 = ml;
602  }
604  if (ml2 == ml) { /* No better match => encode ML1 */
605  optr = op;
606  if (LZ4HC_encodeSequence(UPDATABLE(ip, op, anchor), ml, ref, limit, oend)) goto _dest_overflow;
607  continue;
608  }
610  if (start0 < ip) { /* first match was skipped at least once */
611  if (start2 < ip + ml0) { /* squeezing ML1 between ML0(original ML1) and ML2 */
612  ip = start0; ref = ref0; ml = ml0; /* restore initial ML1 */
613  } }
615  /* Here, start0==ip */
616  if ((start2 - ip) < 3) { /* First Match too small : removed */
617  ml = ml2;
618  ip = start2;
619  ref =ref2;
620  goto _Search2;
621  }
623 _Search3:
624  /* At this stage, we have :
625  * ml2 > ml1, and
626  * ip1+3 <= ip2 (usually < ip1+ml1) */
627  if ((start2 - ip) < OPTIMAL_ML) {
628  int correction;
629  int new_ml = ml;
630  if (new_ml > OPTIMAL_ML) new_ml = OPTIMAL_ML;
631  if (ip+new_ml > start2 + ml2 - MINMATCH) new_ml = (int)(start2 - ip) + ml2 - MINMATCH;
632  correction = new_ml - (int)(start2 - ip);
633  if (correction > 0) {
634  start2 += correction;
635  ref2 += correction;
636  ml2 -= correction;
637  }
638  }
639  /* Now, we have start2 = ip+new_ml, with new_ml = min(ml, OPTIMAL_ML=18) */
641  if (start2 + ml2 <= mflimit) {
643  start2 + ml2 - 3, start2, matchlimit, ml2, &ref3, &start3,
644  maxNbAttempts, patternAnalysis, 0, dict, favorCompressionRatio);
645  } else {
646  ml3 = ml2;
647  }
649  if (ml3 == ml2) { /* No better match => encode ML1 and ML2 */
650  /* ip & ref are known; Now for ml */
651  if (start2 < ip+ml) ml = (int)(start2 - ip);
652  /* Now, encode 2 sequences */
653  optr = op;
654  if (LZ4HC_encodeSequence(UPDATABLE(ip, op, anchor), ml, ref, limit, oend)) goto _dest_overflow;
655  ip = start2;
656  optr = op;
657  if (LZ4HC_encodeSequence(UPDATABLE(ip, op, anchor), ml2, ref2, limit, oend)) {
658  ml = ml2;
659  ref = ref2;
660  goto _dest_overflow;
661  }
662  continue;
663  }
665  if (start3 < ip+ml+3) { /* Not enough space for match 2 : remove it */
666  if (start3 >= (ip+ml)) { /* can write Seq1 immediately ==> Seq2 is removed, so Seq3 becomes Seq1 */
667  if (start2 < ip+ml) {
668  int correction = (int)(ip+ml - start2);
669  start2 += correction;
670  ref2 += correction;
671  ml2 -= correction;
672  if (ml2 < MINMATCH) {
673  start2 = start3;
674  ref2 = ref3;
675  ml2 = ml3;
676  }
677  }
679  optr = op;
680  if (LZ4HC_encodeSequence(UPDATABLE(ip, op, anchor), ml, ref, limit, oend)) goto _dest_overflow;
681  ip = start3;
682  ref = ref3;
683  ml = ml3;
685  start0 = start2;
686  ref0 = ref2;
687  ml0 = ml2;
688  goto _Search2;
689  }
691  start2 = start3;
692  ref2 = ref3;
693  ml2 = ml3;
694  goto _Search3;
695  }
697  /*
698  * OK, now we have 3 ascending matches;
699  * let's write the first one ML1.
700  * ip & ref are known; Now decide ml.
701  */
702  if (start2 < ip+ml) {
703  if ((start2 - ip) < OPTIMAL_ML) {
704  int correction;
705  if (ml > OPTIMAL_ML) ml = OPTIMAL_ML;
706  if (ip + ml > start2 + ml2 - MINMATCH) ml = (int)(start2 - ip) + ml2 - MINMATCH;
707  correction = ml - (int)(start2 - ip);
708  if (correction > 0) {
709  start2 += correction;
710  ref2 += correction;
711  ml2 -= correction;
712  }
713  } else {
714  ml = (int)(start2 - ip);
715  }
716  }
717  optr = op;
718  if (LZ4HC_encodeSequence(UPDATABLE(ip, op, anchor), ml, ref, limit, oend)) goto _dest_overflow;
720  /* ML2 becomes ML1 */
721  ip = start2; ref = ref2; ml = ml2;
723  /* ML3 becomes ML2 */
724  start2 = start3; ref2 = ref3; ml2 = ml3;
726  /* let's find a new ML3 */
727  goto _Search3;
728  }
730 _last_literals:
731  /* Encode Last Literals */
732  { size_t lastRunSize = (size_t)(iend - anchor); /* literals */
733  size_t llAdd = (lastRunSize + 255 - RUN_MASK) / 255;
734  size_t const totalSize = 1 + llAdd + lastRunSize;
735  if (limit == fillOutput) oend += LASTLITERALS; /* restore correct value */
736  if (limit && (op + totalSize > oend)) {
737  if (limit == limitedOutput) return 0;
738  /* adapt lastRunSize to fill 'dest' */
739  lastRunSize = (size_t)(oend - op) - 1 /*token*/;
740  llAdd = (lastRunSize + 256 - RUN_MASK) / 256;
741  lastRunSize -= llAdd;
742  }
743  DEBUGLOG(6, "Final literal run : %i literals", (int)lastRunSize);
744  ip = anchor + lastRunSize; /* can be != iend if limit==fillOutput */
746  if (lastRunSize >= RUN_MASK) {
747  size_t accumulator = lastRunSize - RUN_MASK;
748  *op++ = (RUN_MASK << ML_BITS);
749  for(; accumulator >= 255 ; accumulator -= 255) *op++ = 255;
750  *op++ = (BYTE) accumulator;
751  } else {
752  *op++ = (BYTE)(lastRunSize << ML_BITS);
753  }
754  memcpy(op, anchor, lastRunSize);
755  op += lastRunSize;
756  }
758  /* End */
759  *srcSizePtr = (int) (((const char*)ip) - source);
760  return (int) (((char*)op)-dest);
762 _dest_overflow:
763  if (limit == fillOutput) {
764  /* Assumption : ip, anchor, ml and ref must be set correctly */
765  size_t const ll = (size_t)(ip - anchor);
766  size_t const ll_addbytes = (ll + 240) / 255;
767  size_t const ll_totalCost = 1 + ll_addbytes + ll;
768  BYTE* const maxLitPos = oend - 3; /* 2 for offset, 1 for token */
769  DEBUGLOG(6, "Last sequence overflowing");
770  op = optr; /* restore correct out pointer */
771  if (op + ll_totalCost <= maxLitPos) {
772  /* ll validated; now adjust match length */
773  size_t const bytesLeftForMl = (size_t)(maxLitPos - (op+ll_totalCost));
774  size_t const maxMlSize = MINMATCH + (ML_MASK-1) + (bytesLeftForMl * 255);
775  assert(maxMlSize < INT_MAX); assert(ml >= 0);
776  if ((size_t)ml > maxMlSize) ml = (int)maxMlSize;
777  if ((oend + LASTLITERALS) - (op + ll_totalCost + 2) - 1 + ml >= MFLIMIT) {
778  LZ4HC_encodeSequence(UPDATABLE(ip, op, anchor), ml, ref, notLimited, oend);
779  } }
780  goto _last_literals;
781  }
782  /* compression failed */
783  return 0;
784 }
788  const char* const source, char* dst,
789  int* srcSizePtr, int dstCapacity,
790  int const nbSearches, size_t sufficient_len,
791  const limitedOutput_directive limit, int const fullUpdate,
792  const dictCtx_directive dict,
793  const HCfavor_e favorDecSpeed);
797  LZ4HC_CCtx_internal* const ctx,
798  const char* const src,
799  char* const dst,
800  int* const srcSizePtr,
801  int const dstCapacity,
802  int cLevel,
804  const dictCtx_directive dict
805  )
806 {
807  typedef enum { lz4hc, lz4opt } lz4hc_strat_e;
808  typedef struct {
809  lz4hc_strat_e strat;
810  int nbSearches;
811  U32 targetLength;
812  } cParams_t;
813  static const cParams_t clTable[LZ4HC_CLEVEL_MAX+1] = {
814  { lz4hc, 2, 16 }, /* 0, unused */
815  { lz4hc, 2, 16 }, /* 1, unused */
816  { lz4hc, 2, 16 }, /* 2, unused */
817  { lz4hc, 4, 16 }, /* 3 */
818  { lz4hc, 8, 16 }, /* 4 */
819  { lz4hc, 16, 16 }, /* 5 */
820  { lz4hc, 32, 16 }, /* 6 */
821  { lz4hc, 64, 16 }, /* 7 */
822  { lz4hc, 128, 16 }, /* 8 */
823  { lz4hc, 256, 16 }, /* 9 */
824  { lz4opt, 96, 64 }, /*10==LZ4HC_CLEVEL_OPT_MIN*/
825  { lz4opt, 512,128 }, /*11 */
826  { lz4opt,16384,LZ4_OPT_NUM }, /* 12==LZ4HC_CLEVEL_MAX */
827  };
829  DEBUGLOG(4, "LZ4HC_compress_generic(ctx=%p, src=%p, srcSize=%d, limit=%d)",
830  ctx, src, *srcSizePtr, limit);
832  if (limit == fillOutput && dstCapacity < 1) return 0; /* Impossible to store anything */
833  if ((U32)*srcSizePtr > (U32)LZ4_MAX_INPUT_SIZE) return 0; /* Unsupported input size (too large or negative) */
835  ctx->end += *srcSizePtr;
836  if (cLevel < 1) cLevel = LZ4HC_CLEVEL_DEFAULT; /* note : convention is different from lz4frame, maybe something to review */
837  cLevel = MIN(LZ4HC_CLEVEL_MAX, cLevel);
838  { cParams_t const cParam = clTable[cLevel];
839  HCfavor_e const favor = ctx->favorDecSpeed ? favorDecompressionSpeed : favorCompressionRatio;
840  int result;
842  if (cParam.strat == lz4hc) {
843  result = LZ4HC_compress_hashChain(ctx,
844  src, dst, srcSizePtr, dstCapacity,
845  cParam.nbSearches, limit, dict);
846  } else {
847  assert(cParam.strat == lz4opt);
848  result = LZ4HC_compress_optimal(ctx,
849  src, dst, srcSizePtr, dstCapacity,
850  cParam.nbSearches, cParam.targetLength, limit,
851  cLevel == LZ4HC_CLEVEL_MAX, /* ultra mode */
852  dict, favor);
853  }
854  if (result <= 0) ctx->dirty = 1;
855  return result;
856  }
857 }
859 static void LZ4HC_setExternalDict(LZ4HC_CCtx_internal* ctxPtr, const BYTE* newBlock);
861 static int
863  LZ4HC_CCtx_internal* const ctx,
864  const char* const src,
865  char* const dst,
866  int* const srcSizePtr,
867  int const dstCapacity,
868  int cLevel,
870  )
871 {
872  assert(ctx->dictCtx == NULL);
873  return LZ4HC_compress_generic_internal(ctx, src, dst, srcSizePtr, dstCapacity, cLevel, limit, noDictCtx);
874 }
876 static int
878  LZ4HC_CCtx_internal* const ctx,
879  const char* const src,
880  char* const dst,
881  int* const srcSizePtr,
882  int const dstCapacity,
883  int cLevel,
885  )
886 {
887  const size_t position = (size_t)(ctx->end - ctx->base) - ctx->lowLimit;
888  assert(ctx->dictCtx != NULL);
889  if (position >= 64 KB) {
890  ctx->dictCtx = NULL;
891  return LZ4HC_compress_generic_noDictCtx(ctx, src, dst, srcSizePtr, dstCapacity, cLevel, limit);
892  } else if (position == 0 && *srcSizePtr > 4 KB) {
893  memcpy(ctx, ctx->dictCtx, sizeof(LZ4HC_CCtx_internal));
894  LZ4HC_setExternalDict(ctx, (const BYTE *)src);
895  ctx->compressionLevel = (short)cLevel;
896  return LZ4HC_compress_generic_noDictCtx(ctx, src, dst, srcSizePtr, dstCapacity, cLevel, limit);
897  } else {
898  return LZ4HC_compress_generic_internal(ctx, src, dst, srcSizePtr, dstCapacity, cLevel, limit, usingDictCtxHc);
899  }
900 }
902 static int
904  LZ4HC_CCtx_internal* const ctx,
905  const char* const src,
906  char* const dst,
907  int* const srcSizePtr,
908  int const dstCapacity,
909  int cLevel,
911  )
912 {
913  if (ctx->dictCtx == NULL) {
914  return LZ4HC_compress_generic_noDictCtx(ctx, src, dst, srcSizePtr, dstCapacity, cLevel, limit);
915  } else {
916  return LZ4HC_compress_generic_dictCtx(ctx, src, dst, srcSizePtr, dstCapacity, cLevel, limit);
917  }
918 }
921 int LZ4_sizeofStateHC(void) { return (int)sizeof(LZ4_streamHC_t); }
923 static size_t LZ4_streamHC_t_alignment(void)
924 {
925 #if LZ4_ALIGN_TEST
926  typedef struct { char c; LZ4_streamHC_t t; } t_a;
927  return sizeof(t_a) - sizeof(LZ4_streamHC_t);
928 #else
929  return 1; /* effectively disabled */
930 #endif
931 }
933 /* state is presumed correctly initialized,
934  * in which case its size and alignment have already been validate */
935 int LZ4_compress_HC_extStateHC_fastReset (void* state, const char* src, char* dst, int srcSize, int dstCapacity, int compressionLevel)
936 {
937  LZ4HC_CCtx_internal* const ctx = &((LZ4_streamHC_t*)state)->internal_donotuse;
938  if (!LZ4_isAligned(state, LZ4_streamHC_t_alignment())) return 0;
940  LZ4HC_init_internal (ctx, (const BYTE*)src);
941  if (dstCapacity < LZ4_compressBound(srcSize))
943  else
945 }
947 int LZ4_compress_HC_extStateHC (void* state, const char* src, char* dst, int srcSize, int dstCapacity, int compressionLevel)
948 {
949  LZ4_streamHC_t* const ctx = LZ4_initStreamHC(state, sizeof(*ctx));
950  if (ctx==NULL) return 0; /* init failure */
952 }
954 int LZ4_compress_HC(const char* src, char* dst, int srcSize, int dstCapacity, int compressionLevel)
955 {
956 #if defined(LZ4HC_HEAPMODE) && LZ4HC_HEAPMODE==1
957  LZ4_streamHC_t* const statePtr = (LZ4_streamHC_t*)ALLOC(sizeof(LZ4_streamHC_t));
958 #else
960  LZ4_streamHC_t* const statePtr = &state;
961 #endif
962  int const cSize = LZ4_compress_HC_extStateHC(statePtr, src, dst, srcSize, dstCapacity, compressionLevel);
963 #if defined(LZ4HC_HEAPMODE) && LZ4HC_HEAPMODE==1
964  FREEMEM(statePtr);
965 #endif
966  return cSize;
967 }
969 /* state is presumed sized correctly (>= sizeof(LZ4_streamHC_t)) */
970 int LZ4_compress_HC_destSize(void* state, const char* source, char* dest, int* sourceSizePtr, int targetDestSize, int cLevel)
971 {
972  LZ4_streamHC_t* const ctx = LZ4_initStreamHC(state, sizeof(*ctx));
973  if (ctx==NULL) return 0; /* init failure */
974  LZ4HC_init_internal(&ctx->internal_donotuse, (const BYTE*) source);
975  LZ4_setCompressionLevel(ctx, cLevel);
976  return LZ4HC_compress_generic(&ctx->internal_donotuse, source, dest, sourceSizePtr, targetDestSize, cLevel, fillOutput);
977 }
981 /**************************************
982 * Streaming Functions
983 **************************************/
984 /* allocation */
986 {
987  LZ4_streamHC_t* const state =
989  if (state == NULL) return NULL;
991  return state;
992 }
994 int LZ4_freeStreamHC (LZ4_streamHC_t* LZ4_streamHCPtr)
995 {
996  DEBUGLOG(4, "LZ4_freeStreamHC(%p)", LZ4_streamHCPtr);
997  if (!LZ4_streamHCPtr) return 0; /* support free on NULL */
998  FREEMEM(LZ4_streamHCPtr);
999  return 0;
1000 }
1004 {
1005  LZ4_streamHC_t* const LZ4_streamHCPtr = (LZ4_streamHC_t*)buffer;
1006  /* if compilation fails here, LZ4_STREAMHCSIZE must be increased */
1008  DEBUGLOG(4, "LZ4_initStreamHC(%p, %u)", buffer, (unsigned)size);
1009  /* check conditions */
1010  if (buffer == NULL) return NULL;
1011  if (size < sizeof(LZ4_streamHC_t)) return NULL;
1013  /* init */
1014  { LZ4HC_CCtx_internal* const hcstate = &(LZ4_streamHCPtr->internal_donotuse);
1015  MEM_INIT(hcstate, 0, sizeof(*hcstate)); }
1017  return LZ4_streamHCPtr;
1018 }
1020 /* just a stub */
1022 {
1023  LZ4_initStreamHC(LZ4_streamHCPtr, sizeof(*LZ4_streamHCPtr));
1024  LZ4_setCompressionLevel(LZ4_streamHCPtr, compressionLevel);
1025 }
1028 {
1029  DEBUGLOG(4, "LZ4_resetStreamHC_fast(%p, %d)", LZ4_streamHCPtr, compressionLevel);
1030  if (LZ4_streamHCPtr->internal_donotuse.dirty) {
1031  LZ4_initStreamHC(LZ4_streamHCPtr, sizeof(*LZ4_streamHCPtr));
1032  } else {
1033  /* preserve end - base : can trigger clearTable's threshold */
1034  LZ4_streamHCPtr->internal_donotuse.end -= (uptrval)LZ4_streamHCPtr->internal_donotuse.base;
1035  LZ4_streamHCPtr->internal_donotuse.base = NULL;
1036  LZ4_streamHCPtr->internal_donotuse.dictCtx = NULL;
1037  }
1038  LZ4_setCompressionLevel(LZ4_streamHCPtr, compressionLevel);
1039 }
1042 {
1043  DEBUGLOG(5, "LZ4_setCompressionLevel(%p, %d)", LZ4_streamHCPtr, compressionLevel);
1046  LZ4_streamHCPtr->internal_donotuse.compressionLevel = (short)compressionLevel;
1047 }
1049 void LZ4_favorDecompressionSpeed(LZ4_streamHC_t* LZ4_streamHCPtr, int favor)
1050 {
1051  LZ4_streamHCPtr->internal_donotuse.favorDecSpeed = (favor!=0);
1052 }
1054 /* LZ4_loadDictHC() :
1055  * LZ4_streamHCPtr is presumed properly initialized */
1056 int LZ4_loadDictHC (LZ4_streamHC_t* LZ4_streamHCPtr,
1057  const char* dictionary, int dictSize)
1058 {
1059  LZ4HC_CCtx_internal* const ctxPtr = &LZ4_streamHCPtr->internal_donotuse;
1060  DEBUGLOG(4, "LZ4_loadDictHC(ctx:%p, dict:%p, dictSize:%d)", LZ4_streamHCPtr, dictionary, dictSize);
1061  assert(LZ4_streamHCPtr != NULL);
1062  if (dictSize > 64 KB) {
1063  dictionary += (size_t)dictSize - 64 KB;
1064  dictSize = 64 KB;
1065  }
1066  /* need a full initialization, there are bad side-effects when using resetFast() */
1067  { int const cLevel = ctxPtr->compressionLevel;
1068  LZ4_initStreamHC(LZ4_streamHCPtr, sizeof(*LZ4_streamHCPtr));
1069  LZ4_setCompressionLevel(LZ4_streamHCPtr, cLevel);
1070  }
1071  LZ4HC_init_internal (ctxPtr, (const BYTE*)dictionary);
1072  ctxPtr->end = (const BYTE*)dictionary + dictSize;
1073  if (dictSize >= 4) LZ4HC_Insert (ctxPtr, ctxPtr->end-3);
1074  return dictSize;
1075 }
1077 void LZ4_attach_HC_dictionary(LZ4_streamHC_t *working_stream, const LZ4_streamHC_t *dictionary_stream) {
1078  working_stream->internal_donotuse.dictCtx = dictionary_stream != NULL ? &(dictionary_stream->internal_donotuse) : NULL;
1079 }
1081 /* compression */
1083 static void LZ4HC_setExternalDict(LZ4HC_CCtx_internal* ctxPtr, const BYTE* newBlock)
1084 {
1085  DEBUGLOG(4, "LZ4HC_setExternalDict(%p, %p)", ctxPtr, newBlock);
1086  if (ctxPtr->end >= ctxPtr->base + ctxPtr->dictLimit + 4)
1087  LZ4HC_Insert (ctxPtr, ctxPtr->end-3); /* Referencing remaining dictionary content */
1089  /* Only one memory segment for extDict, so any previous extDict is lost at this stage */
1090  ctxPtr->lowLimit = ctxPtr->dictLimit;
1091  ctxPtr->dictLimit = (U32)(ctxPtr->end - ctxPtr->base);
1092  ctxPtr->dictBase = ctxPtr->base;
1093  ctxPtr->base = newBlock - ctxPtr->dictLimit;
1094  ctxPtr->end = newBlock;
1095  ctxPtr->nextToUpdate = ctxPtr->dictLimit; /* match referencing will resume from there */
1097  /* cannot reference an extDict and a dictCtx at the same time */
1098  ctxPtr->dictCtx = NULL;
1099 }
1101 static int
1103  const char* src, char* dst,
1104  int* srcSizePtr, int dstCapacity,
1106 {
1107  LZ4HC_CCtx_internal* const ctxPtr = &LZ4_streamHCPtr->internal_donotuse;
1108  DEBUGLOG(5, "LZ4_compressHC_continue_generic(ctx=%p, src=%p, srcSize=%d, limit=%d)",
1109  LZ4_streamHCPtr, src, *srcSizePtr, limit);
1110  assert(ctxPtr != NULL);
1111  /* auto-init if forgotten */
1112  if (ctxPtr->base == NULL) LZ4HC_init_internal (ctxPtr, (const BYTE*) src);
1114  /* Check overflow */
1115  if ((size_t)(ctxPtr->end - ctxPtr->base) > 2 GB) {
1116  size_t dictSize = (size_t)(ctxPtr->end - ctxPtr->base) - ctxPtr->dictLimit;
1117  if (dictSize > 64 KB) dictSize = 64 KB;
1118  LZ4_loadDictHC(LZ4_streamHCPtr, (const char*)(ctxPtr->end) - dictSize, (int)dictSize);
1119  }
1121  /* Check if blocks follow each other */
1122  if ((const BYTE*)src != ctxPtr->end)
1123  LZ4HC_setExternalDict(ctxPtr, (const BYTE*)src);
1125  /* Check overlapping input/dictionary space */
1126  { const BYTE* sourceEnd = (const BYTE*) src + *srcSizePtr;
1127  const BYTE* const dictBegin = ctxPtr->dictBase + ctxPtr->lowLimit;
1128  const BYTE* const dictEnd = ctxPtr->dictBase + ctxPtr->dictLimit;
1129  if ((sourceEnd > dictBegin) && ((const BYTE*)src < dictEnd)) {
1130  if (sourceEnd > dictEnd) sourceEnd = dictEnd;
1131  ctxPtr->lowLimit = (U32)(sourceEnd - ctxPtr->dictBase);
1132  if (ctxPtr->dictLimit - ctxPtr->lowLimit < 4) ctxPtr->lowLimit = ctxPtr->dictLimit;
1133  } }
1135  return LZ4HC_compress_generic (ctxPtr, src, dst, srcSizePtr, dstCapacity, ctxPtr->compressionLevel, limit);
1136 }
1138 int LZ4_compress_HC_continue (LZ4_streamHC_t* LZ4_streamHCPtr, const char* src, char* dst, int srcSize, int dstCapacity)
1139 {
1140  if (dstCapacity < LZ4_compressBound(srcSize))
1141  return LZ4_compressHC_continue_generic (LZ4_streamHCPtr, src, dst, &srcSize, dstCapacity, limitedOutput);
1142  else
1143  return LZ4_compressHC_continue_generic (LZ4_streamHCPtr, src, dst, &srcSize, dstCapacity, notLimited);
1144 }
1146 int LZ4_compress_HC_continue_destSize (LZ4_streamHC_t* LZ4_streamHCPtr, const char* src, char* dst, int* srcSizePtr, int targetDestSize)
1147 {
1148  return LZ4_compressHC_continue_generic(LZ4_streamHCPtr, src, dst, srcSizePtr, targetDestSize, fillOutput);
1149 }
1153 /* LZ4_saveDictHC :
1154  * save history content
1155  * into a user-provided buffer
1156  * which is then used to continue compression
1157  */
1158 int LZ4_saveDictHC (LZ4_streamHC_t* LZ4_streamHCPtr, char* safeBuffer, int dictSize)
1159 {
1160  LZ4HC_CCtx_internal* const streamPtr = &LZ4_streamHCPtr->internal_donotuse;
1161  int const prefixSize = (int)(streamPtr->end - (streamPtr->base + streamPtr->dictLimit));
1162  DEBUGLOG(5, "LZ4_saveDictHC(%p, %p, %d)", LZ4_streamHCPtr, safeBuffer, dictSize);
1163  assert(prefixSize >= 0);
1164  if (dictSize > 64 KB) dictSize = 64 KB;
1165  if (dictSize < 4) dictSize = 0;
1166  if (dictSize > prefixSize) dictSize = prefixSize;
1167  if (safeBuffer == NULL) assert(dictSize == 0);
1168  if (dictSize > 0)
1169  memmove(safeBuffer, streamPtr->end - dictSize, dictSize);
1170  { U32 const endIndex = (U32)(streamPtr->end - streamPtr->base);
1171  streamPtr->end = (const BYTE*)safeBuffer + dictSize;
1172  streamPtr->base = streamPtr->end - endIndex;
1173  streamPtr->dictLimit = endIndex - (U32)dictSize;
1174  streamPtr->lowLimit = endIndex - (U32)dictSize;
1175  if (streamPtr->nextToUpdate < streamPtr->dictLimit)
1176  streamPtr->nextToUpdate = streamPtr->dictLimit;
1177  }
1178  return dictSize;
1179 }
1182 /***************************************************
1183 * Deprecated Functions
1184 ***************************************************/
1186 /* These functions currently generate deprecation warnings */
1188 /* Wrappers for deprecated compression functions */
1189 int LZ4_compressHC(const char* src, char* dst, int srcSize) { return LZ4_compress_HC (src, dst, srcSize, LZ4_compressBound(srcSize), 0); }
1190 int LZ4_compressHC_limitedOutput(const char* src, char* dst, int srcSize, int maxDstSize) { return LZ4_compress_HC(src, dst, srcSize, maxDstSize, 0); }
1191 int LZ4_compressHC2(const char* src, char* dst, int srcSize, int cLevel) { return LZ4_compress_HC (src, dst, srcSize, LZ4_compressBound(srcSize), cLevel); }
1192 int LZ4_compressHC2_limitedOutput(const char* src, char* dst, int srcSize, int maxDstSize, int cLevel) { return LZ4_compress_HC(src, dst, srcSize, maxDstSize, cLevel); }
1195 int LZ4_compressHC2_withStateHC (void* state, const char* src, char* dst, int srcSize, int cLevel) { return LZ4_compress_HC_extStateHC(state, src, dst, srcSize, LZ4_compressBound(srcSize), cLevel); }
1196 int LZ4_compressHC2_limitedOutput_withStateHC (void* state, const char* src, char* dst, int srcSize, int maxDstSize, int cLevel) { return LZ4_compress_HC_extStateHC(state, src, dst, srcSize, maxDstSize, cLevel); }
1201 /* Deprecated streaming functions */
1204 /* state is presumed correctly sized, aka >= sizeof(LZ4_streamHC_t)
1205  * @return : 0 on success, !=0 if error */
1207 {
1208  LZ4_streamHC_t* const hc4 = LZ4_initStreamHC(state, sizeof(*hc4));
1209  if (hc4 == NULL) return 1; /* init failed */
1211  return 0;
1212 }
1214 void* LZ4_createHC (const char* inputBuffer)
1215 {
1216  LZ4_streamHC_t* const hc4 = LZ4_createStreamHC();
1217  if (hc4 == NULL) return NULL; /* not enough memory */
1219  return hc4;
1220 }
1222 int LZ4_freeHC (void* LZ4HC_Data)
1223 {
1224  if (!LZ4HC_Data) return 0; /* support free on NULL */
1225  FREEMEM(LZ4HC_Data);
1226  return 0;
1227 }
1229 int LZ4_compressHC2_continue (void* LZ4HC_Data, const char* src, char* dst, int srcSize, int cLevel)
1230 {
1231  return LZ4HC_compress_generic (&((LZ4_streamHC_t*)LZ4HC_Data)->internal_donotuse, src, dst, &srcSize, 0, cLevel, notLimited);
1232 }
1234 int LZ4_compressHC2_limitedOutput_continue (void* LZ4HC_Data, const char* src, char* dst, int srcSize, int dstCapacity, int cLevel)
1235 {
1236  return LZ4HC_compress_generic (&((LZ4_streamHC_t*)LZ4HC_Data)->internal_donotuse, src, dst, &srcSize, dstCapacity, cLevel, limitedOutput);
1237 }
1239 char* LZ4_slideInputBufferHC(void* LZ4HC_Data)
1240 {
1241  LZ4_streamHC_t *ctx = (LZ4_streamHC_t*)LZ4HC_Data;
1242  const BYTE *bufferStart = ctx->internal_donotuse.base + ctx->internal_donotuse.lowLimit;
1243  LZ4_resetStreamHC_fast(ctx, ctx->internal_donotuse.compressionLevel);
1244  /* avoid const char * -> char * conversion warning :( */
1245  return (char *)(uptrval)bufferStart;
1246 }
1249 /* ================================================
1250  * LZ4 Optimal parser (levels [LZ4HC_CLEVEL_OPT_MIN - LZ4HC_CLEVEL_MAX])
1251  * ===============================================*/
1252 typedef struct {
1253  int price;
1254  int off;
1255  int mlen;
1256  int litlen;
1257 } LZ4HC_optimal_t;
1259 /* price in bytes */
1261 {
1262  int price = litlen;
1263  assert(litlen >= 0);
1264  if (litlen >= (int)RUN_MASK)
1265  price += 1 + ((litlen-(int)RUN_MASK) / 255);
1266  return price;
1267 }
1270 /* requires mlen >= MINMATCH */
1271 LZ4_FORCE_INLINE int LZ4HC_sequencePrice(int litlen, int mlen)
1272 {
1273  int price = 1 + 2 ; /* token + 16-bit offset */
1274  assert(litlen >= 0);
1275  assert(mlen >= MINMATCH);
1277  price += LZ4HC_literalsPrice(litlen);
1279  if (mlen >= (int)(ML_MASK+MINMATCH))
1280  price += 1 + ((mlen-(int)(ML_MASK+MINMATCH)) / 255);
1282  return price;
1283 }
1286 typedef struct {
1287  int off;
1288  int len;
1289 } LZ4HC_match_t;
1293  const BYTE* ip, const BYTE* const iHighLimit,
1294  int minLen, int nbSearches,
1295  const dictCtx_directive dict,
1296  const HCfavor_e favorDecSpeed)
1297 {
1298  LZ4HC_match_t match = { 0 , 0 };
1299  const BYTE* matchPtr = NULL;
1300  /* note : LZ4HC_InsertAndGetWiderMatch() is able to modify the starting position of a match (*startpos),
1301  * but this won't be the case here, as we define iLowLimit==ip,
1302  * so LZ4HC_InsertAndGetWiderMatch() won't be allowed to search past ip */
1303  int matchLength = LZ4HC_InsertAndGetWiderMatch(ctx, ip, ip, iHighLimit, minLen, &matchPtr, &ip, nbSearches, 1 /*patternAnalysis*/, 1 /*chainSwap*/, dict, favorDecSpeed);
1304  if (matchLength <= minLen) return match;
1305  if (favorDecSpeed) {
1306  if ((matchLength>18) & (matchLength<=36)) matchLength=18; /* favor shortcut */
1307  }
1308  match.len = matchLength;
1309  match.off = (int)(ip-matchPtr);
1310  return match;
1311 }
1315  const char* const source,
1316  char* dst,
1317  int* srcSizePtr,
1318  int dstCapacity,
1319  int const nbSearches,
1320  size_t sufficient_len,
1322  int const fullUpdate,
1323  const dictCtx_directive dict,
1324  const HCfavor_e favorDecSpeed)
1325 {
1326  int retval = 0;
1327 #define TRAILING_LITERALS 3
1328 #ifdef LZ4HC_HEAPMODE
1330 #else
1331  LZ4HC_optimal_t opt[LZ4_OPT_NUM + TRAILING_LITERALS]; /* ~64 KB, which is a bit large for stack... */
1332 #endif
1334  const BYTE* ip = (const BYTE*) source;
1335  const BYTE* anchor = ip;
1336  const BYTE* const iend = ip + *srcSizePtr;
1337  const BYTE* const mflimit = iend - MFLIMIT;
1338  const BYTE* const matchlimit = iend - LASTLITERALS;
1339  BYTE* op = (BYTE*) dst;
1340  BYTE* opSaved = (BYTE*) dst;
1341  BYTE* oend = op + dstCapacity;
1342  int ovml = MINMATCH; /* overflow - last sequence */
1343  const BYTE* ovref = NULL;
1345  /* init */
1346 #ifdef LZ4HC_HEAPMODE
1347  if (opt == NULL) goto _return_label;
1348 #endif
1349  DEBUGLOG(5, "LZ4HC_compress_optimal(dst=%p, dstCapa=%u)", dst, (unsigned)dstCapacity);
1350  *srcSizePtr = 0;
1351  if (limit == fillOutput) oend -= LASTLITERALS; /* Hack for support LZ4 format restriction */
1352  if (sufficient_len >= LZ4_OPT_NUM) sufficient_len = LZ4_OPT_NUM-1;
1354  /* Main Loop */
1355  while (ip <= mflimit) {
1356  int const llen = (int)(ip - anchor);
1357  int best_mlen, best_off;
1358  int cur, last_match_pos = 0;
1360  LZ4HC_match_t const firstMatch = LZ4HC_FindLongerMatch(ctx, ip, matchlimit, MINMATCH-1, nbSearches, dict, favorDecSpeed);
1361  if (firstMatch.len==0) { ip++; continue; }
1363  if ((size_t)firstMatch.len > sufficient_len) {
1364  /* good enough solution : immediate encoding */
1365  int const firstML = firstMatch.len;
1366  const BYTE* const matchPos = ip - firstMatch.off;
1367  opSaved = op;
1368  if ( LZ4HC_encodeSequence(UPDATABLE(ip, op, anchor), firstML, matchPos, limit, oend) ) { /* updates ip, op and anchor */
1369  ovml = firstML;
1370  ovref = matchPos;
1371  goto _dest_overflow;
1372  }
1373  continue;
1374  }
1376  /* set prices for first positions (literals) */
1377  { int rPos;
1378  for (rPos = 0 ; rPos < MINMATCH ; rPos++) {
1379  int const cost = LZ4HC_literalsPrice(llen + rPos);
1380  opt[rPos].mlen = 1;
1381  opt[rPos].off = 0;
1382  opt[rPos].litlen = llen + rPos;
1383  opt[rPos].price = cost;
1384  DEBUGLOG(7, "rPos:%3i => price:%3i (litlen=%i) -- initial setup",
1385  rPos, cost, opt[rPos].litlen);
1386  } }
1387  /* set prices using initial match */
1388  { int mlen = MINMATCH;
1389  int const matchML = firstMatch.len; /* necessarily < sufficient_len < LZ4_OPT_NUM */
1390  int const offset = firstMatch.off;
1391  assert(matchML < LZ4_OPT_NUM);
1392  for ( ; mlen <= matchML ; mlen++) {
1393  int const cost = LZ4HC_sequencePrice(llen, mlen);
1394  opt[mlen].mlen = mlen;
1395  opt[mlen].off = offset;
1396  opt[mlen].litlen = llen;
1397  opt[mlen].price = cost;
1398  DEBUGLOG(7, "rPos:%3i => price:%3i (matchlen=%i) -- initial setup",
1399  mlen, cost, mlen);
1400  } }
1401  last_match_pos = firstMatch.len;
1402  { int addLit;
1403  for (addLit = 1; addLit <= TRAILING_LITERALS; addLit ++) {
1404  opt[last_match_pos+addLit].mlen = 1; /* literal */
1405  opt[last_match_pos+addLit].off = 0;
1406  opt[last_match_pos+addLit].litlen = addLit;
1407  opt[last_match_pos+addLit].price = opt[last_match_pos].price + LZ4HC_literalsPrice(addLit);
1408  DEBUGLOG(7, "rPos:%3i => price:%3i (litlen=%i) -- initial setup",
1409  last_match_pos+addLit, opt[last_match_pos+addLit].price, addLit);
1410  } }
1412  /* check further positions */
1413  for (cur = 1; cur < last_match_pos; cur++) {
1414  const BYTE* const curPtr = ip + cur;
1415  LZ4HC_match_t newMatch;
1417  if (curPtr > mflimit) break;
1418  DEBUGLOG(7, "rPos:%u[%u] vs [%u]%u",
1419  cur, opt[cur].price, opt[cur+1].price, cur+1);
1420  if (fullUpdate) {
1421  /* not useful to search here if next position has same (or lower) cost */
1422  if ( (opt[cur+1].price <= opt[cur].price)
1423  /* in some cases, next position has same cost, but cost rises sharply after, so a small match would still be beneficial */
1424  && (opt[cur+MINMATCH].price < opt[cur].price + 3/*min seq price*/) )
1425  continue;
1426  } else {
1427  /* not useful to search here if next position has same (or lower) cost */
1428  if (opt[cur+1].price <= opt[cur].price) continue;
1429  }
1431  DEBUGLOG(7, "search at rPos:%u", cur);
1432  if (fullUpdate)
1433  newMatch = LZ4HC_FindLongerMatch(ctx, curPtr, matchlimit, MINMATCH-1, nbSearches, dict, favorDecSpeed);
1434  else
1435  /* only test matches of minimum length; slightly faster, but misses a few bytes */
1436  newMatch = LZ4HC_FindLongerMatch(ctx, curPtr, matchlimit, last_match_pos - cur, nbSearches, dict, favorDecSpeed);
1437  if (!newMatch.len) continue;
1439  if ( ((size_t)newMatch.len > sufficient_len)
1440  || (newMatch.len + cur >= LZ4_OPT_NUM) ) {
1441  /* immediate encoding */
1442  best_mlen = newMatch.len;
1443  best_off = newMatch.off;
1444  last_match_pos = cur + 1;
1445  goto encode;
1446  }
1448  /* before match : set price with literals at beginning */
1449  { int const baseLitlen = opt[cur].litlen;
1450  int litlen;
1451  for (litlen = 1; litlen < MINMATCH; litlen++) {
1452  int const price = opt[cur].price - LZ4HC_literalsPrice(baseLitlen) + LZ4HC_literalsPrice(baseLitlen+litlen);
1453  int const pos = cur + litlen;
1454  if (price < opt[pos].price) {
1455  opt[pos].mlen = 1; /* literal */
1456  opt[pos].off = 0;
1457  opt[pos].litlen = baseLitlen+litlen;
1458  opt[pos].price = price;
1459  DEBUGLOG(7, "rPos:%3i => price:%3i (litlen=%i)",
1460  pos, price, opt[pos].litlen);
1461  } } }
1463  /* set prices using match at position = cur */
1464  { int const matchML = newMatch.len;
1465  int ml = MINMATCH;
1467  assert(cur + newMatch.len < LZ4_OPT_NUM);
1468  for ( ; ml <= matchML ; ml++) {
1469  int const pos = cur + ml;
1470  int const offset = newMatch.off;
1471  int price;
1472  int ll;
1473  DEBUGLOG(7, "testing price rPos %i (last_match_pos=%i)",
1474  pos, last_match_pos);
1475  if (opt[cur].mlen == 1) {
1476  ll = opt[cur].litlen;
1477  price = ((cur > ll) ? opt[cur - ll].price : 0)
1478  + LZ4HC_sequencePrice(ll, ml);
1479  } else {
1480  ll = 0;
1481  price = opt[cur].price + LZ4HC_sequencePrice(0, ml);
1482  }
1484  assert((U32)favorDecSpeed <= 1);
1485  if (pos > last_match_pos+TRAILING_LITERALS
1486  || price <= opt[pos].price - (int)favorDecSpeed) {
1487  DEBUGLOG(7, "rPos:%3i => price:%3i (matchlen=%i)",
1488  pos, price, ml);
1489  assert(pos < LZ4_OPT_NUM);
1490  if ( (ml == matchML) /* last pos of last match */
1491  && (last_match_pos < pos) )
1492  last_match_pos = pos;
1493  opt[pos].mlen = ml;
1494  opt[pos].off = offset;
1495  opt[pos].litlen = ll;
1496  opt[pos].price = price;
1497  } } }
1498  /* complete following positions with literals */
1499  { int addLit;
1500  for (addLit = 1; addLit <= TRAILING_LITERALS; addLit ++) {
1501  opt[last_match_pos+addLit].mlen = 1; /* literal */
1502  opt[last_match_pos+addLit].off = 0;
1503  opt[last_match_pos+addLit].litlen = addLit;
1504  opt[last_match_pos+addLit].price = opt[last_match_pos].price + LZ4HC_literalsPrice(addLit);
1505  DEBUGLOG(7, "rPos:%3i => price:%3i (litlen=%i)", last_match_pos+addLit, opt[last_match_pos+addLit].price, addLit);
1506  } }
1507  } /* for (cur = 1; cur <= last_match_pos; cur++) */
1509  assert(last_match_pos < LZ4_OPT_NUM + TRAILING_LITERALS);
1510  best_mlen = opt[last_match_pos].mlen;
1511  best_off = opt[last_match_pos].off;
1512  cur = last_match_pos - best_mlen;
1514 encode: /* cur, last_match_pos, best_mlen, best_off must be set */
1515  assert(cur < LZ4_OPT_NUM);
1516  assert(last_match_pos >= 1); /* == 1 when only one candidate */
1517  DEBUGLOG(6, "reverse traversal, looking for shortest path (last_match_pos=%i)", last_match_pos);
1518  { int candidate_pos = cur;
1519  int selected_matchLength = best_mlen;
1520  int selected_offset = best_off;
1521  while (1) { /* from end to beginning */
1522  int const next_matchLength = opt[candidate_pos].mlen; /* can be 1, means literal */
1523  int const next_offset = opt[candidate_pos].off;
1524  DEBUGLOG(7, "pos %i: sequence length %i", candidate_pos, selected_matchLength);
1525  opt[candidate_pos].mlen = selected_matchLength;
1526  opt[candidate_pos].off = selected_offset;
1527  selected_matchLength = next_matchLength;
1528  selected_offset = next_offset;
1529  if (next_matchLength > candidate_pos) break; /* last match elected, first match to encode */
1530  assert(next_matchLength > 0); /* can be 1, means literal */
1531  candidate_pos -= next_matchLength;
1532  } }
1534  /* encode all recorded sequences in order */
1535  { int rPos = 0; /* relative position (to ip) */
1536  while (rPos < last_match_pos) {
1537  int const ml = opt[rPos].mlen;
1538  int const offset = opt[rPos].off;
1539  if (ml == 1) { ip++; rPos++; continue; } /* literal; note: can end up with several literals, in which case, skip them */
1540  rPos += ml;
1541  assert(ml >= MINMATCH);
1542  assert((offset >= 1) && (offset <= LZ4_DISTANCE_MAX));
1543  opSaved = op;
1544  if ( LZ4HC_encodeSequence(UPDATABLE(ip, op, anchor), ml, ip - offset, limit, oend) ) { /* updates ip, op and anchor */
1545  ovml = ml;
1546  ovref = ip - offset;
1547  goto _dest_overflow;
1548  } } }
1549  } /* while (ip <= mflimit) */
1551 _last_literals:
1552  /* Encode Last Literals */
1553  { size_t lastRunSize = (size_t)(iend - anchor); /* literals */
1554  size_t llAdd = (lastRunSize + 255 - RUN_MASK) / 255;
1555  size_t const totalSize = 1 + llAdd + lastRunSize;
1556  if (limit == fillOutput) oend += LASTLITERALS; /* restore correct value */
1557  if (limit && (op + totalSize > oend)) {
1558  if (limit == limitedOutput) { /* Check output limit */
1559  retval = 0;
1560  goto _return_label;
1561  }
1562  /* adapt lastRunSize to fill 'dst' */
1563  lastRunSize = (size_t)(oend - op) - 1 /*token*/;
1564  llAdd = (lastRunSize + 256 - RUN_MASK) / 256;
1565  lastRunSize -= llAdd;
1566  }
1567  DEBUGLOG(6, "Final literal run : %i literals", (int)lastRunSize);
1568  ip = anchor + lastRunSize; /* can be != iend if limit==fillOutput */
1570  if (lastRunSize >= RUN_MASK) {
1571  size_t accumulator = lastRunSize - RUN_MASK;
1572  *op++ = (RUN_MASK << ML_BITS);
1573  for(; accumulator >= 255 ; accumulator -= 255) *op++ = 255;
1574  *op++ = (BYTE) accumulator;
1575  } else {
1576  *op++ = (BYTE)(lastRunSize << ML_BITS);
1577  }
1578  memcpy(op, anchor, lastRunSize);
1579  op += lastRunSize;
1580  }
1582  /* End */
1583  *srcSizePtr = (int) (((const char*)ip) - source);
1584  retval = (int) ((char*)op-dst);
1585  goto _return_label;
1587 _dest_overflow:
1588 if (limit == fillOutput) {
1589  /* Assumption : ip, anchor, ovml and ovref must be set correctly */
1590  size_t const ll = (size_t)(ip - anchor);
1591  size_t const ll_addbytes = (ll + 240) / 255;
1592  size_t const ll_totalCost = 1 + ll_addbytes + ll;
1593  BYTE* const maxLitPos = oend - 3; /* 2 for offset, 1 for token */
1594  DEBUGLOG(6, "Last sequence overflowing (only %i bytes remaining)", (int)(oend-1-opSaved));
1595  op = opSaved; /* restore correct out pointer */
1596  if (op + ll_totalCost <= maxLitPos) {
1597  /* ll validated; now adjust match length */
1598  size_t const bytesLeftForMl = (size_t)(maxLitPos - (op+ll_totalCost));
1599  size_t const maxMlSize = MINMATCH + (ML_MASK-1) + (bytesLeftForMl * 255);
1600  assert(maxMlSize < INT_MAX); assert(ovml >= 0);
1601  if ((size_t)ovml > maxMlSize) ovml = (int)maxMlSize;
1602  if ((oend + LASTLITERALS) - (op + ll_totalCost + 2) - 1 + ovml >= MFLIMIT) {
1603  DEBUGLOG(6, "Space to end : %i + ml (%i)", (int)((oend + LASTLITERALS) - (op + ll_totalCost + 2) - 1), ovml);
1604  DEBUGLOG(6, "Before : ip = %p, anchor = %p", ip, anchor);
1605  LZ4HC_encodeSequence(UPDATABLE(ip, op, anchor), ovml, ovref, notLimited, oend);
1606  DEBUGLOG(6, "After : ip = %p, anchor = %p", ip, anchor);
1607  } }
1608  goto _last_literals;
1609 }
1610 _return_label:
1611 #ifdef LZ4HC_HEAPMODE
1612  FREEMEM(opt);
1613 #endif
1614  return retval;
1615 }
size_t len
Definition: 6502dis.c:15
lzma_index * src
Definition: index.h:567
#define INT_MAX
Definition: cp-demangle.c:131
#define NULL
Definition: cris-opc.c:27
static static sync static getppid static getegid const char static filename char static len const char char static bufsiz static mask static vfork const void static prot static getpgrp const char static swapflags static arg static fd static protocol static who struct sockaddr static addrlen static backlog struct timeval struct timezone static tz const struct iovec static count static mode const void const struct sockaddr static tolen const char static pathname void static offset struct stat static buf void long static basep static whence static length const void static len static semflg const void static shmflg const struct timespec struct timespec static rem const char static group const void start
Definition: sflib.h:133
static static sync static getppid static getegid const char static filename char static len const char char static bufsiz static mask static vfork const void static prot static getpgrp const char static swapflags static arg static fd static protocol static who struct sockaddr static addrlen static backlog struct timeval struct timezone static tz const struct iovec static count static mode const void const struct sockaddr static tolen const char static pathname void static offset struct stat static buf void long static basep static whence static length const void static len static semflg const void static shmflg const struct timespec struct timespec static rem const char static group const void length
Definition: sflib.h:133
static states step(struct re_guts *, sopno, sopno, states, int, states)
Definition: engine.c:888
static void encode(size_t size, lzma_action action)
Definition: full_flush.c:25
unsigned char match[65280+2]
Definition: gun.c:165
void rotate(unsigned char *list, unsigned len, unsigned rot)
Definition: gzappend.c:123
voidpf void uLong size
Definition: ioapi.h:138
voidpf uLong offset
Definition: ioapi.h:144
memcpy(mem, inblock.get(), min(CONTAINING_RECORD(inblock.get(), MEMBLOCK, data) ->size, size))
static const int LZ4_minLength
Definition: lz4.c:221
LZ4_FORCE_INLINE void LZ4_wildCopy8(void *dstPtr, const void *srcPtr, void *dstEnd)
Definition: lz4.c:408
#define LZ4_STATIC_ASSERT(c)
Definition: lz4.c:249
size_t reg_t
Definition: lz4.c:297
int LZ4_compressBound(int isize)
Definition: lz4.c:674
#define MINMATCH
Definition: lz4.c:214
static void LZ4_writeLE16(void *memPtr, U16 value)
Definition: lz4.c:395
unsigned char BYTE
Definition: lz4.c:286
#define MFLIMIT
Definition: lz4.c:218
Definition: lz4.c:217
#define DEBUGLOG(l,...)
Definition: lz4.c:261
static U32 LZ4_read32(const void *memPtr)
Definition: lz4.c:362
LZ4_FORCE_INLINE unsigned LZ4_count(const BYTE *pIn, const BYTE *pMatch, const BYTE *pInLimit)
Definition: lz4.c:603
#define ALLOC(s)
Definition: lz4.c:202
#define FREEMEM(p)
Definition: lz4.c:204
static unsigned LZ4_NbCommonBytes(reg_t val)
Definition: lz4.c:513
static reg_t LZ4_read_ARCH(const void *memPtr)
Definition: lz4.c:367
#define likely(expr)
Definition: lz4.c:174
#define ML_BITS
Definition: lz4.c:232
static unsigned LZ4_isLittleEndian(void)
Definition: lz4.c:325
#define ML_MASK
Definition: lz4.c:233
#define ALLOC_AND_ZERO(s)
Definition: lz4.c:203
#define MEM_INIT(p, v, s)
Definition: lz4.c:208
size_t uptrval
Definition: lz4.c:291
Definition: lz4.c:300
@ limitedOutput
Definition: lz4.c:302
@ fillOutput
Definition: lz4.c:303
@ notLimited
Definition: lz4.c:301
Definition: lz4.c:140
static int LZ4_isAligned(const void *ptr, size_t alignment)
Definition: lz4.c:264
unsigned int U32
Definition: lz4.c:288
static U16 LZ4_read16(const void *memPtr)
Definition: lz4.c:357
unsigned short U16
Definition: lz4.c:287
#define RUN_MASK
Definition: lz4.c:235
const char * source
Definition: lz4.h:699
char int srcSize
Definition: lz4.h:697
char int int maxOutputSize
Definition: lz4.h:698
char int int maxDstSize
Definition: lz4.h:724
char * inputBuffer
Definition: lz4.h:720
Definition: lz4.h:170
const char char int inputSize
Definition: lz4.h:699
char * dst
Definition: lz4.h:724
char * dest
Definition: lz4.h:697
#define UPDATABLE(ip, op, anchor)
Definition: lz4hc.c:86
int LZ4_compressHC2_withStateHC(void *state, const char *src, char *dst, int srcSize, int cLevel)
Definition: lz4hc.c:1195
#define HASH_FUNCTION(i)
Definition: lz4hc.c:82
void LZ4_favorDecompressionSpeed(LZ4_streamHC_t *LZ4_streamHCPtr, int favor)
Definition: lz4hc.c:1049
static size_t LZ4_streamHC_t_alignment(void)
Definition: lz4hc.c:923
#define LZ4HC_rotl32(x, r)
Definition: lz4hc.c:158
int LZ4_compress_HC_extStateHC(void *state, const char *src, char *dst, int srcSize, int dstCapacity, int compressionLevel)
Definition: lz4hc.c:947
void LZ4_attach_HC_dictionary(LZ4_streamHC_t *working_stream, const LZ4_streamHC_t *dictionary_stream)
Definition: lz4hc.c:1077
static int LZ4_compressHC_continue_generic(LZ4_streamHC_t *LZ4_streamHCPtr, const char *src, char *dst, int *srcSizePtr, int dstCapacity, limitedOutput_directive limit)
Definition: lz4hc.c:1102
static int LZ4HC_protectDictEnd(U32 const dictLimit, U32 const matchIndex)
Definition: lz4hc.c:227
#define DELTANEXTU16(table, pos)
Definition: lz4hc.c:84
void LZ4_resetStreamHC_fast(LZ4_streamHC_t *LZ4_streamHCPtr, int compressionLevel)
Definition: lz4hc.c:1027
#define OPTIMAL_ML
Definition: lz4hc.c:75
int LZ4_compressHC_limitedOutput_continue(LZ4_streamHC_t *ctx, const char *src, char *dst, int srcSize, int maxDstSize)
Definition: lz4hc.c:1198
int LZ4_resetStreamStateHC(void *state, char *inputBuffer)
Definition: lz4hc.c:1206
static unsigned LZ4HC_reverseCountPattern(const BYTE *ip, const BYTE *const iLow, U32 pattern)
Definition: lz4hc.c:206
LZ4_FORCE_INLINE int LZ4HC_countBack(const BYTE *const ip, const BYTE *const match, const BYTE *const iMin, const BYTE *const mMin)
Definition: lz4hc.c:141
static void LZ4HC_setExternalDict(LZ4HC_CCtx_internal *ctxPtr, const BYTE *newBlock)
Definition: lz4hc.c:1083
#define MIN(a, b)
Definition: lz4hc.c:80
int LZ4_saveDictHC(LZ4_streamHC_t *LZ4_streamHCPtr, char *safeBuffer, int dictSize)
Definition: lz4hc.c:1158
LZ4_FORCE_INLINE int LZ4HC_literalsPrice(int const litlen)
Definition: lz4hc.c:1260
LZ4_FORCE_INLINE int LZ4HC_encodeSequence(const BYTE **_ip, BYTE **_op, const BYTE **_anchor, int matchLength, const BYTE *const match, limitedOutput_directive limit, BYTE *oend)
Definition: lz4hc.c:463
LZ4_streamHC_t * LZ4_initStreamHC(void *buffer, size_t size)
Definition: lz4hc.c:1003
Definition: lz4hc.c:233
@ favorDecompressionSpeed
Definition: lz4hc.c:233
@ favorCompressionRatio
Definition: lz4hc.c:233
int LZ4_freeHC(void *LZ4HC_Data)
Definition: lz4hc.c:1222
static unsigned LZ4HC_countPattern(const BYTE *ip, const BYTE *const iEnd, U32 const pattern32)
Definition: lz4hc.c:172
LZ4_FORCE_INLINE LZ4HC_match_t LZ4HC_FindLongerMatch(LZ4HC_CCtx_internal *const ctx, const BYTE *ip, const BYTE *const iHighLimit, int minLen, int nbSearches, const dictCtx_directive dict, const HCfavor_e favorDecSpeed)
Definition: lz4hc.c:1292
int LZ4_sizeofStateHC(void)
Definition: lz4hc.c:921
static U32 LZ4HC_hashPtr(const void *ptr)
Definition: lz4hc.c:88
static U32 LZ4HC_rotatePattern(size_t const rotate, U32 const pattern)
Definition: lz4hc.c:162
int LZ4_compress_HC_continue_destSize(LZ4_streamHC_t *LZ4_streamHCPtr, const char *src, char *dst, int *srcSizePtr, int targetDestSize)
Definition: lz4hc.c:1146
int LZ4_compressHC2_limitedOutput_continue(void *LZ4HC_Data, const char *src, char *dst, int srcSize, int dstCapacity, int cLevel)
Definition: lz4hc.c:1234
int LZ4_compressHC2_continue(void *LZ4HC_Data, const char *src, char *dst, int srcSize, int cLevel)
Definition: lz4hc.c:1229
#define op
#define anchor
void * LZ4_createHC(const char *inputBuffer)
Definition: lz4hc.c:1214
static int LZ4HC_compress_generic_noDictCtx(LZ4HC_CCtx_internal *const ctx, const char *const src, char *const dst, int *const srcSizePtr, int const dstCapacity, int cLevel, limitedOutput_directive limit)
Definition: lz4hc.c:862
int LZ4_sizeofStreamStateHC(void)
Definition: lz4hc.c:1202
LZ4_FORCE_INLINE int LZ4HC_sequencePrice(int litlen, int mlen)
Definition: lz4hc.c:1271
#define LZ4_OPT_NUM
Definition: lz4hc.c:76
int LZ4_compress_HC_destSize(void *state, const char *source, char *dest, int *sourceSizePtr, int targetDestSize, int cLevel)
Definition: lz4hc.c:970
int LZ4_freeStreamHC(LZ4_streamHC_t *LZ4_streamHCPtr)
Definition: lz4hc.c:994
int LZ4_compressHC2(const char *src, char *dst, int srcSize, int cLevel)
Definition: lz4hc.c:1191
int LZ4_compressHC_limitedOutput(const char *src, char *dst, int srcSize, int maxDstSize)
Definition: lz4hc.c:1190
int LZ4_compressHC_withStateHC(void *state, const char *src, char *dst, int srcSize)
Definition: lz4hc.c:1193
static int LZ4HC_compress_generic_dictCtx(LZ4HC_CCtx_internal *const ctx, const char *const src, char *const dst, int *const srcSizePtr, int const dstCapacity, int cLevel, limitedOutput_directive limit)
Definition: lz4hc.c:877
LZ4_FORCE_INLINE void LZ4HC_Insert(LZ4HC_CCtx_internal *hc4, const BYTE *ip)
Definition: lz4hc.c:118
Definition: lz4hc.c:71
@ noDictCtx
Definition: lz4hc.c:71
@ usingDictCtxHc
Definition: lz4hc.c:71
static void LZ4HC_init_internal(LZ4HC_CCtx_internal *hc4, const BYTE *start)
Definition: lz4hc.c:100
LZ4_FORCE_INLINE int LZ4HC_compress_generic_internal(LZ4HC_CCtx_internal *const ctx, const char *const src, char *const dst, int *const srcSizePtr, int const dstCapacity, int cLevel, const limitedOutput_directive limit, const dictCtx_directive dict)
Definition: lz4hc.c:796
#define ip
int LZ4_compressHC_limitedOutput_withStateHC(void *state, const char *src, char *dst, int srcSize, int maxDstSize)
Definition: lz4hc.c:1194
static int LZ4HC_compress_generic(LZ4HC_CCtx_internal *const ctx, const char *const src, char *const dst, int *const srcSizePtr, int const dstCapacity, int cLevel, limitedOutput_directive limit)
Definition: lz4hc.c:903
LZ4_FORCE_INLINE int LZ4HC_InsertAndGetWiderMatch(LZ4HC_CCtx_internal *hc4, const BYTE *const ip, const BYTE *const iLowLimit, const BYTE *const iHighLimit, int longest, const BYTE **matchpos, const BYTE **startpos, const int maxNbAttempts, const int patternAnalysis, const int chainSwap, const dictCtx_directive dict, const HCfavor_e favorDecSpeed)
Definition: lz4hc.c:236
char * LZ4_slideInputBufferHC(void *LZ4HC_Data)
Definition: lz4hc.c:1239
LZ4_FORCE_INLINE int LZ4HC_compress_hashChain(LZ4HC_CCtx_internal *const ctx, const char *const source, char *const dest, int *srcSizePtr, int const maxOutputSize, int maxNbAttempts, const limitedOutput_directive limit, const dictCtx_directive dict)
Definition: lz4hc.c:549
int LZ4_compress_HC_continue(LZ4_streamHC_t *LZ4_streamHCPtr, const char *src, char *dst, int srcSize, int dstCapacity)
Definition: lz4hc.c:1138
int LZ4_compress_HC(const char *src, char *dst, int srcSize, int dstCapacity, int compressionLevel)
Definition: lz4hc.c:954
LZ4_streamHC_t * LZ4_createStreamHC(void)
Definition: lz4hc.c:985
static int LZ4HC_compress_optimal(LZ4HC_CCtx_internal *ctx, const char *const source, char *dst, int *srcSizePtr, int dstCapacity, int const nbSearches, size_t sufficient_len, const limitedOutput_directive limit, int const fullUpdate, const dictCtx_directive dict, const HCfavor_e favorDecSpeed)
Definition: lz4hc.c:1314
int LZ4_compressHC2_limitedOutput_withStateHC(void *state, const char *src, char *dst, int srcSize, int maxDstSize, int cLevel)
Definition: lz4hc.c:1196
int LZ4_compress_HC_extStateHC_fastReset(void *state, const char *src, char *dst, int srcSize, int dstCapacity, int compressionLevel)
Definition: lz4hc.c:935
void LZ4_setCompressionLevel(LZ4_streamHC_t *LZ4_streamHCPtr, int compressionLevel)
Definition: lz4hc.c:1041
LZ4_FORCE_INLINE int LZ4HC_InsertAndFindBestMatch(LZ4HC_CCtx_internal *const hc4, const BYTE *const ip, const BYTE *const iLimit, const BYTE **matchpos, const int maxNbAttempts, const int patternAnalysis, const dictCtx_directive dict)
Definition: lz4hc.c:446
int LZ4_loadDictHC(LZ4_streamHC_t *LZ4_streamHCPtr, const char *dictionary, int dictSize)
Definition: lz4hc.c:1056
int LZ4_compressHC_continue(LZ4_streamHC_t *ctx, const char *src, char *dst, int srcSize)
Definition: lz4hc.c:1197
void LZ4_resetStreamHC(LZ4_streamHC_t *LZ4_streamHCPtr, int compressionLevel)
Definition: lz4hc.c:1021
int LZ4_compressHC2_limitedOutput(const char *src, char *dst, int srcSize, int maxDstSize, int cLevel)
Definition: lz4hc.c:1192
int LZ4_compressHC(const char *src, char *dst, int srcSize)
Definition: lz4hc.c:1189
static void LZ4HC_clearTables(LZ4HC_CCtx_internal *hc4)
Definition: lz4hc.c:94
#define MAX(a, b)
Definition: lz4hc.c:81
Definition: lz4hc.c:232
@ rep_untested
Definition: lz4hc.c:232
@ rep_confirmed
Definition: lz4hc.c:232
@ rep_not
Definition: lz4hc.c:232
Definition: lz4hc.h:223
Definition: lz4hc.h:48
Definition: lz4hc.h:50
union LZ4_streamHC_u LZ4_streamHC_t
Definition: lz4hc.h:101
char int int compressionLevel
Definition: lz4hc.h:258
static uint32_t const uint8_t uint32_t uint32_t limit
Definition: memcmplen.h:45
int idx
Definition: setup.py:197
#define min(a, b)
Definition: qsort.h:83
static void repeat(struct parse *, sopno, int, int)
Definition: regcomp.c:1155
#define U16(val)
#define U32(val)
static int
Definition: sfsocketcall.h:114
int size_t
Definition: sftypes.h:40
#define c(i)
Definition: sha256.c:43
#define h(i)
Definition: sha256.c:48
LZ4_u32 dictLimit
Definition: lz4hc.h:209
const LZ4_byte * dictBase
Definition: lz4hc.h:208
const LZ4HC_CCtx_internal * dictCtx
Definition: lz4hc.h:216
LZ4_u32 nextToUpdate
Definition: lz4hc.h:211
short compressionLevel
Definition: lz4hc.h:212
const LZ4_byte * end
Definition: lz4hc.h:206
const LZ4_byte * base
Definition: lz4hc.h:207
LZ4_i8 favorDecSpeed
Definition: lz4hc.h:213
Definition: lz4hc.h:204
LZ4_u32 lowLimit
Definition: lz4hc.h:210
LZ4_u16 chainTable[LZ4HC_MAXD]
Definition: lz4hc.h:205
Definition: buffer.h:15
Definition: engine.c:71
Definition: dis.h:43
int pos
Definition: main.c:11
LZ4HC_CCtx_internal internal_donotuse
Definition: lz4hc.h:227
Definition: dis.c:32
#define KB
Definition: unum.c:91
#define GB
Definition: unum.c:93
static st64 delta
Definition: vmenus.c:2425