unix-like reverse engineering framework and cli tools
DotZLib.ChecksumGenerator Interface Reference

Declares methods and properties that enables a running checksum to be calculated More...

Inheritance diagram for DotZLib.ChecksumGenerator:
DotZLib.ChecksumGeneratorBase DotZLib.AdlerChecksum DotZLib.CRC32Checksum

Public Member Functions

void Reset ()
 Clears the current checksum to 0 More...
void Update (byte[] data)
 Updates the current checksum with an array of bytes More...
void Update (byte[] data, int offset, int count)
 Updates the current checksum with part of an array of bytes More...
void Update (string data)
 Updates the current checksum with the data from a string More...
void Update (string data, Encoding encoding)
 Updates the current checksum with the data from a string, using a specific encoding More...


uint Value [get]
 Gets the current value of the checksum More...

Detailed Description

Declares methods and properties that enables a running checksum to be calculated

Definition at line 114 of file DotZLib.cs.

Member Function Documentation

◆ Reset()

void DotZLib.ChecksumGenerator.Reset ( )

Clears the current checksum to 0

Implemented in DotZLib.ChecksumGeneratorBase.

◆ Update() [1/4]

void DotZLib.ChecksumGenerator.Update ( byte[]  data)

Updates the current checksum with an array of bytes

dataThe data to update the checksum with

Implemented in DotZLib.ChecksumGeneratorBase.

◆ Update() [2/4]

void DotZLib.ChecksumGenerator.Update ( byte[]  data,
int  offset,
int  count 

Updates the current checksum with part of an array of bytes

dataThe data to update the checksum with
offsetWhere in data to start updating
countThe number of bytes from data to use
ArgumentExceptionThe sum of offset and count is larger than the length of data
ArgumentNullExceptiondata is a null reference
ArgumentOutOfRangeExceptionOffset or count is negative.

Implemented in DotZLib.AdlerChecksum, DotZLib.CRC32Checksum, and DotZLib.ChecksumGeneratorBase.

◆ Update() [3/4]

void DotZLib.ChecksumGenerator.Update ( string  data)

Updates the current checksum with the data from a string

dataThe string to update the checksum with

The characters in the string are converted by the UTF-8 encoding

Implemented in DotZLib.ChecksumGeneratorBase.

◆ Update() [4/4]

void DotZLib.ChecksumGenerator.Update ( string  data,
Encoding  encoding 

Updates the current checksum with the data from a string, using a specific encoding

dataThe string to update the checksum with
encodingThe encoding to use

Implemented in DotZLib.ChecksumGeneratorBase.

Property Documentation

◆ Value

uint DotZLib.ChecksumGenerator.Value

Gets the current value of the checksum

Definition at line 119 of file DotZLib.cs.

119 { get; }

The documentation for this interface was generated from the following file: